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  1. BunnyChickenMomma

    Will My Lap Chicken Ever Forgive Me?!

    Update: Rosemary is back to her old self! It turns out the antibiotic she was on was making her sick. The vet had me stop that prescription and she bounced back almost immediately. It's been a few weeks out now and she's back to being my little shadow and demanding snuggles every day. :)
  2. BunnyChickenMomma

    Will My Lap Chicken Ever Forgive Me?!

    My sweet baby Rosemary is the best girl. She runs after me, hops up on my arm whenever I hold it out as a perch, and snuggles under my arm anytime she gets a chance. Or, she did. I had to start administering antibiotics a few days ago and she is now wary of me. I do it in the dark twice a day...
  3. BunnyChickenMomma

    Challenge Giving Pill to Hen

    That's a great idea. Thank you. :)
  4. BunnyChickenMomma

    Tips giving pills to chickens?

    I feel you! ❤️ I have been having the exact same experience. I have to get my hen an antibiotic twice a day, and it is really hard for both of us. Same thing - my tricks would work one time and she figures it out. I tried everything and finally have to hold her down. It sucks, and it's just me...
  5. BunnyChickenMomma

    Challenge Giving Pill to Hen

    Hello, All! My hen, Sage, was recently diagnosed with a bacterial infection. She got a prescription for an antibiotic that I need to give her twice a day for two weeks. She is our gentlest, most skiddish hen whom we call our little lady because she is such a dainty eater. Food doesn't motivate...
  6. BunnyChickenMomma

    Intestinal Shedding? Poop Pics Included

    Hi, All! Yesterday morning, I found a poop with pale red material in it. I decided to keep an eye on the girls and wait to see if more shoes up. All seem healthy, happy, hungry, and energetic, but I know chickens can mask illness really well. This morning, I found another poop and took a...
  7. BunnyChickenMomma

    Lethargic hen with diarrhea.. help please

    I'm so sorry for your loss. You did everything you could.
  8. BunnyChickenMomma

    Losing Feathers & Yellow Poops. Help!

    It usually gets very cold in the winter. We're between 20-40 right now (very unusual to be that warm). The coop has a insulated roof and we have two radiant warmers in there. It is comfortable most nights, but not warm. I'm just worried sick about the amount of feathers she keeps dropping each...
  9. BunnyChickenMomma

    Losing Feathers & Yellow Poops. Help!

    Thyme is not laying eggs anymore, but none of my girls currently are - I'm assuming that's because it gets dark around 4:15pm where I am and we're really getting into winter here. In addition to Thyme and Sage, we also have Parsley and Rosemary. Following your advice, I've been doing vitamin...
  10. BunnyChickenMomma

    Losing Feathers & Yellow Poops. Help!

    Thyme update: she went to the vet yesterday. The vet did a thorough physical examination and said she could not see any mites or lice. Furthermore, she said she couldn't see any red or irritated skin. Thyme doesn't appear to be growing new feathers. The vet said otherwise, Thyme appears to be in...
  11. BunnyChickenMomma

    Any Vegetarians?

    I'm vegetarian and I love making seitan. If you aren't gluten intolerant, it is an affordable way to get a lot of nutrients and protein! It is very easy to make, and you can flavor it many ways to use in place of chicken, beef, pork, you name it! I'm currently making a vegetarian seitan...
  12. BunnyChickenMomma

    Losing Feathers & Yellow Poops. Help!

    Sage has had yellow poops at least two days in a row. I'll keep an eye on that and take her to the vet if it continues. I'd be surprised if Thyme was getting picked on - she is at the top of the pecking order. Can a head hen be picked on? Thank you for the advice. I'll bag up some poops and...
  13. BunnyChickenMomma

    Losing Feathers & Yellow Poops. Help!

    Oh, no. I hope it isn't anything that serious. I will keep an eye on Sage's poop - she has pooped normally but with yellow urates for two days in a row. I didn't clean the coop this morning, but plan to see if my husband saw any yellow poops today. If she keeps pooping yellow, I'll take Sage to...
  14. BunnyChickenMomma

    Losing Feathers & Yellow Poops. Help!

    Hello, All! Back again with my poor girl, Thyme. She was treated with antibiotics back in September due to laying shell-less eggs, being lethargic, and laying lash material. I'm happy to say she has since seemed to get over that. But now, we are onto something new. Over the past few months...
  15. BunnyChickenMomma

    At wits end with biting chickens...

    It's always good to know you aren't alone! I just try to love her for her cranky self and she has calmed down a teeny bit. This weekend, she actually roosted on my lap and fell asleep. So, who knows?
  16. BunnyChickenMomma

    At wits end with biting chickens...

    I have a very cranky girl named Parsley. All my chickens are Buff Orpingtons and are super sweet and mellow...except her. She started flying at me like yours and has drawn blood before. She even came at me with her talons. She attacks when I try to touch my other girls (who like being petted)...
  17. BunnyChickenMomma

    Orange Puss in Poop & Egg Laying Pain

    She's doing better! Hasn't had any more lash material in her poops. She went two weeks without laying a shelless egg and had started to lay real eggs. It is still hard for her to lay, but hopefully her system is figuring it out. Took her back to the vet yesterday for a follow up x-ray and her...
  18. BunnyChickenMomma

    Orange Puss in Poop & Egg Laying Pain

    But I thought the same thing. I'm afraid she may have salpingitis. She definitely has swelling in her abdomen - that was obvious from the x-rays. She's currently on antibiotics, but I'll send these pics to the vet and she what she thinks. Any advice for salpingitis?
  19. BunnyChickenMomma

    Orange Puss in Poop & Egg Laying Pain

    I tried cutting it in half and couldn't. It was just like snot - very mucus-y.
  20. BunnyChickenMomma

    Orange Puss in Poop & Egg Laying Pain

    She also just had this poop. Looks like part of whatever was coming out of the egg?!? Anyone know what this could mean???
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