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  1. PankakeZillA

    Canker Treatment Suggestions??

    Hi all, My poor flock can't catch a break it seems. 😭 One of my Easter Eggers, Cocoa, has seemed to develop canker. Thankfully I caught it pretty early compared to some of the other pictures I've seen of canker sores in others' birds. She's the only one in the flock with lesions in her mouth. I...
  2. PankakeZillA

    Thoughts on what this could be?? Need help please

    We have 10 other chickens and nobody else is showing any signs of marek's at the moment. I do not want to cull the entire flock. I'll keep a closed flock and keep them as happy and healthy as possible for the time being. Not sure if there's anything else I can do at this point and we don't plan...
  3. PankakeZillA

    Thoughts on what this could be?? Need help please

    Got an update from the lab for our necropsy results and it states the findings are consistent with Marek’s disease 😭 results were negative for avian flu, MG/MS, and Newcastle disease. I’m so bummed but at least we have answers now.
  4. PankakeZillA

    Thoughts on what this could be?? Need help please

    Thank you for the condolences, it's heartbreaking to see any animal suffer 😔
  5. PankakeZillA

    Thoughts on what this could be?? Need help please

    I will check this out, thank you so much for your help! I will get a necropsy done, won't be able to drop her off until tomorrow but definitely will get it done to try to get answers.
  6. PankakeZillA

    Thoughts on what this could be?? Need help please

    Well, the most recent chick that started acting strange was dead in the coop this morning 😭 my other one that isn’t able to walk is actually showing signs of improvement though, which befuddles me. I switched to some rooster booster with electrolytes and probiotics to see if it would help at...
  7. PankakeZillA

    Hi everyone!

    Thanks for letting me join! I've been a long-time lurker on the site but never got around to making a profile to post. I live in Central FL and have raised chickens, ducks and geese since I was a little girl. (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? - been raising them...
  8. PankakeZillA

    Thoughts on what this could be?? Need help please

    The article was very informative. The other illnesses that sound similar don't really sound like what the chicks have been displaying, but it's hard to say since I can only go off the symptoms they are presenting which aren't very consistent other than it always starting with eyes squinting that...
  9. PankakeZillA

    Coop survived bear attack

    Bears are incredibly strong, I've watched one tear the door off a pickup truck to get to a bag of dog food. We also had one destroy our coop a month or so ago and unfortunately it got a handful of ours. It kept coming back until we got an electric fence put up. Haven't had issues since, thank...
  10. PankakeZillA

    Thoughts on what this could be?? Need help please

    Thanks for the welcome! 😊 it's definitely been a rough month or so, I love our babies as they're pets and just want to give them the best life. Thankfully I have been alternating the vitamins and corrid since I had read the vitamins can cause the corrid to not be effective since it tries to...
  11. PankakeZillA

    Thoughts on what this could be?? Need help please

    Hi there, long time follower of the forum and first time posting. I have been searching and searching for similar situations to what's going on with our chicks but seem to be getting all kinds of results. Some background, we have 2 older hens that are around 5 years old and aren't displaying any...
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