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  1. V

    Goose mauled chicken

    Hi and thanks for replying. That would be difficult to do. They spend all year together either in large fully fenced in run or outside in the day in fenced in yard area where they can forage. Hmmm. What to do.
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    Goose mauled chicken

    Hi all. This is my third year with chickens and geese. I have 9 hens one rooster. My gander which was raised with chickens (I got all the birds at same time), mauled my only white leghorn couple weeks ago. It is mating season and gander has been edgy like every year this time. Usually friendly...
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    Question about electric fence

    Hello all, I have a question about American farm works solar powered electric fence charger. It typically sends a signal of current once each second and the light flashes once per second and I can typically hear the electricity popping once per second. It was raining and I could see small spark...
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    Bare hens and winter

    Hi all, I have a flock of 8 hens 1 rooster all one year old. About half the hens the rooster has overmated and they have lost most or all the feathers on their backs. I know this is common and if they are not being picked bloody by the other hens it is generally not a problem in and of itself...
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    Gander suddenly quiet and seems off

    Thanks for checking in. Seems same. Eating drinking loving the bath still. Just doesn’t squawk anymore. I love the buff squawks. The chickens all seem fine as well. I switched food to see if anything changes. I guess it will be a few more weeks til his flight feathers fill in. Right now lots of...
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    Gander suddenly quiet and seems off

    I haven’t seen more lost feathers the past couple days. How long would you expect until he seemed better after having molted all the feathers he will lose? Thanks for all your help.
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    Gander suddenly quiet and seems off

    Hi I forgot to mention above he is molting. He has lost all his big feathers over the past 2-3 weeks. Can molting chase the behavior change? Also, Does the gander need higher protein when molting? Does same logic apply to chickens when they begin molting?
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    Gander suddenly quiet and seems off

    Hi and thanks for responding. I checked the bag. It’s a product I haven’t used before but they were out of the normal organic feed. It’s an all flock 16% protein. Label says specifically it can be used for chickens, ducks, and geese. The gander and chickens are kept together and eat together...
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    Gander suddenly quiet and seems off

    One of the hens has made a squeaking sound a couple times a day like a sneeze maybe? The goose has not. Haven’t seen bloody stools or worms. I don’t k ow what CRD is. Never had clock tested for anything. Goose eats local organic food. I don’t think I could weigh the goose. He would thrash too much.
  10. V

    Building goose coop for 3 geese. Vermont winters. Insulate?

    Our air temp can get to -30. I think I’m not going to add insulation in walls of coop because I keep reading it causes condensation.
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    Building goose coop for 3 geese. Vermont winters. Insulate?

    Hi, I posted this as well in goose forum. I live in Vermont near Canadian border. We can get as cold as -30 or -40 in winter. I’m building new coop out of plywood and board. With three geese in there and deep layer of pine shavings would you build insulation into the coop? Last winter I had one...
  12. V

    Building goose coop, do you guys insulate in very cold climates?

    I now have 3 geese and will need to build a coop for them. My gander did fine in his first Vermont winter, probably got to -25F a few times. Bedded down in small coop with pine shavings and 6ml plastic insulation sheet wrapped around most of coop overnight. I’m building a plywood and board...
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    Gander suddenly quiet and seems off

    Hello all, My one year old gander who lives with chickens has changed significantly over the past week. He used to honk if a car came up our road, He would honk from time to time every day as he walked around the yard with the chickens. He used to honk every time that the rooster crowed. Now...
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    Rooster de-feathering all my hens due to mating

    Rooster is 1 yo. The bare backs are covered by aprons. The hens can't pick at the other hens' backs becasue the apron covers their backs. I'm saying the feathers aren't regrowing, and I wonder if you all would get rid of your rooster?
  15. V

    Rooster de-feathering all my hens due to mating

    Hi all, I have 8 hens and 1 RIR rooster. Over the past 6 months I began noticing the hen's backs were becoming bare. I ordered aprons I found online to protect their backs. The exposed bare skin invited pecking by the other hens. I checked after a couple months and the hens' backs are still bare...
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