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  1. NicholeT

    Sweet PZD granules

    I purchased a nice 40lb bag of Sweet PDZ horse stall refresher granules a couple months ago that I had been mixing with sand for my poo boards and for the life of me I cannot find it anywhere online to get it delivered to me. (If anyone has a lead on it, please let me know). I have 13 hens and...
  2. NicholeT

    Which rooster?

    I hatched 5 Black Sex Link roos, 4 of them bullied one out of the coop who hid up on a hill in the brush. Ironically, we couldn't get the bullied roo out so we culled the other 4. Once the 4 were gone, he came back immediately and has flourished, has grown up to be a really nice rooster, not...
  3. NicholeT

    Question about free-rangeing

    We are currently free ranging with an automatic door so Sun up to Sun down. I have 13 hens and 1 rooster all black sex link. We have 7 acres but they tend to prefer human contact so stay around the house and yard. I love that they are free range, they love that they are free range but we know...
  4. NicholeT

    Wild turkeys infesting my flock

    should I add permethrin dust to the dust bathing area?
  5. NicholeT

    Wild turkeys infesting my flock

    Our area is really overridden by wild turkeys who are riddled with parasites and ticks. Our flock is free rage and so their paths cross often. I recently found mites in our coop which I highly suspect is from the turkeys. I can address the mite issue but how can I prevent the turkeys from...
  6. NicholeT

    Waterer suggestions- Leaking water nipples

    Bought the Rent a Coop water nipples that worked GREAT for a while. Then they started to leak. Discovered the holes we drilled in the 5 gallon bucket actually cracked - even though we used the recommended bit size. Get a new bucket, drill new holes, silicone the holes, add a rubber washer on the...
  7. NicholeT

    Little bugs in a section of the Poo board

    I was cleaning out the poo boards this morning and I found one section where there were little bugs on one side where there seemed to be more moisture built up likely from urine. The poo boards have a mixture of Sand and PDZ. I don't think they were mites- they were black, larger and crawled...
  8. NicholeT

    Hardware cloth issues

    Its 3ft HWC so we built the structure based on the size of the cloth- posts 3 ft apart. My hubby is a bit of a perfectionist and creating this run became a nightmare for him. He made me promise never to bring anyone back to see it because he thinks it looks so bad. Its secure and predictor...
  9. NicholeT

    Hardware cloth issues

    So we are in the process of building the run and the 1/2 inch hardware cloth does not flatten out at all even with staples. When we roll it out its all wavy and it causing massive issues trying to fasten it tightly to the wood. Is our product defective? This stuff is bad enough to work with but...
  10. NicholeT

    Preventing birds from perching and pooping on top of 5 gallon feeder/waterer

    For those of you who feed and water with 5 gallon buckets, Do you use anything on top to prevent them from pooping on the lids? I hate having to try to open the lids to access clean food and water with poo all over them. I've tried a few things (cardboard taped on- they ate the tape) another...
  11. NicholeT

    Automatic Water cups vs Horizontal nippples

    I have the Rent a coop nipples on a 5 gallon bucket and they are the bomb. Now how to get them to stop pooping on the top on the enclosed 5 gallon buckets is another story. I hate having to try to open the top when its full of poo.
  12. NicholeT

    The Great Debate: Free-Range vs. Coop-Raised Chickens

    Hubby and I are debating this now. Two questions for "total" Free Rangers .. 1- Do you have a predator proof run at all? 2- Do you have someone keep watch when on vacation or leave them free ranging? We are brand new to flock ownership. We have 7 acres, a good sized coop (12x8) with an...
  13. NicholeT

    Best chicken waterer that won’t rust

    I just got these exact ones this week and attached them to a food safe 5 gallon bucket and they are the bomb. The chicks who are 5 and 6 weeks old figured it out really quick. I bought 12 because I read they may leak but only installed 4 and they came with a tiny drip cup so I tapped on the...
  14. NicholeT

    How often to change the litter in the brooder cage

    I have my 4 week olds in a 3 man tent and changing the bedding is a total PITA because I can't stand in it so I have been just adding bedding and changing out only the really soiled stuff and that seems to work and keep the smell down. So far I have really only changed the bedding on a weekly...
  15. NicholeT

    Share your history of feeder/waterer setups pros and cons?

    I would love to see a picture of the hose/pvc waterer. Is that because you have so many? Why not just have the bucket on the ground with more nipples?
  16. NicholeT

    Run roof for leafy, snowy, predetor filled skies

    We are getting close to building the 10x14 run and although I did my research on here we are still really torn on what to use to cover the run. A few things to note, sometimes we get a lot of snow, we have decent drainage although the run area is currently a mud pit, we chipped a bunch of dead...
  17. NicholeT

    Share your history of feeder/waterer setups pros and cons?

    Anyone have experience with this Waterer? I'm in Wisconsin and our coop is not that close to a water source so I am looking for something that holds alot of water that can be...
  18. NicholeT

    Black Star/Sex Link as Meat Chickens

    What rooster qualities do you consider to meet your standards?
  19. NicholeT

    Put late hatching chick with other chicks in brooder, they attacked her now she's falling over and.not using one leg much.

    So sorry - I think that's what happened to mine. I had a late runt that was shrink wrapped. I assisted with coconut oil and tweezers to get her out but she drug around her umbilical cord and half shell for quite some time so I ultimately snipped it off at the shell. She was completely dried...
  20. NicholeT

    Chicks pecking the back of another- Help :-(

    My 10 hatched Monday - so a few days old and the 8 I integrated are a week old. They are all around the same size and all Black Sex Link. The brooder is an extra large dog crate- they all seem to fit well for now. The heating pad is also extra large. If I used hardware cloth to section off...
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