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  1. hannnnnah

    !!!URGENT!!! Neighbors dog killed all of my ducks. This is not the first time.

    Yes, I’m hesitant to hurt any animal. I have a gun, but I just don’t know if I could do it.
  2. hannnnnah

    !!!URGENT!!! Neighbors dog killed all of my ducks. This is not the first time.

    While I’m here, I wanted to make a final post for my babies. The Swedish Blue was the male, the other three were females. I got so lucky with the random M/F ratio! This was my first experience with ducks and I couldn’t have asked for a better group. They made me so incredibly happy and it...
  3. hannnnnah

    !!!URGENT!!! Neighbors dog killed all of my ducks. This is not the first time.

    I wouldn’t doubt it at all. This dog is a massive pit, so he’s very agile and strong. I’ll check at my farm store next time I run by. Thank you.
  4. hannnnnah

    !!!URGENT!!! Neighbors dog killed all of my ducks. This is not the first time.

    I just went into the woods between the two houses and couldn’t find my duck. Yesterday, neighbor said she checked her yard and wasn’t able to find anything. Don’t know if I believe her. It just seemed like she was trying to evade responsibility when she brought it up. To add further context...
  5. hannnnnah

    !!!URGENT!!! Neighbors dog killed all of my ducks. This is not the first time.

    Hello. I haven’t been online in a few months because everything was going wonderfully. My babies were nearly a year old. Earlier today we saw my neighbors dog walking off with our male duck hanging out of its mouth. Long story short, this the third time something like this has happened. The...
  6. hannnnnah

    Updates :)

    Hi everyone! It’s been a while since my last post because I was on vacation. My mom stayed with the ducks and took really good care of them. I asked for her not to send me any pictures/videos, unless something was wrong, because I wanted to be surprised with how much they grew. Boy, was I...
  7. hannnnnah

    Ducklings voice cracking? (+ bonus photo of my babies)

    I haven’t seen them interested in the wood chips, but they aren’t acting like they’ve swallowed something wrong. They have 16% protein, organic, & unmedicated duck feed with added nutritional yeast. I sprinkle grit into the food and have some on the ground for foraging. They’re eating mashed...
  8. hannnnnah

    Ducklings voice cracking? (+ bonus photo of my babies)

    I’m sure you all know the mess duckling make, so I change their bedding every day and sanitize everything twice a week. They also receive probiotics & hydrating supplement from the farm store (can’t recall the brand, but it’s a little packet).
  9. hannnnnah

    Ducklings voice cracking? (+ bonus photo of my babies)

    Hi! I have four four-week old ducklings (2 pekin, 1 cayuga, and 1 swedish blue). One of my pekins was making a sort of honking (?) noise. I noticed it yesterday when they were playing in the grass, but today it seems more pronounced. It was between the little peeps, almost like a voice crack...
  10. hannnnnah

    Comment by 'hannnnnah' in article 'Duckling Care & Brooder Ideas'

    Thank for for this article! Super informative and well-written. It’s been my reference point for the past couple of weeks haha.
  11. hannnnnah

    Can I give my ducklings anything to boost immunity?

    Hi! I’ve seen a couple of posts and articles suggesting supplemental use of garlic, oregano, and acv in water. I’ve also seen some people advising against it. What are your experiences? Is it safe for ducklings? I want my ducklings to grow up healthy and strong, so I’m open to doing anything...
  12. hannnnnah

    Ducklings mysteriously dying?

    Hi everyone. Thank you for all of the recommendations. I lowered the temperature and have stopped feeding oats. I also added some rocks to their water to prevent drowning/aspirating. My babies are doing very well! Once again, thank you for the help :)
  13. hannnnnah

    Ducklings mysteriously dying?

    Also, I would like to note that I had only been asleep for about an hour… I had just given them fresh water and checked the temperature before laying down.
  14. hannnnnah

    Ducklings mysteriously dying?

    Hi. This is my first time raising ducks, so please feel free to offer up any info if I’ve gotten something wrong. I just went to check on my brooder after taking a nap and two of my ducklings were dead. They are about 2.5 weeks old, but the two that had passed were about half of the size of my...
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