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  1. O

    Safety of eating eggs from newly discovered guinea nest

    Yes, I would have to agree with you. Great idea to cook and feed back. My chickens are confined now, so they’d probably really appreciate them! :)
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    Safety of eating eggs from newly discovered guinea nest

    I haven’t had too much luck finding the guinea nests so far this year. Every time I find one, it’s because something else found them first and scattered shells. However… tonight I found one with almost 40 eggs in it (we have 8 guineas, I think 4 females), so even if all 4 are using this nest...
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    Guinea male bullying smaller male

    Thank you! I did make a little hidey-hole bush from some cedar limbs in their pen yesterday with 3 exits. Is there a threshold we should watch for when the bullying is getting too severe that we need intervene somehow?
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    Guinea male bullying smaller male

    Our flock stats: First time guinea owners Started with 13 keets last July, and are currently down to 10 adults due to predators Not sure how many males vs females but there’s at least a few of each I’d say Sleep in coop at night, ~9’x12’ with 16+ ft of roosting space between 2 beams. Free range...
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    Very large swollen Guinea toe, no limping

    Oh interesting... its been so warm here but maybe her toe was sticking out from under her on a cold night? I'll try to get a glimpse of the bottom, but the toenail is still there yes!
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    Very large swollen Guinea toe, no limping

    Any ideas what this swelling could be from? I can't seem to find photos like it anywhere. These are pics of 2 different birds of our 12-bird flock. They aren't limping, but the one with the bigger swelling holds it off the ground some - as if it just feels weird, sort of like a dog that has tape...
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    Mixing Keet Ages

    Thank you! I considered this, maybe cornering off a part at the bottom and just hope the new ones don't get pooped on too much. 2 small guineas sure do poop a lot 😵‍💫 Here is a picture of the inside for reference. Quite the pair aren't they? I think maybe hardware cloth-ing off the half of the...
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    Mixing Keet Ages

    I am trying to start my first flock of guineas. I have two 4-5 week old keets left out of the 6 I originally brought home (black snake...), and I am getting six freshly hatched keets in a couple days to replenish the flock. I have the 2 older ones in a 2x3 garden shed converted to a coop. The...
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