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  1. ChickenDad19

    Broody hen affecting others’ laying?

    They are in an enclosed run so I don’t think they are hiding the eggs. They are also on a pretty consistent schedule of when I can find eggs and it hasn’t been on that schedule for a few days now.
  2. ChickenDad19

    Broody hen affecting others’ laying?

    Not usually. We have them in a large enclosed run, but I did let them all out to free range a little yesterday. But that was later in the afternoon, much later than when they usually lay. I checked the usually hiding spots and found no eggs.
  3. ChickenDad19

    Broody hen affecting others’ laying?

    I didn’t think of that I bet you’re right 😂 so will they resume once she calms down?
  4. ChickenDad19

    Who is at the bottom of your flock’s pecking order?

    This beauty is Ruby. My RIR. She’s VERY vocal and definitely the sassiest of my flock. But she’s constantly being snapped at by some of the others. She always has to wait to eat until some of the others in the flock are away from the feed. I feel bad for her so I give her extra treats (and...
  5. ChickenDad19

    Broody hen affecting others’ laying?

    I have 6 hens all a little over a year old. One of my Brahmas has just gone broody. Pulled the feathers off her belly, won’t leave the nesting box, screeching at me and the other hens if we come near, the whole thing. I’m unable to give her fertilized eggs or babies, so I am going to try putting...
  6. ChickenDad19

    Do I have a rooster?

    I will try to get some good pictures of the others tomorrow and update this post. Thanks!
  7. ChickenDad19

    Do I have a rooster?

    Glad to hear! I was considering getting up early to see if I can catch the crower. And thank you! The chickens love the succulents too haha
  8. ChickenDad19

    Do I have a rooster?

    Attached is a picture of Rue, our 12-13 week old Buff Brahma. My neighbor said they hear a rooster crow this morning and I’m thinking if it was one of mine, it would be Rue (or if it really is a he, we’ll change it to “Roo”:p). They are slightly larger than the other Brahmas, and they have been...
  9. ChickenDad19

    Tips for keeping chickens out of certain areas

    I check on them throughout the day and shoo them back to the main yard when I catch them on the side of the house, but I don’t know if I have the time to camp out over there all day haha
  10. ChickenDad19

    Tips for keeping chickens out of certain areas

    Hi! New chicken owner here. I have 6 chickens around the ages of 12-13 weeks. We let them free range in our backyard during the day. They roam around our grass and garden, but also like to go to the side of the house occasionally and hangout. I’d prefer them to not go over there since it’s where...
  11. ChickenDad19

    Can chicks find grit outside on their own?

    I’d like to start taking my 2-3 week old chicks outside for 15-20 minutes while the weather is good enough to get them accustomed to outside (and to let them have more room to explore). I was going to bring their food and water out with us and put it in the barricaded area, but I don’t have any...
  12. ChickenDad19

    Hi! New chicken owner here

    Thanks for the advice! It’s kind of overwhelming the amount of info supplied here but it’s a good thing! Excited to be a part of the community!
  13. ChickenDad19

    Hi! New chicken owner here

    Hi all! I recently got 6 babies: 3 buff brahmas, 2 Gold Sex Links and 1 gorgeous Rhode Island Red. They are all currently between 2-3 weeks old. I am excited to join the community to learn and share!
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