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    Comment by 'ChixHaven' in article 'Chicken bully/chicken victim - a two-sided issue'

    Yes, so true, and as it happens all 3 of my hens are Rhode Island Reds--the bully, her sidekick, and the timid one. I am learning about aggressive temperaments the hard way. I wish I'd had your wisdom and forethought when I selected my hens. But I love them all, even though maintaining this...
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    Comment by 'ChixHaven' in article 'Chicken bully/chicken victim - a two-sided issue'

    I''m happy for you that this approach has worked for you. I have used this isolate the timid hen approach, and yet she emerges from her protected space still cautious and not confident, and the bully hen and her side kick hone in on her quickly and start a-pecking at her back, to the point of...
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    Who Here Does Fermentation Feeding?

    Also, how long would you say it might take to see the benefits of feeding FF? I've been feeding FF for a little over 2 weeks and have seen no changes in feathers sheen, feather regrowth, poop, or anything. Am I being impatient?
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    Who Here Does Fermentation Feeding?

    I am pretty new to FF and am fermenting Scratch & Peck whole grain layer feed. I am finding that the fermented powdery fines in the feed go uneaten, and therefore I feel like I am wasting a lot of good stuff. Of course, I stir the fermented feed to mix up the grains and the porridge-y stuff...
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    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Hey all, How long should it take, in your experience, for me to see the benefits of fermenting feed? I've been feeding the girls FF for 2 weeks and have not noticed any improvement in feather regrowth, feather shine, no changes in their poops. Am I being impatient? Is this a slow and long...
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    young rhode island reds

    @Sammster Sorry. I'm seeing your question late. Yes, they are photographed under a red light. I am waiting and watching to see if I reached the right conclusion before I do anything about it. But the plummage and tail feather differences are very pronounced in the blonde birds. We'll see...
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    young rhode island reds

    @Nicci0110 Thanks for sharing your experience. I came to that conclusion because I have 1 chick who I identified as a rooster because of the way his comb developed and because of his behavior. Then I noticed that his tail feathers and other plummage were developing in a way that was very...
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    young rhode island reds

    Well, I answered my own question. The blonde pre-feather headed chicks are young roosters. Which is what I was afraid of. Because that means I have two roosters and 1 hen in my tiny flock. sigh.
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    young rhode island reds

    Hi all. I"ve included photos of two RIR babes, approx. 4-5 weeks old. One has a blonde head and the other a red head. Is the difference in head color significant? Related to gender? Not important? Thanks.
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    Hello from New Mexico

    Howdy. I've not kept chickens for about 12 years and am back at it again. I dont remember having so many questions the first time around!!! I'm in the northern part of the state, outside of Santa Fe. I look forward to learning from you all.
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