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  1. Myah1011

    Can my Turkey hatch chickens?

    Oh alright, thank you for telling me that :))
  2. Myah1011

    Can my Turkey hatch chickens?

    Recently my Turkey has been trying to hatch out a clutch of eggs along with a few chicken eggs, the thing is we don’t have a Tom so they just aren’t going to hatch. And no one around my area has turkeys either. I was wondering if giving her some chicken eggs would be okay? It’s rare for us to...
  3. Myah1011

    Need help with worms, type I have and medication I should use to eradicate it. Warning : gross picture

    I believe I ended up using fenbenazole but I would have to look again since it’s been so long, I tell you what I used tomorrow once I find it though!
  4. Myah1011

    Found injured pigeon today

    I ended up going through with my decision and released Valentino, the whole experience was very amazing, watching him get better made me feel very happy, I’m not sad but happy that I ended up making a difference since his population (band tailed pigeons) apparently decreases by 2% each year. I...
  5. Myah1011

    Found injured pigeon today

    I think Valentino is ready to be released but I just want to make sure, luckily his wing wasn’t broken, probably just a sprain since he is now a little flighty, he can now fly to the top of my closet which is 7-8 feet. His dropping are looking normal and he’s still eating and drinking, my only...
  6. Myah1011

    Found injured pigeon today

    Hey sorry for not responding sooner! Valentino is doing great! I didn’t update for the past few days since nothing significant really happened but he’s getting more energy and eating a ton! His poop is still looking good and he seems to be healing faster than I thought he would, still not seeing...
  7. Myah1011

    Found injured pigeon today

    Yes he’s native so I’ll do some searching for some wildlife centers in my area 👍
  8. Myah1011

    Found injured pigeon today

    Alright thank you for the information :)
  9. Myah1011

    Found injured pigeon today

    Ah thank you! it says that the bag limit for them is 2, so does that mean they are not protected? ‘sorry for the confusion!
  10. Myah1011

    Found injured pigeon today

    Btw update on Valentino, I saw him eating and drinking which is a pretty good sign! He was also bobbing his head a lot and moving around a bit (only did this after I played some pigeon noises.) He also is still having normal poop, overall though he seems to be doing pretty good so far, I’ll...
  11. Myah1011

    Found injured pigeon today

    I did a bit of research on band tails for my area and it says that they are not protected here or at least from the few pages that I found, although I’ll try to see if o can find any wildlife rehabs near me.
  12. Myah1011

    Found injured pigeon today

    Throughout the night I made sure to check on Valentino multiple times to adjust the heat or just see how he’s doing and he lived through the night which I’ll take as a win! He seems to be a bit more observant today, he's moving his head a bit more but mostly just watching me. Overall though he...
  13. Myah1011

    Found injured pigeon today

    Okay my folks just got home and helped me dress Valentinos wounds, we gave him the Vetericyn and the triple antibiotic ointment, I also put some more towels with him and will turn the heater off and on throughout the night, our house is usually in the 60-70 range though so I don’t think he will...
  14. Myah1011

    Found injured pigeon today

    Okay thank you very much! This is the first time I’ve had to deal with an injured bird, i’m taking it as a valuable lesson though since I want to become a veterinarian someday, but I’ll really try to help him, I’m am very grateful for all your insight and I hope he recovers too! This Valentines...
  15. Myah1011

    Found injured pigeon today

    Alright I could find another heat source and yes I am definitely keeping him far away from my cockatiels and I’m making sure to wash my hands 3 times after touching him before I even get close to my two girl cockatiels! also not sure if this is a dumb question but is it preferred for me to keep...
  16. Myah1011

    Found injured pigeon today

    Yes sorry I forgot to mention that I did give him some cockatiel/ parakeet food since I have cockatiels, he’s currently in my closet and I always have the heater running so I could move the heater close to the closet! I’ll definitely make sure to spray him with the vetericyn and I probably have...
  17. Myah1011

    Found injured pigeon today

    Thank you for the response! since posting I have figured out that he is not in fact banded so I searched up the species in my general area and found out that he is most likely a band tailed pigeon which is a wild type of pigeon. I’m not really sure if we have any rescues in my area and I don’t...
  18. Myah1011

    Found injured pigeon today

    If better pictures are needed or other areas that I should take pictures of then just ask! When I grabbed him he didn’t fly away and had his wing not close to him body which signals to me of a fracture of some sort, I found him and a pile of feathers so that’s why I think he was attacked by a...
  19. Myah1011

    Found injured pigeon today

    Today I found an injured pigeon in front of my house, I have never taken in a wild bird before so I am ill equipped of knowledge, from looking him over he doesn’t seem to be gravely injured but it looks like he got attacked by a hawk or other ariel bird, I believe one of his wings are broken...
  20. Myah1011

    Turkey with possible respiratory infection?!

    This was a post I made a very long time ago sadly yes they did die but they were never around any of my flock or outside yet, we believe that the carrier we got them from had given them to us already sick because we had only had them for 2 days, it was a truly sad experience but now I have 2...
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