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  1. D

    new drake in all drake flock

    Oh wow! Ok. I’ll look out for that behavior and try Pines with him tomorrow or Monday. I want to have the time to dedicate to staying outside with them to watch out for all of this. Thank you Ruth!!! Oh wow! Ok, I’ll try him with one of them tomorrow or Monday so that I have the time to...
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    new drake in all drake flock

    [/USER] Haha omg Louie! I would say Poke (the more aggressive Swede) is my Louie, and I’m sort of fearful he will be a forever terrorist to Petunio. When I first brought them home, he was constantly going after Pines, my Jumbo Pekin, until finally Pines put him in his place. Now no one messes...
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    new drake in all drake flock

    Update: he’s doing fantastic!!! I would say his energy is close to 100% if not there. He seems lonely though and longs to be with the others. I split their coop in half, since that’s all I was able to do. I couldn’t fit a crate in there. My boys came with a wayfair chicken coop that we added an...
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    new drake in all drake flock

    Thank you for the replies!!! Ok, I will keep this set up going for now and plan to section him a spot in their coop. He’s still in the house, and is a surprisingly well mannered guy, but I think he’s at the point now where he can start spending the night “with” his new buddies. My thought is to...
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    new drake in all drake flock

    Hi friends! I haven’t been on here in a while. I thought I read a post about keeping an all drake flock, but can’t seem to find it. Anyway, if you don’t feel like reading a lot, skip to the third paragraph for the question. Some back story on my original flock: In November of 2022, I adopted...
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    Inflated Foot & Respiratory issues

    I can’t thank you all enough!!! This is a different duck! A complete 180! Once he started eating the nutritional yeast eggs, I saw a huge shift. He scarfed down the B-complex eggs & from there he just kept getting brighter, more alert, stronger, by 5 pm he was not only walking completely upright...
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    Inflated Foot & Respiratory issues

    Ok, I am back from the store with these products. So my questions are: 1. Am I safe to dose him with the B complex if I am now offering what I think is the appropriate food? 2. If I am giving him the injectable orally, do I follow the dose amounts in the niacin deficiency thread for the oral...
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    Inflated Foot & Respiratory issues

    He just finished his tiny plate of eggs. He ate just under half of a hard boiled egg. So, I am off to Tractor Supply to get Duck specific starter feed and liquid b complex. He HATES the shackles. Is this the B Complex I’m supposed to get...
  9. D

    Inflated Foot & Respiratory issues

    When I first went to see him this morning, he seemed ok, but then had a seizure like episode. Throwing his head way back and flopping I got him to drink a little water and he seemed to come out of it. When he ate the day before he seemed to like his food in the water, so I filled his food dish...
  10. D

    Inflated Foot & Respiratory issues

    Is there something else I can feed him to tempt him to eat more? I saw scrambled egg on another blog. I feel like even though he has these spurts of vigorous eating, it’s not what he should be consuming daily.
  11. D

    Inflated Foot & Respiratory issues

    We did the shackles for just about 24 hours as soon as we got him home. I saw significant improvement. He was holding the good foot directly under him, and the bubbled foot was just slightly out to the side. - but since removing, he reverted back to a complete splay as of today. I saw...
  12. D

    Inflated Foot & Respiratory issues

    He had his first antibiotic dose earlier today. It’s twice a day. He said I can either do next dose late tonight or early in the morning. Happy to report is vigorous eating is back! I have 3 rescue drakes, that all came to me at 7 months or so old. I’ve rehabbed adult ducks before, but this is...
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    Inflated Foot & Respiratory issues

    He did an in house visit and had to figure out which antibiotic and how much first. He does some farm visits, but mostly a “regular” pet vet. I don’t have a strictly farm animal vet close enough to me.
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    Inflated Foot & Respiratory issues

    I have a 4 day old khaki duckling that I rescued from a friend of a friend, who hatched him in an incubator. Only 4 eggs hatched, 3 survived and this little one I took in on the assumption that it only had splayed legs. I picked him up on Saturday night. Saturday was his first day outside of the...
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    New Duck Mom in CT

    Hi backyard bird friends! I want to give a quick, but somewhat detailed introduction on how I became a duck mom, how I found this forum, and what I’ll be posting about next. 4 months ago, I adopted one of my good friends’ 3 drakes; two Swedish Blue clutch brothers & one Giant Pekin. Sometime...
  16. D

    Swollen legs

    Hi Tara! Did the B Complex help? Dealing with a similar swelling on a female Pekin’s right leg.
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