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  1. Indigopearl

    Sudden chicken death with unknown cause...

    Thank you for your response and the info. I actually never saw her picked on at all. In fact, to my surprise, I saw her pick on the low chicken once or twice. I’m certain she was not being hindered from eating or drinking. I already disposed of her body because I was worried about predators...
  2. Indigopearl

    Sudden chicken death with unknown cause...

    Yesterday my daughter took care of our chickens and said that one of them (Pipit) was so tired she wouldn't even come in for scratch grains and mealworms, so she carried her in. We were running late and I was making food to bring to a gathering, and then we didn't get home until late. Today our...
  3. Indigopearl

    Mystery chicks- what breed produces feathers like this??

    Thank you! Her feathers seem so much more fluffy than the other chicks we've had but our reference for comparison is very limited. Great quote and scripture, btw!
  4. Indigopearl

    Mystery chicks- what breed produces feathers like this??

    Are the Thank you for your reply! Are feathers that fan out at the edges like this typical for most breeds then? I was searching for pictures of feathers similar to these and couldn’t find any. Is that just because people expect feathers to look like this so they’re not posting zoomed in pics...
  5. Indigopearl

    Mystery chicks- what breed produces feathers like this??

    Things I forgot to say: Starling (black chick) has some rust colored feathering on her chest. Pipit (3rd chick pictured) is significantly smaller than everyone else.
  6. Indigopearl

    Mystery chicks- what breed produces feathers like this??

    We hatched these 5 week old chicks from eggs given to us by a friend whose mom has an assortment of chickens. He said she has EEs and silkies amongst others he didn’t know the breed. I also know he has RIRs. But that’s all the info I’ve got. These chicks all have 4 toes, smooth legs, and single...
  7. Indigopearl

    Container that will prevent chicks from jumping into fermented feed??

    Thank you, these are great suggestions- and your pictures were definitely helpful!
  8. Indigopearl

    Container that will prevent chicks from jumping into fermented feed??

    My 4 and 8 week old chicks lovvvvve their fermented feed. I give it to them in a bowl and as soon as I put it down, a couple chicks always jump in and scratch at it like crazy. It clings to their feet, and as they jump in and out, makes them dirt (and possibly poo) magnets, which they bring back...
  9. Indigopearl

    Anyone want to play guess that chick?

    This is extremely helpful. I especially appreciate that you included the picture with all the parts labeled so that when I inevitably forgot what hackles were (again), I could easily reference it.
  10. Indigopearl

    Anyone want to play guess that chick?

    What is the main thing you look for to make your determination- mostly the growth rate and color of the combs??
  11. Indigopearl

    Anyone want to play guess that chick?

    I'm pretty amazed that you could tell with that level of accuracy at just over 2 weeks! The cockerels are so lovely- I wish we could keep them. We have 7 more chicks which are going on 2 weeks old so I'm really hopeful that we'll have a total of 4 girls when all is said and done!
  12. Indigopearl

    Anyone want to play guess that chick?

    So, at 5 weeks, 2 days, I feel like I can say pretty confidently that you guys who said all cockerels except #4 were right! #2 has been trying to crow (a bit pathetically but still). And I swear #3 does everything possible to get Sparrow (#4) on an end of the roost so he can be the only one to...
  13. Indigopearl

    Anyone want to play guess that chick?

    Yes, thank you! I’ll get some more pics in a week or two and see if it’s confirming or not so much.
  14. Indigopearl

    Anyone want to play guess that chick?

    It is definitely possible the rooster is a mix with something else. My friend had no idea what he was and I only got cream legbar based on looking at lots of different rooster pics and guessing based on appearance. Although, another post on here had Legbar/B.O. cross chicks and some of the...
  15. Indigopearl

    Anyone want to play guess that chick?

    Play fighting like where they fly at each other and chest bump. They all do it to some degree but those two are the most likely to start it. Thank you- I will be happy even if only one is a hen if it is my little Sparrow, #4. Though my daughter really wants to keep #2 so she'll be hoping you're...
  16. Indigopearl

    Anyone want to play guess that chick?

    I have 4 chicks that are 2w 2d old from what I believe to be a cream legbar roo and for sure buff orpington hen. I do know there's no real way to tell at this point but I enjoy guessing and since these are my first chicks ever, thought I'd enlist some more experienced guessers to play along! My...
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