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  1. C

    Duckling may have sour crop or aspirated

    They have water they can dip their head into when they eat just not 24/7 and they've all been fine up until today.
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    Duckling may have sour crop or aspirated

    No. We have let them going swimming in the bathtub everyday but they are under constant supervision when they are in there.
  3. C

    Duckling may have sour crop or aspirated

    I have a 3 week old duckling that is not breathing right, won't eat or drink, and now the bill looks like it's turning blue. I'm not sure if it's sour crop or if it aspirated. The duck was fine after eating this morning and about an hour and a half later I heard it sounding like it was...
  4. C

    1 week old chick with hard lump on abdomen

    She still has the bump but is growing, pooping and acting normal.
  5. C

    1 week old chick with hard lump on abdomen

    Doing good. She's growing a little but still has the hard spot on her belly. It has gotten a tiny bit smaller though.
  6. C

    1 week old chick with hard lump on abdomen

    I'm sorry to hear that it dies. I'm hoping this one will make it. She seems very fond of my husband, so my husband is attached to it.
  7. C

    1 week old chick with hard lump on abdomen

    Thank you! We've done that and given egg yolk and her belly seems to be going down some. Hopefully she'll start growing better.
  8. C

    1 week old chick with hard lump on abdomen

    Yes, we can do both. We have multiple feeding stations. Should we separate her when we give her the nutri drench and where can I get the nutri drench?
  9. C

    1 week old chick with hard lump on abdomen

    Her poo is more runny than the others and she is smaller. She was small to start with but she isn't growing at the same rate the others we got at the same time are.
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    1 week old chick with hard lump on abdomen

    She is She is eating and drinking. Seems to be pooping but not as often as the others. She seems to be active and moving. Sleeping off and on with the others. She's actually a very calm chick. We've been keeping an eye on her vent and keeping it cleaned. Does the umbilicus usually feel like...
  11. C

    1 week old chick with hard lump on abdomen

    I have a 1 week old chick that has a hard lump on her abdomen. She is eating Country Road Chick Starter-Grower and drinking water with apple cider vinegar in it. She had some poop near her vent a few times which we keep cleaning off of her. I don't know when the last time she pooped but we...
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