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  1. T

    Any issues with flock always being in shaded woods?

    I have my coop and run in the woods and in the spring/summer the trees grow to where little sunlight gets through. There are definitely places where it comes through and they dust bathe in those spots, but it’s still limited sunlight, especially compared to fall and winter. Do you think lack of...
  2. T

    Bigger nesting box for hen and chicks?

    It’s on the ground and food and water are feet away
  3. T

    Bigger nesting box for hen and chicks?

    Chicks started hatching today. So far 6 out of 9 have hatched. Right now they are in a sideways milk crate. The hen takes up majority of the crate. Will I need to provide them a bigger box at some point? Already seems crammed and the obviously the chicks will get bigger. I know they’ll stay...
  4. T

    Reintroducing mother hen and new chicks back to flock

    I have a coop inside a large fenced chicken yard for my main flock. The broody hen is in a chicken tractor just outside the chicken yard. Once the chicks hatch, I could move the chicken tractor into the fenced area and do what you are saying. The eggs are a mix of eggs from the entire flock. And...
  5. T

    Reintroducing mother hen and new chicks back to flock

    I separated my broody hen from the main flock and put her in an isolated pen with eggs she’s sitting on. After the chicks hatch, when would be best to put them back with the main flock?
  6. T

    Broody hen and older chicks in same pen?

    I have a large run/coop for my main flock, and a small side pen for acclimation period for new additions to the flock. I had a hen go broody so I put her alone in the side pen with eggs and she’s been sitting for about 5 days now. I have 3 chicks in my basement that need to go outside in a week...
  7. T

    What’s the best way to deworm your chickens?

    I have 20 hens. What’s the best way to go about administering the dewormer? And what is your go to dewormer?
  8. T

    Can chickens stay hydrated on snow?

    Yeah I’ve read a bunch of mixed opinions. It seems like most people say snow is not sufficient to keep them hyrdrated…
  9. T

    Can chickens stay hydrated on snow?

    It snowed 10 inches and will remain below freezing for the next couple of days. Will they be able to stay hydrated by eating snow?
  10. T

    How long can chick stay in incubator?

    The little guy I was worried about hatched this morning. I went ahead and took the hatched chicks out, I currently see no pipping signs out of the other eggs. We’ll see how the next day or so goes
  11. T

    How long can chick stay in incubator?

    I’m on day 21 right now. One hatched 24 hours ago. 2 more have hatched since then. All are still in the incubator. There’s a couple of eggs in the incubator with pip holes (one has had a hole with no movement for 14 hours). I guess my question is, how much longer can I leave the hatched chicks...
  12. T

    Does this look like a hawk attack?

    It was a Hawk, he came back today.
  13. T

    Does this look like a hawk attack?

    It was a Hawk, he came back today
  14. T

    Does this look like a hawk attack?

    Dog or hawk are my 2 guesses based on predators I know are around. I figured a dog would probably carry it off though
  15. T

    Does this look like a hawk attack?

    Middle of the day. It looks like it was eaten right where it was attacked. A lot of the insides are gone. Almost decapitated but not completely.
  16. T

    What potential color chicks will I have?

    Nice! Here are Blue Plymouth Rock pictures I found. You think something like this?
  17. T

    What potential color chicks will I have?

    This is exactly what I’m seeing too! I’m curious what blue with white barring will look like
  18. T

    What potential color chicks will I have?

    I hatched 6 eggs! I don’t know which eggs belonged to what hens but here’s how they came out
  19. T

    Rooster limping. Scaly leg mites?

    Bottom of feet look fine. Here’s a pic I tried to get of one. They both look about the same. He’s got scabs on the outside of both of his legs…I was wondering if maybe rats or mice are getting at him at night, but I’ve got 19 hens and nothing seems to be getting them. Maybe he had an encounter...
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