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  1. A

    Breeding Buttons - fertilized eggs- how long after mating?

    Thanks so much folks! The reason I asked is, my roo met with an unfortunate end 😔 so upset about it. But with him out if the nest not chasing them one of my lady buttons went broody. Didn't have the heart to take the eggs out so I let her sit on them and put 7 I had already collected in the...
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    Breeding Buttons - fertilized eggs- how long after mating?

    Question about breeding button quail- I have/had a trio of buttons, 1 male 2 female, and I want to hatch their babies. I've seen the male mate with one of the females many times, not too sure about the other one. I've collected about 7 eggs, but they're from both females. Not sure if this is a...
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    Can Button Quail Get Fleas?

    First time raising quail and I let them run around my backyard in an enclosure. Recently discovered my cat has fleas, just treated her with flea medicine and gave her a bath, and wondering if I should be concerned about my button quail? Both the cat and quail hang out in my yard and we get a lot...
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    Button quail sex / color ID

    Yayyy!!! 😂 thank you! Don't think I'm ready to start pressing on anything, kind of creeped me out enough that it looked like it was breathing 🤣
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    Button quail sex / color ID

    Updated photos of all 3 (order #3, #1 & #2)
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    Button quail sex / color ID

    Maybe not the best photo I could have gotten sorry. ??
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    Button quail sex / color ID

    I flipped #2 over for a look at vent today, no idea what I'm looking at but no red or blue anywhere. Couldn't get a good pic of vent b/c I had to push feathers aside to even see, need more hands. Going to try to get a pic later when I can get some help 😂
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    Button quail sex / color ID

    Thank you! They'll be 8wks this Friday so I should start seeing some eggs and find out about #2. So upset right now though because my little #1, Riker, hit her head today flying around my house and got a cut 😭. I cleaned it with some hydrogen peroxide on a q-tip, put on a few layers of liquid...
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    Button quail sex / color ID

    Hello friends! Anyone able to help with sex & color ID of my button quail? 5 weeks old, been trying to ID them by reading other posts and comparing pics but I really have no idea, no prior experience. These are my best guesses but second opinions are greatly appreciated. 1. Normal wild type or...
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    Assist hatch or wait longer for button quail?

    Hoping to be able to tell soon, their feathers have started coming in 🤗 But they are only 11/10/8 days old 😂 in picture order - Riker (my little #1 🖖), Frida (hatched on Cinco de Mayo), and Henny Penny (formerly curled toes). I'll take guesses as to color and sex, I was hoping since they're...
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    Assist hatch or wait longer for button quail?

    Yeah I think the incubator I got isn't very good. I had two thermometer/hygrometers in the incubator which were reading differently both from each other and from the incubator 🤦🏻‍♀️. I had the incubator running 2 days before I put my eggs in, temp and humidity were on point until I opened it to...
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    Assist hatch or wait longer for button quail?

    :clap Bandaid shoes are off! Did a water soak with a tiny bit of baby soap. Toes are much straighter though not as separated as the others but at least the feet are making contact with the ground. Walking a bit awkwardly but hopefully just adjusting now that the bandaids are off. This is her (or...
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    Assist hatch or wait longer for button quail?

    😂 so it seems like he's doing great! I have him in with the other two and they were pecking at the bandaids at first but they stopped, I think just curious. They all seem to be getting along and he's straightening his legs now (he was hobbling along the ground before). Next challenge will be...
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    Assist hatch or wait longer for button quail?

    Okay that was a little overly optimistic of me... even when I managed to get the tape on with the toes fairly straight he couldn't really walk that way. I guess I just had to try 😮‍💨🤷‍♀️ Ok so I tried again this time with bandaids and it seems not too bad. Not sure how straight the toes are...
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    Assist hatch or wait longer for button quail?

    He's starting to look a bit better, has more energy, is hobbling around the incubator and I think his neck is okay, he's preening/fluffing up his little baby fuzz with his beak. I'm not sure what hobbling is? I read a post about making paper tape "shoes" to straighten toes, might try that...
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    Assist hatch or wait longer for button quail?

    Thank you for such a quick response. I helped assist very gently with a pair of tweezers, did not see any blood and membrane didnt look dried out. But yeah not looking too good 😕 definitely curled toes on at least one leg and possibly wry neck I can't tell, having trouble standing. Is this from...
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    Assist hatch or wait longer for button quail?

    Hello! 👋 New here, looking for advice. I'm hatching button quail and I know this is a frequent question, I've read some of the other posts and going back and forth trying to decide if I should assist one of my chicks that has pipped and not making progress. Background info - this is my first...
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    New Button Quail Mom

    Hello! Finally joining this site after learning from it everything I can about button quail. Hatching my first babies, 12 went in the incubator, so far 2 running around being cute and one pipping! 🤞 Wish us luck! -Deb, NYC
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