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  1. GrassClump

    Mother Hen With Lice

    So update (part 2) Let the chick sit overnight, still no progress. It was a chirpin' so I said screw it, I'll peel more shell. Peeled and peeled and it never bled so I took that as it was read to get out. I cracked all the shell off and peeled the membrane off it and now he's doing okay...
  2. GrassClump

    Mother Hen With Lice

    Ty for linking this! I remember how helpful this post was for me the first time I hatched chicks Can't believe I forgot it ⚰️
  3. GrassClump

    Mother Hen With Lice

    So I let him sit awhile while I cleaned the coop. I came back to it and still nothing changed so I went ahead and picked some more shell off. Eventually though I hit some blood so I think he still needs time.
  4. GrassClump

    Mother Hen With Lice

    ty I will peel more shell off and see if I can help him. 😎👍
  5. GrassClump

    Mother Hen With Lice

    So one of my hens got broody a few weeks back and I decided to go ahead and let her sit on an egg. To my surprise, the egg actually survived development and pipped yesterday morning. The chick made a bigger hole a few hours ago but stopped making anymore progress so I removed a bit of the...
  6. GrassClump

    So Texas has been 100°+ for a couple of weeks, and Cotton is certainly not enjoying it. To help...

    So Texas has been 100°+ for a couple of weeks, and Cotton is certainly not enjoying it. To help her out, I'm making a habit of letting her cool off in the duck pool while I refill it daily. [Her not having a clue in the world.] [The ducks waiting patiently for their turn to dirty the water.]
  7. GrassClump

    Most Docile Breeds?

    Are those like buff orpingtons or are they two different breeds?
  8. GrassClump

    Most Docile Breeds?

    Thank you! Yeah after I got her it became clear pretty quickly she was gonna need more care than my other chickens lol I've actually seen her pick fights and dominate over a few of my other hens but I have a buff orpington that absolutely despises her and is just generally very aggressive...
  9. GrassClump

    Most Docile Breeds?

    I wanna get some flock mates for my White Sultan but I'm unsure of what breeds will be friendly enough for her. Ik Silkies are a good choice but are there any other breeds I should also consider?
  10. GrassClump

    Chicken in shock(?)

    Final Update: She made a (near) full recovery She gets occasionally off-balance, but there's no more head twitching or weird head bobbing. She's pretty much all back to normal. Bonus: my dad finished with the new coop so now she doesn't have to live in a tiny cage anymore 😎👍 Hopefully one...
  11. GrassClump

    Lysol Pet Disinfectant (safe?)

    So I have this large dog crate I use as a temporary home for sick/injured chickens. I'd like to make sure it's thoroughly disinfected before it's next guest and usually I'd just use a vinegar and water solution but I'm curious if I could use this instead:
  12. GrassClump

    Chicken in shock(?)

    Update ² : I don't know why I didn't notice this earlier, but her neck seems oddly positioned... (you'll see it once she's faced twords me with her head down): It could just be me being paranoid though. On a lighter note: Her movements seem a lot less sluggish than yesterday and I have yet...
  13. GrassClump

    Chicken in shock(?)

    I actually did end up finding the reg version! I crushed up the B and mixed it into some boiled egg with the oil from the E. I was worried it might taste off and she wouldn't eat it but she cleaned the bowl lol
  14. GrassClump

    Chicken in shock(?)

    Question: Would B-Complex with C work? it was the only one I could find
  15. GrassClump

    Chicken in shock(?)

    Yeah we aren't exactly sure what happened to that eye because it was something that happened long before we got her. We think it might've been damaged by another chicken.
  16. GrassClump

    Chicken in shock(?)

    She can see things close to her but I'd definitely like to trim it up more. Dosen't help she's blind in her right eye. Even before all of this she's been a bit clumsy. I'll have to buy some tomorrow 🤔 how should I give them to her? just mix them with some food? Definitely! I've unfortunately...
  17. GrassClump

    Chicken in shock(?)

    Is there a specific brand I should get? also she JUST laid an egg
  18. GrassClump

    Chicken in shock(?)

    She laid one Monday but not yesterday or today. I have dried egg shells I crushed up into a fine powder, could I use that and just mix it into some egg or into her current feed? I've heard some others recommending this to chickens who seem to have similar issues. I'll definitely have to give...
  19. GrassClump

    Chicken in shock(?)

    Thank you! hope she'll return to her normal self soon :,)
  20. GrassClump

    Chicken in shock(?)

    I give her hydro-hen then switch to regular water every 12hr. At first I'd just gave her adult crumble but she showed interest in eating her original food again (Nutrena NatureWise All Flock) so I've been giving her that and she's been eating it. Today I did offer her some mashed up boiled...
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