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  1. 8WarEagleChicks

    8wareaglechickss Member Page

    This is Darling Daughter #2...She is the baby of my brood (6 chicks in all). This is her as she looked up from the incubator in Jan 2010 to see our first baby chick. It was like Christmas morning that day! We have learned so many life lessons from these chickens. Life, death, love, and dogs...
  2. 8WarEagleChicks

    Did she Freeze to death?

    I just didn't think about her roosting there. I used to toss her and her sister in with the others...her sister stopped roosting there and was in the coop of her own free will last night. But here lately I didn't think it was a danger for her to roost there. All I can think is she must have...
  3. 8WarEagleChicks

    Did she Freeze to death?

    I checked her all over and there were no signs of distress or bite marks. That coop is encircled by a 16' x 16' pen made of cattle panels (with chicken wire) that was locked.
  4. 8WarEagleChicks

    Did she Freeze to death?

    I looked out at the run this morning and saw my 7 month old Australorp pullet dead on the ground. She is the only chicken who does not go in the coop with the others. She roosts on top of the nest boxes which is about 6 feet off the ground. I didn't think about it dipping below freezing last...
  5. 8WarEagleChicks

    How to quickly beef up a roo?

    Thanks for all the replies. If this works (us processing them!) and we do it again I will put the boys on something beefier much sooner! I have them confined and on flockraiser/BOSS . Wish me luck!
  6. 8WarEagleChicks

    chickens flying over my 4-5 ft. fence

    Build a taller fence. I have 5 Australorps and 2 EE's that have no problem flying over my 4'4" fence. I added about 18 more inches and it seems to stop them sometimes. I have cattle panels for my first fence and I ran to the dollar store to buy the little wire fence sections that you use...
  7. 8WarEagleChicks

    How to quickly beef up a roo?

    I have confined the boys to a smaller section of the pen. I guess my real question is...should I spend the $17 for a 50 pound bag of turkey starter that they will only be eatting for 2 weeks? I don't think they will eat the whole bag and I'd be left with with a bunch of feed that I don't need...
  8. 8WarEagleChicks

    How to quickly beef up a roo?

    Thanks for the replies. FYI -The Starter/Grower is 18% protein and I am having a hard time finding anything higher locally. My usual source for feed told me he sold some pig grower to a fella once who was feeding it to his roosters. Not sure I want to go that route. Any other ways to boost...
  9. 8WarEagleChicks

    How to quickly beef up a roo?

    I have three Australorp roos who are 17 weeks old. I have finally gotten the go ahead from my dh to try and process them for their meat. We have a friend coming around Labor day weekend to show us how. These roos are big but not full grown by any stretch. I have them on Starter/grower feed...
  10. 8WarEagleChicks

    I Want a Big Metal Sculpture of a Chicken for My Coop

    I saw a place off I-20W just as you cross over into Alabama. Next to a fireworks stand. He had fun BIG (6 ft I'm guessing and smaller) metal sculpture roosters. I would have stopped but #1- my kids were not in the mood for one of my "chicken capers" #2 the van was already full! #3 - I...
  11. 8WarEagleChicks

    New to having chickens

    Hello from Concord, NC! We started this chicken adventrue one year ago and what fun it has been! We have Easter Eggers (for the pretty gree and olive colored eggs) They are fun little chickens to have around too. We also have 3 sex linked hens (daddy was a RIR and momma was a white rock...
  12. 8WarEagleChicks

    Should we get a Roo to start or not?

    I agree with the above...No roosters with small children. I have 6 kids and currently we have 3 Easter Egger roos. The dominant rooster and another chased my six year old boy across the back yard twice last week as he went to gather eggs. We incubated them and have held them and raised them...
  13. 8WarEagleChicks

    Massive Egg Why? + Guess how many yolks! (PICS)

    You should make that your avatar!! That picture makes me laugh till I cry! Definately a Sitz bath for her!! We guess 4 yolks. Can't wait to see the pictures :pop
  14. 8WarEagleChicks

    Need Advice! Which rooster do we keep?

    Well Mrs K you were right. Both Cinamon and Domino chased my 6 year old across the back yard today when he went into the coop to gather an egg!!! The six year old is such a nut I thought they were wary of him...but I guess they consider his loudness and flapping arms that I...
  15. 8WarEagleChicks

    Need Advice! Which rooster do we keep?

    Thanks again for all the replies. I think Mrs. K's advice may win the day. I'd hate for anything to happen to my little ones. my 5 year old will not be happy of those hard lessons in life. On the plus side that would free up some space in the coop for birds who actually lay...
  16. 8WarEagleChicks

    Need Advice! Which rooster do we keep?

    Thanks for the replies. I guess I am really wondering if anyone has ever had an EE turn out to be a nice rooster when they act this way at 6 months?
  17. 8WarEagleChicks

    Need Advice! Which rooster do we keep?

    We are not really breeding for color. Mostly for the blue egg gene if possible. I have one Australorp pullet (which is my best shot a someone going broody) 3 EE pullets, 3 RSL hens..and the three EE roos. I have even considered getting rid of all three EE roos and getting a big AU roo...
  18. 8WarEagleChicks

    Need Advice! Which rooster do we keep?

    We have three EE roosters that we hatched last August. I got the eggs from Gabbard Farms and they seem like really nice looking birds...all of them....but we don't have room to keep three roosters. We'd like to keep one in the hopes one of the girls goes broody. My dh has a friend interested...
  19. 8WarEagleChicks

    Advice concerning hawks and owls

    I second all the advice from Chickensaresweet. I have noticed that my chickens prefer to be in places where they can easily duck and cover. They feel safest near my house/ under the deck and near the coop where there is a shrubby cedar tree they can hide under. They will eat in the open...
  20. 8WarEagleChicks

    Advice concerning hawks and owls

    I just had to write an say I LOVE your user name and avatar. My family are HUGE Jack Aubry fans! I don't know about the cd's. I have read that many folks have had success with them. I suppose when we lose one to a hawk I'll be trying it. I have had two hawk attempts on my full sized...
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