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  1. PrettyCoolChicks

    May 2024 Hatch-A-Long

    Broody was off the nest taking a break when I let the birds out this morning, so I candled all eggs / gave the sniff test to the blue ones and they all look great. One maybe seemed a tad cloudy but still had healthy movement inside. They look to be about day 15. I transferred the whole nest...
  2. PrettyCoolChicks

    May 2024 Hatch-A-Long

    So cute! For what its worth, anyone I bought eggs from for hatching, I asked if they wanted me to pay a bit more and they all said "no you buy them they're yours" and then replaced some eggs with better/fresher ones before giving them to me... So I'm with you on this!
  3. PrettyCoolChicks

    May 2024 Hatch-A-Long

    I will have to move mama out of the nesting box (which is over 2ft above ground) and onto the coop floor in the next couple days. I've set up a pen below the nesting boxes, hopefully she'll enjoy the privacy and accept the move. When to do it is the question now :p
  4. PrettyCoolChicks

    What should I do?! I thought this egg was dead but its not.

    Also agree with keeping membrane moist with coconut oil or vaseline, and cornstarch if needed to stop the bleeding. It still has a good chance to hatch, since the hole doesn't look tooo big. @New duck mommy 2021 might have great advice
  5. PrettyCoolChicks

    I need advice

    Glad to see Peggy is starting to recover, i'll be following along and rooting for him!
  6. PrettyCoolChicks

    Hen or Roo? Help sexing my four chickens. Pictures at various ages

    All look like pullets to me, but if others think roo I'll be curious to hear why so i can learn from this too!
  7. PrettyCoolChicks

    Chicks from my own eggs are consistently dying at hatch

    You could make a trap box, so the hen gets caught inside the nesting box and you see who laid what when you let them out. There were some examples on this site for how to build. It's just a door that closes behind the hen when she goes in. I tried to make some and it can be tricky to get the...
  8. PrettyCoolChicks

    Can a broody chicken hatch a duck egg while hatching baby chicks?

    Ducks take longer so you may need to finish incubating yourself if the hen leaves the nest after the chicks hatch. If you have a broody duck hen, that seems like a better option so it also won't be the only duckling potentially and a duck mom would teach it more appropriate manners. That said...
  9. PrettyCoolChicks

    May 2024 Hatch-A-Long

    Found one of the eggs cracked tonight. It looked odd/behind when candling so I opened it and it had ruptured yolk, looked scrambled and watery. I accidentally poured the empty sac in the sink so couldn't tell if it had developed at all or not. Unsure if it was pecked but if broody takes a break...
  10. PrettyCoolChicks

    May 2024 Hatch-A-Long

    I wasn't planning on hatching more poultry this year, but one of my hens went unexpectedly broody and I happened to have some eggs (slightly older but proven to be good stock), so I gave her 7 of her "siblings" and a couple extras to sit on. First time incubating with a broody! The first couple...
  11. PrettyCoolChicks

    Lots of embryo death in first 10 days😢

    It's not stupid to try things, ad we all learn by making mistakes! Sometimes trial and error is the only way to know if something can work for you/your set-up. And it's not too late to adjust as long as some of the eggs are alive... Keep us updated on how the remaining eggs are doing! I'm...
  12. PrettyCoolChicks

    Lots of embryo death in first 10 days😢

    oh and the temperature should be fine, I think, if it gets too low hatching may be a bit later but it seems about right to me.
  13. PrettyCoolChicks

    Lots of embryo death in first 10 days😢

    If your first hatch was successful, I would stick to the same method. It sounds like the "too high" humidity wasn't a problem the first time since most hatched, and as @Bigblackcat mentioned, waterfowl eggs need more water than say chicken. I "dry hatched" mine, but where i live that means...
  14. PrettyCoolChicks

    Day 7-9 embryos sticking to shell?

    How much does the tuner turn? Chicken eggs would need more turning than quail eggs, I assume, wondering if that is the difference... I've never cracked open eggs after starting to incubate so I'm just guessing, but am not sure what is normal. Curious to see pics if that is an option, to learn...
  15. PrettyCoolChicks

    Bear Attack

    If anyone is curious, different bear traps stored at a parks ranger office.
  16. PrettyCoolChicks

    Just wanna make sure everything is OK for goose egg

    oh no! I'm sorry for your loss :hugs Once the zipping starts, it is usually pretty fast, so maybe it got stuck/couldn't move to finish hatching and got exhausted trying to come out. If you decide to do an autopsy, you might find if there were other factors contibuting. So sorry :(
  17. PrettyCoolChicks

    Do we have a bully problem? Leghorns stopped laying

    I don't think chicken can refuse to lay just to spite you, they might try hiding their eggs or attack you to protect them, but it's not like they can decide when an egg is made. If they're young, they simply may be irregular, or they may be unwell or stressed. Either way they need your...
  18. PrettyCoolChicks

    Goose egg not pipping

    In that case, I would make a safety hole now just to be sure it doesn't run out of air from the air sac overnight. It just needs to be the size of a needle tip/as small as you can keep it. Are you familiar with how to make one? Example on a duck egg (it is on the side here instead of in the air...
  19. PrettyCoolChicks

    Need help assisting duck egg....asap

    How is the duckling doing today? In the future, consider candling the egg to understand better what is going on, instead of assisting early. I think it can finish hatching with no help when it is ready. Since it is pretty exposed, I would avoid touching it to reduce the risk of infection.
  20. PrettyCoolChicks

    Goose egg not pipping

    Disclaimer: I have no experience with goose eggs, but I read they can take 24 to 36 hours for it to hatch. How long has it been since the hatching process began? Is it late compared to other eggs incubated at the same time? Are you/they able to candle the egg to see how far along it is? If it's...
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