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  1. DC_WIngnut

    Hens head and neck feathers

    I wasn’t sure if that was a thing until I read through a few other threads. She seems to be the only one with some neck and that many face feathers regrowing in. One other hen has two little patches of new feathers on her face. The rest look normal. We’re still getting anywhere from 3-4 eggs a...
  2. DC_WIngnut

    Hens head and neck feathers

    So I recently had to rehome a rooster who was just hitting maturity. About a week ago. We have 16 hens, 7 that are around 8 months and 8 that are approx 4months. The rooster we rehomed was from the same hatch as the 4 month crew and we still have an immature rooster who joined our group...
  3. DC_WIngnut

    Weirdly calm pullet addition

    Love all of this! Thanks for sharing your set up!
  4. DC_WIngnut

    Weirdly calm pullet addition

    I hadn’t heard that before but oh boy don’t fan my confidence flames too much. I’ll have to build a second coop 😂
  5. DC_WIngnut

    Weirdly calm pullet addition

    So today I had two bielefelder pullets and one BCM cockerel I added to our main flock. There were 8 weeks. The cockerel while cute and lovely will probably be rehomed in the next two weeks but I didn’t want to separate him from his two gals to integrate them into the main flock and leave him...
  6. DC_WIngnut

    Thanks he does have very nice coloring!

    Thanks he does have very nice coloring!
  7. DC_WIngnut

    Opinions on sex of Easter Egger

    That’s what I suspected.
  8. DC_WIngnut

    Seven weeks old Cornish roasters, temps dropping soon

    Thanks all! We harvested all of them 2 days ago before a day of snow was predicted, about 9 weeks of age. Smallest dressed was just three lbs and largest was almost 6. Happy with my first meat harvest!
  9. DC_WIngnut

    Trying to figure out if one of Easter Eggers is a male. I’m leaning toward yes but if you have...

    Trying to figure out if one of Easter Eggers is a male. I’m leaning toward yes but if you have an opinion I’m open to hearing your thoughts.
  10. DC_WIngnut

    Opinions on sex of Easter Egger

    It is almost 12 weeks and has been significany larger than all of its flock mates since about week 6 or 7. The rest of them barely have any comb to speak of that are of similar breeding. I’m thinking it’s a roo but curious if anyone else could weigh in from these photos. Thanks!
  11. DC_WIngnut

    Seven weeks old Cornish roasters, temps dropping soon

    Hello, We have been raising meat birds for the first time this fall. They’ve been outside in a tractor for almost 3 weeks now but it’s been unseasonably warm here in Wisconsin. They are 7, going on 8 weeks old and our weather is going to take a turn next week. We’re expecting night time lows...
  12. DC_WIngnut

    Combining pullets and hens

    Integration took about 3 full days. They are still working out the pecking order but nothing serious. The younger ones seem to understand how to move along or jump up on something now. They’ve also started sharing food and water and have a third feeder in there for now until the little scuffles...
  13. DC_WIngnut

    Combining pullets and hens

    I just cluttered the run 2 weeks ago and installed the doors this morning.
  14. DC_WIngnut

    Combining pullets and hens

    I wish we could free range. We have neighbors and their dogs occasionally ramble through our lot. Plus our pullets are so nutty I would expect a few of them to run off into the woods. Our run is sizable and the grow out pen is part of it just sectioned off. It seems like they are braving going...
  15. DC_WIngnut

    Combining pullets and hens

    Hello everyone, We have seven mature hens in a coop some of which have begun to lay and a run attached to a grow out pen containing ten pullets. They are going on 8 weeks so I was wanting to combine them. I’ve made two entrance and exit doors for the pullets to go in and out of the run with the...
  16. DC_WIngnut

    Our new babies have arrived! Chick behavior related.

    Hello! We are located in NE WI. We just got our first batch of dual purpose chicks. Delaware and Silver Laced Wyandotte breeds. We are brooding them indoors in a “chick tent” for now until the weather warms up more. They will move to our garage with supplemental heat once it’s in the 50’s at...
  17. DC_WIngnut

    Review by 'DC_WIngnut' in article 'Short on Time? Recycle-a-Prefab Brooder'

    Great tutorial on the MHP. Thanks for the detailed pictures!
  18. DC_WIngnut

    Deep Litter or Deep Bedding in chick brooder

    Hello all! I’ve come across a few videos that mention doing deep litter in the chick brooder but they don’t give too much detail. I’d like to use the method if possible but I’m curious if other people have experience with it. I’m brooding laying hens, indoors for the first 4-6 weeks and have...
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