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  1. Ericasl

    Hens sleeping in nesting boxes!!

    I do not have a rooster, but I do have some very bossy hens! I hate having to go down first thing in the morning to uncover the boxes. That was the whole reason I bought the automatic door. I just want them to stop. There is plenty of roosts they do not have to sit by me bossy hens
  2. Ericasl

    Hens sleeping in nesting boxes!!

    I have a few questions?? I have had chickens for years....all of the sudden I have two hens that are not broody wanting to sleep in my nest boxes at night! They were hatched by a Mamma and she taught them to roost in my hen house when they were little. For the last month or more I have to go...
  3. Ericasl


    I do not see them on any other of my hens. My broody is in her own little house not by my other birds. I am cleaning everything in the morning going a little bit crazy!
  4. Ericasl


    They are red bugs running everywhere!!!!!!!!!!! My poor hen I feel like the worst chicken Mother ever! I do not know where they came from? I have been giving her water melon daily poor girl sitting in this awful heat! I would think I would have seen them before!? What are red wood mites? How the...
  5. Ericasl


    I am sorry to post again another mite question!! I have a hen hatching eggs as we speak and she has mites!! The red ones. I was shocked to see them today in the daylight. It has been so hot here 107, I have been checking her and the day her eggs are hatching I see them. I moved her and one chick...
  6. Ericasl

    I'm sick of this cold weather...

    I am ready for spring, very cold and foggy here in Idaho. I am ready to be outside and plant my garden:(
  7. Ericasl

    Are you having trouble with hens sleeping in your nest boxes??

    I have been reading about some of you have trouble with hens sleeping in your boxes. Well I had trouble in the fall with my new layers, it was a real mess and a pain going out with a flash light to toss them out and put them on the perch. So I brainstormed and came up with am idea that works...
  8. Ericasl

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    24 eggs out of 35 hens
  9. Ericasl

    Egg cleaning?

    I also do not get very many dirty eggs, but when I do I spot wash. Well I did have some of my new layers that wanted to sleep in the boxes!! YUCK drove me crazy no matter how many times I went out and moved them. I was so mad so I went to Wal mart and bought some dark cheap fabric and stapled...
  10. Ericasl


    I could not find the frontline spray in my dirt water town but i did find the permethrin 10%. Anyone have any good info I will follow the directions. It also does not say anything on egg withdrawl. I know all of you have so much better info. Thanks
  11. Ericasl

    Frontline spray

    can you eat eggs after using it? Or is there a withdrawl time? Will it kill mite and lice both?
  12. Ericasl

    Organic egg cleaner

    Hello I have a question, I just got the new Murray McMurray catolog and it has an egg washer pro that is organic. During the summer I get very few dirty eggs, But with all this snow mud and ice I am getting a few more dirty eggs. Does anyone have a home made eggwasher that is good. I thought...
  13. Ericasl

    What breed lays first??

    That my question, I am already planning on what kind of chickens I want to hatch in the early spring. I feel like I have been waiting for my buffs to start laying FOREVER. What breed starts to lay the early? I have 36 hens and half of them are molting and the others have not started to lay...
  14. Ericasl

    When will my 24 week old buffs give me an egg??

    HAHAAHA Well see what I get for trying to do math in my head... Well I am glad I was wrong, it makes me feel better.
  15. Ericasl

    When will my 24 week old buffs give me an egg??

    I sure think they are warm enough, the coop is fully insulated, no drafts. They seem so snug and bugs in a rug.
  16. Ericasl

    Some of nature's wonders... *PICS*

    I hope you don't have to rake all of those pretty leaves up!!
  17. Ericasl

    When will my 24 week old buffs give me an egg??

    I thought I had had it planned so well, when my other girls went into molt my buffs would start to lay(hatched June 3). Well how wrong was I!!!:hit 36 hens and I got 2 eggs today. I am giving some more light in the early am. They have tons of windows in the coop. They spend all day outside...
  18. Ericasl

    Did you Vote?

    Yes hubby and I both voted!! and said a prayer!!
  19. Ericasl

    Do you feed PUMPKINS to your chickens?

    My chickens, goats, sheep, and dogs love the pumpkins!! I toss them in the field and they eat everybit of the pumpkins. They eat everything out of the garden but eggplant. This is the first year we grew egg plant no one will eat them at our house.
  20. Ericasl

    Suggestions on keeping our water from freezing...update

    I read somewhere to put some wood in the water. I have no clue if it wood work!!!HAHAAH. I am going to try it when it gets cold enough.
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