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  1. B

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    3 eggs today 2 green and one brown
  2. B

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    up to 4 yesterday from 2 - in the last week :)
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    What's the temperature where you are???

    57*F here
  4. B

    What's the temperature where you are???

    57*F with a high of 71 F called for
  5. B

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    2 light green eggs yesterday
  6. B

    What's the temperature where you are???

    47*F here this morning.
  7. B

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    2 eggs last two days we will see what today holds
  8. B

    What's the temperature where you are???

    45*F now -its our low for the week.
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    What's the temperature where you are???

    52*F, high of 67F
  10. B

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    All the plans of mice and men....... We will do the baking this afternoon instead LOL.
  11. B

    What's the temperature where you are???

    well the storm has pushed off of us and we are down to 22 MPH winds with gusts to 36mph. 70*F high is going to be 73*. reports of people with power outages but nothing at our house. Everyone up the east coast of US stay safe.
  12. B

    What's the temperature where you are???

    67*F and drizzle here. Supposed to rain for the next 2 days. We need it but I wish it would spread out a little instead of dumping all at once.
  13. B

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    The plan today is some chocolate chip cookies with my son, then he wants to also make brownies with my DW while the oven is still hot. We might also do some snickerdoodles as well.
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    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    3 again, seems like the new norm for the moment. :)
  15. B

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    3 out of 7 today.
  16. B

    What's the temperature where you are???

    65*F high of 76* but wind will be 17 mph gust to 26 today. Low forming in the Gulf of Mexico, should bring us 2-3 inches of rain over the weekend. :)
  17. B

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    @Rambling Iris
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