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  1. S

    Do my chickens have mites!

    Thanks but I have already checked them for mites multiple times. I may be dealing with Depluming Mites which (from what I’ve read) burrow in and hard to identify 😐. They are not molting and no bullying going on, it’s some type of bug that I cannot see on them. I bought elector PSP however, I...
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    Do my chickens have mites!

    My chickens have bare patches of missing feathers and keep scratching and pruning…I have examined them a few times but don’t see anything at all on them! What could this be🙁 It’s as though they have invisible bugs. Please help!
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    Egg eating chicken

    Update: she’s separated in a cage while we work with her and while we were gone, she laid and ate her own egg again! This is after the soap filled one. My question is, how long should I keep trying these soap filled eggs? A few days or a week…is there a recommended timeframe? Can anyone share...
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    Egg eating chicken

    Update: she went for the soap filled egg and almost ate all of it! She kept shaking her head but kept going back eating away at the shell. I don’t know if this bird can be broken. Question : will her egg be consumable tomorrow after ingesting dish soap and should I try another one? I’m at such...
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    Egg eating chicken

    Thank you! I will go straight for the dish liquid. She came from a flock that was taken by a hawk. I hate to kill her since she’s a survivor. She came with the bad habit already. I just hope the dish soap doesn’t poison her.
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    Egg eating chicken

    That’s one thing I haven’t tried but willing to give it a go. Thanks
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    Egg eating chicken

    Should I cull my hen who is eating the eggs? We’ve tried everything from fake eggs to rollaway boxes. She’s actually digging the eggs out of the rollaway box to eat them and grabbing the eggs from under hens while laying! There’s nothing missing in her diet and I have grit, oyster shells...
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    Found injured hen!

    Update: she made it thru the night! Applied warm water and Neosporin as suggested. She took a few sips of Gatorade but not wanting to eat or drink right now 😟 Plan on giving her an epsom salt soak to maybe revive her. The dark blood crusting hasn’t loosened yet so I can’t evaluate her eye &...
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    Found injured hen!

    Thanks so much…I will try patting with warm washcloth and applying ointment. I hope she still has at least one eye if not both. Want to give her a fighting chance. Greatful for the suggestions. I didn’t know where to begin.
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    Found injured hen!

    Here’s a couple of pictures. It looks like some type of head injury with a wound. My husband thinks maybe a car hit her. I don’t understand what happened to her eyes. Poor thing. This is heartbreaking 😕
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    Found injured hen!

    Help. My daughter found an injured hen at the park and we brought it home to try and save it. The hen appears to have both eyes missing with trauma to the head. We offered water by spoon in which she did drink a little. She remains in the nesting position as we haven’t seen her walk. We put her...
  12. S

    Moved chicken feed

    You’re right so we nailed plywood down sealing the whole top then affixed the corrugated roof on top of that…so there’s absolutely no way they can enter through the top (unless they chew through the plywood) but I’m hoping all these extra steps we’ve taken will eliminate the problem. I realize...
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    Moved chicken feed

    The rats can’t fit through the hardware cloth, but we’re assuming the mice squeeze through is how they get in….there’s no other way they can get in other than squeezing through the tiny hardware cloth. Unless the mice can walk like a spider upside down across the ceiling (there’s nothing to...
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    Moved chicken feed

    Thank you everyone. I’m moving the food back into the run. My husband found a way to suspend the food from the ceiling (which is plywood) where only the chickens will be able to reach and eat (rodents aren’t tall enough) hopefully this solves our problem.
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    Moved chicken feed

    We put it in there yesterday afternoon before we left town. Don’t know if they have sense enough to realize it’s moved into their coop!
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    Moved chicken feed

    I moved my chickens feed into their upstairs coop but they do not appear to be going up to eat (I’ve been keeping an eye through the camera) Do they know to go to the new location since they sleep and lay eggs there? I moved it out of the run due to rodents…the coop is secured tight giving no...
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    Review by 'SaltwaterChickInn' in article 'Broody Breaking ala aart'

    What a great explanation on how to set up broody hen with details and photos! Thank you!
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    How to break a Broody hen

    That’s great news…I hope it works for me, I will try that. Thank you!
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    How to break a Broody hen

    My Buff Orpington won’t come out of the nesting box even though there are no eggs. She won’t come out to eat or drink and it’s very hot weather. I’ve tried moving her out of the coop but she goes back in. If I close the coop door blocking access to the nesting boxes, then the other chickens...
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