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    Bobwhite & Coturnix together

    Hello. I would like to know if it's okay to put bobwhite and coturnix in the same outdoor pen. They were raided in the brooder box together
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    Pickling eggs

    Hello. I'm interested in pickling my quail eggs. Just have a few questions. Looking for some good recipes. Do you water bath them if so how long. Please help
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    Dust bath

    Would like to know what is the best material to use for a dust bath for button quail. I use sand for my regular quail
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    I would like to know if the outside hanging rabbit feeders will work for Coturnix Quail. If so what do I need to do to stop a lot of waste
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    Food for button quail babies

    I just had my button quail hatch out. I have gamebird starter. What is the best food for them. It's seems that the starter is kinda big for them . What should I do.
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    Pen for Bobwhite

    Would like to know which type of pen is best for bobwhite. Right know I have 8 bobwhite in two pens that are 2' wide 18" tall 36" long. Should the be in a pen that's on the ground so they can fly around. If so what would be a good size of pen. Also can you raise other type of bobwhite together
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    Heat Lamp for Brooder

    Question about heat lamp. Can we use a ceramic heat lamp for the brooder. Also what is the difference of using a red heat lamp to a clear lamp or ceramic lamp. What would be the best to use
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    When to put in lockdown

    Need some information. I have two incubators going. One with button quail eggs that were set on Oct.5th the other has Coturnix eggs set on Oct. 8th On what day do I put them on lockdown
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    I would like to know what the humidity should be for the quail eggs. Need from the time the eggs are set to lock down and what the humidity should be during lock down
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    water system for quail

    Is it 5/8 or is the hose smaller by looking were the hose goes 5/8 looks to big
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    water system for quail

    Just need something simple that doesn't cost alot. Don't need it heated as our winter is not that bad on the central coast of California
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    water system for quail

    I'm trying to get some ideas for self water system. I have three tier and two tier cages . Can someone send me there ideas of a water system and what to use
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    candling eggs

    The eggs have been in the incubator for ten days need to know when to candle them
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    Looking for Calif Vally, Gambel, Blue Scale Eggs

    I'm looking for the following quail eggs 10 California Valley 10 Gambel 10 Blue Scale Please let me know if anyone has them and the cost per egg and shipping cost to Salinas, Ca. 93907
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    candling eggs

    After setting eggs into incubator how many day until you candle the eggs
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    Quail pairing up

    What I would like to know once the California quail,gamble quail,blue scale hatch out and get big enough to tell which is which can I raise all of one breed together. If I have 10 California quail eggs and they all hatch can I raise all ten together
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    Quail pairing up

    What do you mean
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    Quail pairing up

    From different places
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    Quail pairing up

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    Quail pairing up

    I would like to know if on the California,gamble and blue scale. On each breed do they pair up. The reason I'm asking is I'm getting 10 hatching eggs of each breed . Can I keep like all the California quail together or do the have to bring pairs
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