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  1. Hysteria

    Official BYC Poll: Do You Wear a Mask or Respirator When Cleaning Your Coop?

    So sorry to hear about your allergies. I had similar allergies to outdoors, but it has been cured out permanently, how? With a 3 month herbal tea cure . My allergies came from my kidneys ( most allergies does…) Drinking enough water sometimes it’s not enough; needs a bit more; and here comes...
  2. Hysteria

    Official BYC Poll: Do You Wear a Mask or Respirator When Cleaning Your Coop?

    I don’t wear mask ever. Trust The Lord, and till now didn’t got any sickess. I keep my birds healty. Enjoing the freedom to breathe ( till I can)
  3. Hysteria

    Official BYC Poll: Do You Wear a Mask or Respirator When Cleaning Your Coop?

    I mix well the poop with saw dust. Works excellent.
  4. Hysteria

    Official BYC Poll: Do You Wear a Mask or Respirator When Cleaning Your Coop?

    I never wear mask even despite serving in Japan. It’s not enough air for my lungs.Never got any disease from my birds/coop/droppings, what I compost right away every morning. During Covid also I didn’t wore mask even (some) Japanes people were piercing me with their look under their double...
  5. Hysteria

    Simple low profile mini incubator upgrade attempt

    Yes, and used as well. The good feature is constant water supply; from lockdown day no need to open the hatcher just enjoy the births. Con: a bit loud; can’t be kept in bedroom; Changed the sexes of the chicken breed; what do I mean? Well: I used local Japanese breed “ gotou 33” red hens and...
  6. Hysteria

    Why roosters only?

    My native tongue is Hungarian; living and serving in Japan as a Christian missionary and pastor. My “English” is terrible I know. Thanks for your kind correction.
  7. Hysteria

    Why roosters only?

    Miracle happend!!: The white rooster ( I thought it was a he) after much crowling, suddenly laid an egg….. A crowling hen… I live in a very strict policy neigborhood in Japan. After the first red rooster was taken away, the second hen like one, unbelivingly in about a week dramatically...
  8. Hysteria

    Why roosters only?

    Thank you very much!!!
  9. Hysteria

    Why roosters only?

    Really apreciate!! Thank you!
  10. Hysteria

    Eggs from only 1 or 2 hens hatching

    Had similar experiences regarding low hatching rate; but at least I enjoy more the very few ones who hatched succsessfully.
  11. Hysteria

    Why roosters only?

    Well from two attemps: first 4 eggs in a small simple incubator; got 2 succsessful births of 4; both roosters who died because of poorly mounted heating lamp( by me…) what did fry them ( was devastated); second attempt with a different cheap Chinese hatcher “ fully automated” from 7 eggs 3...
  12. Hysteria

    Why roosters only?

    I’m wondering what is the reason that only roosters get born in a small home incubator/hatcher? Temperatures/humidity/motions all decent. Successful births, but always all are roosters and not one hen. Has to be a reason. Does anybody have wisdom on this? Appreciate!
  13. Hysteria

    Hen drinking a lot of water?

    The result : " stool test Inspection date: September 7, 23 rooster-chan ( means cute little rooster) Properties Hardness: Abnormal Odor: Abnormal Color tone: normal/ abnormal ( abnormal) direct method Bacterial balance: normal /abnormal ( abnormal) Protozoa: absent...
  14. Hysteria

    Hen drinking a lot of water?

    Thank you! AlsoWikipedia says " Diagnosis and treatment Edit Coccidiosis can be diagnosed by finding oocysts in fecal smears. In early stages of the disease, there may be very few oocysts being shed, and a negative test does not rule out the disease...
  15. Hysteria

    Hen drinking a lot of water?

    The coccidosis it's likely to kill the rooster before he can have the chance to do his first crowing:-(
  16. Hysteria

    Hen drinking a lot of water?

    I'm changing the outdoor spot and I stopped putting him together with the hens. Worse scenario I might be forced to kill him, burying deep; saving the other two healthy hens:-(
  17. Hysteria

    Hen drinking a lot of water?

    I have found on Amazon; ten pounds for 300 bucks; arrives at end of October. Trying to find a quicker delivery
  18. Hysteria

    Hen drinking a lot of water?

    Thank you very much; I don't know where to find these here in Japan. Yes, he has full sun access every ( sunny) day. And there's an outdoor run space with a lot of abundant green vegetation, partially covered with leaves/branchess as a protection against too strong sun. There he have fellowship...
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