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  1. Bubblesandbambi

    Pekin ducks butt

    Thank you I’ll go ahead and do that tomorrow. I appreciate it!
  2. Bubblesandbambi

    Pekin ducks butt

    Thank you so much. Her butt does look exactly like the picture in the article so I’m pretty sure that’s what it is. We locked the girls in for the night so I will provide another picture under this thread and tag you tomorrow. Thank you! I’ll go ahead and do that tomorrow as well. I just don’t...
  3. Bubblesandbambi

    Ducks butthole is sticking out

    Thank you for your reply! Do you know if there’s anything I can do to help her feel better?
  4. Bubblesandbambi

    Ducks butthole is sticking out

    Hi, I noticed my pet duck’s butt is sticking out. Anyone know why? She also seems down (a bit upset) she’s not as active or quacking like she normally is. She’s still eating and drinking and walking here and there. Her butt just got very dirty as she’s been outside with the mud free ranging. But...
  5. Bubblesandbambi

    Pekin ducks butt

    Her butt just got very dirty as she’s been outside with the mud free ranging. But you can see her butthole sticking out
  6. Bubblesandbambi

    Pekin ducks butt

    Hi, I noticed my pet duck’s butt is sticking out. Anyone know why? She also seems down (a bit upset) she’s not as active or quacking like she normally is. She’s still eating and drinking and walking here and there. Thank you.
  7. Bubblesandbambi

    Is this okay to feed Pekin ducks?

    Hi! Would this be okay to feed Pekin ducks? Female Pekin ducks who are a little over 1 years old. I’m switching their feed because I noticed it molds a bit quickly. This is nutrena NatureWise 16% Layer Crumble. They used to eat agrimaster brand 16% layer crumble feed. Thank you in advance!
  8. Bubblesandbambi

    Duck noise

    That’s so adorable haha I love that!❤️I’m the same with her haha. Thank you for commenting!😊
  9. Bubblesandbambi

    Duck noise

    Yes she is a female. I don’t have drakes (males) just females. Ahh that’s so good to know thank you (,:
  10. Bubblesandbambi

    Duck noise

    Hello, does anyone know what this noise could mean? My Pekin duck has been doing it a lot more lately but she usually does this when I pet her & recently she keeps coming up to me & making that noise. I pet her and she lays with me but I just want to make sure if it’s anything else or if it’s...
  11. Bubblesandbambi

    Molting duck?

    Thank you!!
  12. Bubblesandbambi

    Molting duck?

    Okay great. Thank you for responding! (:
  13. Bubblesandbambi

    Molting duck?

    Thank you for responding! This is how her wings look like. I attached a picture
  14. Bubblesandbambi

    Molting duck?

    Hello. I was told that my duck was molting but I wanted to post pictures of her to see if this looks normal? Is it normal for her to loose this much feathers? (She is wet after a swim) The last pic Is when she’s dry but I saw a bald spot coming in.
  15. Bubblesandbambi

    Duck is loosing a lot of feathers

    Okay that’s good to know because I just saw a patch on her without feathers. Thank you!
  16. Bubblesandbambi

    Duck is loosing a lot of feathers

    Thank you for responding too! (: I appreciate it
  17. Bubblesandbambi

    Duck is loosing a lot of feathers

    Thank you so much! I wasn’t sure since it’s a lottt so I just wanted to make sure. Thank you!(:
  18. Bubblesandbambi

    Duck is loosing a lot of feathers

    We’re in the Midwest. Temperatures are still cold but it’s getting a bit warmer than it was the past few months. Recently we’ve been in the 40s & 50s compared to 20s & 30s about a month/two months ago. They are on 18% kalmbach pellets. I switched two Purina’s layer pellets but they wouldn’t eat...
  19. Bubblesandbambi

    Duck is loosing a lot of feathers

    Hello, I noticed my duck has been loosing a lot off feathers the past few days. Is it normal for her to loose that many? I posted two pictures. She is a Pekin duck and will be 10 months old on the 31st. I do give her vitamins/electrolytes in their water. Her sister is the same age and she’s not...
  20. Bubblesandbambi

    White in duck poop

    Ooooo okay. I’m so glad to hear that. Thank you sm! (:
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