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  1. Moodleroni

    Just Dandruff?

    I know the girls do groom him, and my OG hens are ALWAYS right there with him so I will try to see how aggressive their preening is. Whatever's going on with him is definitely worse than it was the first time I posted. I inspected him for at least 20 minutes today trying to find anything that...
  2. Moodleroni

    What is my rooster doing? 🤔

    Video looks like he's 'protecting' them, he's telling them it's not safe out there and rounding them up to the 'safety' of the coop. My roo used to do this, when they were all younger, he wouldn't let anyone out of the coop. He doesn't do this anymore, they are all older, and rounds them up...
  3. Moodleroni

    Just Dandruff?

    I looked up depluming mites but he doesn't seem to have any bugs on him, no spots or eggs, just the crusty white 'dandruff and rock clumps of it. Do I just not see it or is it something else? Had my husband take the pictures while I held Crazin; hope they are clear enough.
  4. Moodleroni

    Just Dandruff?

    I think I should be worried now, or at least this needs some intervention, he can't be too comfortable. Any assistance is appreciated: So since he didn't seem to get worse, I stopped harassing him for a while and checked him again today, it has spread drastically. The 'bald spot' is all over...
  5. Moodleroni

    Can my chicken have died of a broken heart??

    I am SOOOO sorry for your loss. I am like you, I see my chickens like part of my family and I would be equally heartbroken. In fact I recently was when we lost one of ours earlier this year. I have had to learn that sometimes there is nothing to be done. There is no way you could have know it...
  6. Moodleroni

    Moodleroni Farms - My 'Chicken Math' Origin Story

    It's official, all my hens are laying!!!:wee:yesss: Sesame^, the last/smallest of our pellets, is now laying little green eggs! I've got 11 hens & 3 roos, everyone gets along, except for the expected pecking, and they all seem fat & happy which is all I ever want. The roos have a very defined...
  7. Moodleroni

    Just Dandruff?

    Yes, so far so good on our end. It's still there but it's not worse, doesn't seem to bother him too much and no other signs of anything wrong so I'm not too worried anymore.
  8. Moodleroni

    Moodleroni Farms - My 'Chicken Math' Origin Story

    It's crazy NOT to say thank you! :bow Yea, it's lucky mine also lay fairly different egg shapes/colors/sizes from one another, and I also thank them individually. Teriyaki started laying 2 days ago, a light green one, so now I've got one left before they are all "laying rent." 10 down, 1 to...
  9. Moodleroni

    Just Dandruff?

    Oh no! Ok, ill keep an eye on it, see if it's improving.:fl If not, ill try the ivermectin and olive oil I know right!? You knew EXACTLY what happened to my face!
  10. Moodleroni

    I’ve seen my chook preening other chickens

    My hens preen my head roo all the time. I thought it was normal:confused:, never thought anything of it. They also softly pick off leftover food from each others faces/beaks, especially after eating tomatoes or when I turn their crumble into mash
  11. Moodleroni

    Just Dandruff?

    Oh my goodness, not sure why it posted twice Sorry & thank you!!
  12. Moodleroni

    Just Dandruff?

    I initially thought so too, but he's head roo and usually the other roos run from him when he gets close unless they are bathing, eating, or sleeping together. I do see the girls preen him sometimes but that would have been a really aggressive preening if that's the case. 🤔
  13. Moodleroni

    Just Dandruff?

    Yes he does, multiple times a day. He actually instigates group bathing and then you just see a pile of chickens, laying on their sides like they're gimp or something with dust flying everywhere. They have a little dust bathing area that includes DE and herbs to keep bugs away.
  14. Moodleroni

    Just Dandruff?

    Not an emergency, but topic best fits this thread since I don't know what this is: I have 14 chickens total, 3 roosters & 11 hens. I check 1-2 chickens rotating, daily for bugs, visual signs of illness or injury. I dont have the time or energy to check all 14 all the time, and don't want to...
  15. Moodleroni

    Thick scaly, flaking skin (not legs)

    Any updates? One of my roosters has a 'patch', about 4"x4" on the back of his neck. It looks like really thick dandruff, has pin feathers within it but no full feathers in the patch. The 'patch' is not visible until you pick up the full feathers around it. Haven't seen any lice or bugs, no...
  16. Moodleroni

    Old hen past laying stage

    I have two white leghorns who will sit in the 'favorite' nesting boxes and sing all day without laying. They are by far the noisiest, and the only 2 that lay white eggs so I know when they do, or do not, lay. All drama, all day.
  17. Moodleroni

    Newbie Here!

    :welcome I would have loved to have had a chance to help care for chickens when I was in school, how exciting!
  18. Moodleroni

    Should I get this Olive egger pullet?

    This is Ginger, she's also an EE, and looks like that one. She does lay olive green eggs (hers on the right) Maybe you'll get lucky too!
  19. Moodleroni

    Extreme heat and Easter eggers?

    I live in Yuma, AZ as well and I have a variety of chicken breeds, including 5 Easter Eggers. All my chickens hate the heat, but I didn't seem to see the EEs struggle any more than the others. Shade, water, ice, frozen veggies/fruit, and ventilation is ESSENTIAL! They like to stand on bricks...
  20. Moodleroni

    Hoover's hatchery legbar Easter Eggers

    Just found this post, trying to look up the "Grnleger breed"; I have one too! Her name is Ginger and she just recently started laying olive green eggs (hers, on the left, compared to her green-laying sister)
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