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  1. ericalee33

    Review by 'ericalee33' in article 'Chicken Run Build and Shed conversion-25 + pages'

    This is so helpful! I am currently turning a metal shed into a larger coop for my flock, and this info is a game changer!
  2. ericalee33

    Help! Weird chicken behavior

    She seemed much better Friday afternoon, and she is back to normal as of yesterday. It sounds similar to issues your chickens have had.
  3. ericalee33

    Help! Weird chicken behavior

    Well, I thought she was. She is eating and drinking… but still a little more lethargic than the rest and definitely holding her tail weird. Here is a picture of my maybe sick hen and then my healthy one.
  4. ericalee33

    Help! Weird chicken behavior

    Also, she is acting fine now. Pooping, drinking, eating. Her tail is back up.
  5. ericalee33

    Help! Weird chicken behavior

    They eat a local feed that has crushed oyster shells, and I have extra available for them. They also free range & forage plus get leftover veggies or fruit a few days a week.
  6. ericalee33

    Help! Weird chicken behavior

    Hi! I’ve had my flock for about 8-9 months, and it has gone really well. My hens are all laying consistently and seem happy. Today, though, a weird incident occurred. One of my cream legbars was nowhere to be found when we put my flock back in their run from free ranging. This was unusual for...
  7. ericalee33

    Ayam Cemani Eye Injury?

    He is a young cockerel working to establish dominance over his hens. I haven’t seen any of them mess with him, but I’m sure it’s possible one of them pecked at him. I’m going to keep treating him and hope for the best. He’s acting totally normal and active, but he is definitely favoring his good...
  8. ericalee33

    Ayam Cemani Eye Injury?

    I haven’t seen any bubbles or foam. I will definitely get some saline for an eye wash, though! And read up on MG. I have not added any new birds. I got my whole flock at the same time as chicks.
  9. ericalee33

    Black Copper Maran & Langshans

    Oh, I didn’t even think about eye color! That’s very helpful. I send her pictures about 4 weeks ago when she identified the breeds for me (I took off their leg bands too early and the hairy legged chickens were hard to tell apart at a young age)… so maybe it’s easier to tell now!
  10. ericalee33

    Black Copper Maran & Langshans

    Hi all! I have some questions on breeds for my little rooster flock. For background info, there are two black copper marans and two Langshans in the group of chicks I bought. One Langshan is a hen and is not pictured, she stays separate from my rooster flock with my main flock. These guys...
  11. ericalee33

    Ayam Cemani Eye Injury?

    Hi! I noticed that my cockerel has an issue with one of his eyes the other day. I have no idea what could have happened to it, but one is kinda squinty and sunken in. His other eye is round and healthy looking. I’ve been using vetericyn ophthalmic gel in his eye. I was just curious if anyone...
  12. ericalee33

    North Carolina

    I did not find a home for them! I actually ended up creating a coop down at my barn away from my other one after doing some rooster flock research do now I have a small flock of 4 cockerels down there!
  13. ericalee33

    North Carolina

    Hi guys! I’m in Orange County, and I have three 8 week old cockerels to rehome. 2 black copper maran and 1 blue ameracauna. They are all so beautiful in person. They are from Dragonfly Farm in Hillsborough, and she raises beautiful birds with great temperaments. Pictures do not do them justice...
  14. ericalee33

    North Carolina - rehoming BCM and Ameracauna

    Where would I find that thread? I’ve tried searching for it and I’m not finding what I would need.
  15. ericalee33

    Ayam Cemani

    I am 99.99 percent sure that I have one cockerel and one pullet… but I’m coming for confirmation anyway! Wednesday is in the second picture. She’s petite with a small comb. A sweet & shy disposition. Toothless is in the first. He’s confident, curious, and friendly. His comb is much more...
  16. ericalee33

    North Carolina - rehoming BCM and Ameracauna

    Hi everyone! I have some 8 week old cockerels to rehome. Im keeping 2 of my 5… but unfortunately have to rehome the other 3. 2 black copper marans 1 blue ameracauna They came from dragonfly farm in hillsborough.
  17. ericalee33

    Hi everyone!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? This is my first time raising my own chickens, but I grew up around my grandmas. I got them at the end of March. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I have 14 at the moment, but I have too many cockerels so I will be...
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