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  1. JLoWil

    Producer’s Pride Sentinel XL Chicken Coop (Paint or no paint?) - TSC

    I used one of the circular drill attachments to cut holes out then covered the holes with hardware cloth. I also made my own ladder style roost bar so there’s two instead of 1 and poop doesn’t get in the nesting boxes
  2. JLoWil

    A visual - adult chickens in Producer’s Pride Sentinel Coop

    Before my chickens even went outside from their indoor brooder, I modified the roost bar inside to make two bars instead of 1 and cut into the “run” area to extend it. My 2 Orpingtons and 2 satins fit fine in here as only the orpies use the roost bar. Later, I added another small coop for 3...
  3. JLoWil

    Pipping now!!!

    Nothing yet ;(
  4. JLoWil

    Pipping now!!!

    Ok good because these feel dense , like the little baby did yesterday . I’m definitely not opening the lid again and just going to wait and watch :)
  5. JLoWil

    Sebright and D’uccle sexing

    Why do you think two cockerel? Everything I read and saw pics off says they’re easy to sex at an early age of around 4 weeks and none of them have a hint of wattles or combs- esp a raised red comb.. ???
  6. JLoWil

    Sebright and D’uccle sexing

    Two silver sebrights and one porcelain d’uccle- just about 5 weeks old . Sex??
  7. JLoWil

    Pipping now!!!

    I candled the rest of the eggs in the incubator just now. I am leaving five eggs in because they look like they are still viable. Five looked like they were never fertilized and just look like eggs. One looked like at some point it started to develop but stopped a while ago. Looked like a small...
  8. JLoWil

    Pipping now!!!

    The candle are on top of this incubator is useless, and when I put the eggs on a flashlight, I feel like I can’t see anything through the egg like the egg shells are so thick that I can’t see anything. My friends said when they hatched the last babies, they didn’t hatch until day 25 in the...
  9. JLoWil

    Pipping now!!!

    None of the others had pipped or moved yesterday. I just had the 1. Today is day 21 for 8 of the eggs. It’s day 22 for 3 more
  10. JLoWil

    Pipping now!!!

    Thank you 🙏 So far this morning, I haven’t seen any activity
  11. JLoWil

    Pipping now!!!

    Thank you so much. I appreciate the help and hope you’ll be there in the next few days if I have questions ❤️
  12. JLoWil

    Pipping now!!!

    Thank you so much! Unfortunately the little one died ;( rip “Squaggles McGee” …named by my 6 year old. Im not opening that lid again! I have 11 eggs left in there. I feel if I never opened it and it died, I’d blame myself… but I opened it and it died and I still blame myself. Meanwhile, I know...
  13. JLoWil

    Pipping now!!!

    Ok thank you ! It’s not like dripping blood or anything, but I could definitely see there is blood present because the membrane inside around him is also opened. It’s like there’s an outer layer membrane that the shell is attached to and then there is the other membrane which is the sac that is...
  14. JLoWil

    Pipping now!!!

    I have the lid completely closed. He has more of the egg opened and is chirping. There’s like a thin layer of papery film just under the shell, but beyond that underneath it looks like part of the sac is open and around the chick itself. I could see it’s feathers
  15. JLoWil

    Pipping now!!!

    The current temperature is 94.8. I am not at home, but I am watching the incubator through a Camera LOL I could raise the temperature when I get home.
  16. JLoWil

    Pipping now!!!

    There hasn’t been any condensation at all. I have never used this incubator before and never hatched chicks before. These are my friends chickens eggs, and their incubator I am using. They used it prior and successfully hatched 6 eggs .
  17. JLoWil

    Pipping now!!!

    It’s been at 74% humidity. It only read 99 when I first put it in and it was on the hatch tray right above water. I lifted the sensor off the tray and it’s been at 74/73%. The temp readout on incubator is matching the humidity/temp sensor now
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