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  1. M

    What kind of Wyandottes? Which ones are pullets?

    You're in luck because I recently got another picture of #4! (she's the only one I've taken recent photos of though) I will be sure to get pictures of everyone else as well
  2. M

    Is this an Ameraucana?

    Do the roosters live with the hens? Do the roosters get along with each other? The reason I'm asking is because I also have 3 roosters (two 6 week old ones) and a similar amount of hens, I don't know how well that ratio works yet
  3. M

    Is this an Ameraucana?

    How many chickens do you have? She just turned a year old last month, in the picture she around 7 months old. I agree, her coloring is pretty! She's probably the least friendly of my chickens though lol
  4. M

    Is this an Ameraucana?

    That's awesome! Her name was Trouble, I really loved her color (and personality) so she was a tough one to lose
  5. M

    My daughter found this in the yard

    If I suspect my chickens are eating eggs I will collect eggs as many times a day as possible, so they don't even get a chance. Additionally, I place golf balls in the nest box as decoy eggs, this will trick them into thinking eggs are unbreakable.
  6. M

    My daughter found this in the yard

    Mine will eat every unbroken egg after only getting one taste, so maybe mine are just extra bad
  7. M

    Too many roosters?

    I have 22 hens. My rooster has a good history when I comes to getting along with other roosters, so that gives me hope! What age do you suggest I introduce the cockerels to him? I know 8-12 weeks is an ideal age to introduce chickens to the rest of the flock, but I didn't know if roosters are...
  8. M

    My daughter found this in the yard

    Now that she's discovered that eggs taste good you will have a problem, she will continue to eat them.
  9. M

    Too many roosters?

    I recently posted a thread showing pictures of my newest flock members, 5 week old Wyandottes and Opringtons. The consensus was that I most likely have 2 Wyandotte cockerels. Additionally, I have a 2 year old Buff Orpington rooster. The rooster is separated from the hens, he lives in his own run...
  10. M

    9yo barred rock hen with walking problems

    Your hen sounds almost exactly like mine! I have a 9 year old Orpington hen who's had trouble walking for around a year. I believe it's arthritis. She has some bad months, and some good ones. Last month she got a lot worse and couldn't walk at all, so I separated her from the flock and kept her...
  11. M

    7 yo Barred Rock hen lethargic

    Oh sorry I wrote "comb" not "crop" haha
  12. M

    Hens or roos

    Both are hens! Very pretty too!
  13. M

    What kind of Wyandottes? Which ones are pullets?

    #3 throws me off because her wings are very light colored (looks blue to me), but other than that she's pretty dark. I was really hoping everyone would tell me #1 is a pullet lol, if they end up a cockerel they'd be my 3rd rooster.
  14. M

    Orpingtons, hen or roo?

    #2 definitely looks like a cockerel, #1 I'm not sure (guessing pullet). Hens can have large combs as well, but they develop later than roosters (more towards egg laying age). Do either of them have saddle feathers yet?
  15. M

    What kind of Wyandottes? Which ones are pullets?

    I ordered 5 Blue Laced Red Wyandottes, and they all look drastically different. This is my first time with the breed. I suspect #5 is a cockerel, but I can't tell if any more are. Some are showing a lot of blue coloration, but others look black and gold. I don't know if this is normal for Blue...
  16. M

    7 yo Barred Rock hen lethargic

    How does her comb feel: hard, watery, empty, etc? Is there any discharge coming from her beak or nostrils? How does her abdomen feel? When was the last time she has laid? Any signs of parasites (mites or lice)?
  17. M

    Egg laying problem?

    That's usually benign! It can be caused by stress or excitement, but most of the time it just happens. It's safe to eat as well.
  18. M

    Should I be concerned?

    Do both earlobes look like that? Some chicken breeds have white/greenish (not sure what to call the exact color) earlobes
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