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  1. Unicorn9

    Review by 'Unicorn9' in article 'Kalamazoo Michigan Chicken Ordinance'

    Sounds about right, I have a print out in the coop with our Kalamazoo, MI Ordinances just in case someone ever questions. I've never had an issue and I'm very close to downtown. Yet the fear is real, with the sad possibly any "disturbance" or issue can cause my coop to be arbitrarily shut down...
  2. Unicorn9

    Do you break/bend any rules during the harsh winters?

    Mine get the spoiled treatment too, I just think how they would be happiest warm and cozy, but I try not to over do it.. 1single heat lamp, and for the first time ever, I just added a "for plants" warming mat under some of their straw, to help keep eggs from freezing and cracking. I'm also a...
  3. Unicorn9

    Do you break/bend any rules during the harsh winters?

    Yes! I am normally keeping all food/water outdoors in the run, but these last few days had me thinking "IF I were a chicken"... they may want to be inside more, and have option of feeding inside. I didn't move the water though. And I normally don't provide much for heat, a small single heat...
  4. Unicorn9

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Does anyone stamp their eggs with the cute personalized stamper? How are the feeling on the ink used to stamp them?
  5. Unicorn9

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Happy Birthday! That's a dozen in 2 days if they keep it up! Jelly over here!! What do you do with your many eggs on the daily/week? I've heard of people canning eggs! Vs always giving them away.
  6. Unicorn9

    How Old Are Hens When They Start Laying?

    YEAH still waiting for eggs here! I have 4 silky hens, I was guesstimating around NOW to already have eggs, each day now going on 5months I'm trekking outside to check the coop. They better start paying rent LOL, that's what I say when they go broady. LOL Anyways patience on my little hens. PS...
  7. Unicorn9

    Cleaning chicken bottoms

    Well, I put gloves on and I try and pull a few, but NOT hard, if some clumps can be wiggled off, or so crispy they break apart. Otherwise I've done warm water and dish soap, dunk them and rub their bums, dunk and rub and again, till it seems to loosen. And with a small comb try and comb some...
  8. Unicorn9

    Bald Head Hen

    Your struggle is real! But I have to laugh and I also think if those silly crochet chicken hats are actually useful in this case? Kinda the same lines of the aprons so that the roosters don't ruin their back feathers. May wanna try and see if she'd let you put something like that on her to give...
  9. Unicorn9

    4 day old chicks dying

    Scariest thing ever, so sudden! I had a hen seizure in my arms! She was older maybe 3yrs old, and we were having a great time at the fire pit, she sat in my arms, happy and healthy, then I stood to walk her back and she began the frantic seizure and gasping and died, broke her neck from the...
  10. Unicorn9

    What breed are you most excited to add this year?

    I use to have a beautiful blond runner! He's in my profile pic, he would stand up straight and run or to guard the yard, but waddle around mostly down, it was always so amusing to see him standing alert, he's pictured with his white silkie girlfriend. Oh and he was crested too, so he had the big...
  11. Unicorn9

    HELP fire in incubator and brooder room, filled with smoke

    Holy Moly, sorry you're cleaning up after a heat lamp accident! Sounds like a wild few hours! And 1 loss, a sad day.. your post brought back memories of the time I had a coop fire from a heat lamp that fell onto the woodchips and smoldered till I arrived maybe hours later and I thought "hum...
  12. Unicorn9

    Kalamazoo coops! Cluck cluck!

    Thank you! Yes it was a terrible accident, she was in the wrong place wrong time. And I still remember just finding feathers everywhere, and how sad I was to pick her little body up. So sad. She was the best, everyone loved her, buried near the house. And I remember her daily. Thanks! I think I...
  13. Unicorn9

    Kalamazoo coops! Cluck cluck!

    Hi everyone, I'm a long time admirer of this community. I look up advise periodically and now I want to share my new and old stories of my urban coop too. My coop family is usually small less than 6, free ranging only when I'm home, I've had ducks and chickens amongst other pets for more than a...
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