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  1. M

    Nystatin efficacy and next steps

    Hi all, 1.5 yr old dark Brahma was going thru her first molt when her crop slowed and became sour/doughy. Free choice grit and oyster shell, organic layer crumbles, not free range (ie no access to long grass or hay.) Took her into the vet asap, bloodwork normal, X-ray normal, their guess was...
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    Bumblefoot opinion

    I did squeeze a bit, but it was pretty clean and an empty hole after I pulled the plug out. I'm unsure if the white I'm seeing now is pus I need to pull out.
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    Bumblefoot opinion

    Hi all, my first time with BF. She's a 1.5 yr old leghorn, noticed the lesion last night (pic 3316) . she's 1 of 9. 9 hens, 1 roo. Very clean coop. I soaked in epsom salt, removed brown plug with tweezer. I couldn't see anything else to remove--No "goo", "cheese", blood, etc. Just a dark, hard...
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    911-hen moved to box, diarrhea, panting

    update if anyone is interested from these symptoms: seemed to be an indication of infection/inflammation in her bloodwork, so she is on antibiotics. They also put her oxygen for about 36 hours (oxygen tank) and sub q fluids, and some pain meds. She is home now and is tired but OK, we'll see how...
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    911-hen moved to box, diarrhea, panting

    That’s what’s got me puzzled. I appreciate your help a lot, feeling discouraged these days.
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    911-hen moved to box, diarrhea, panting

    Literally taking her right now. No avian vet on so it’ll be a normal emergency vet and we like to run by experts on here if we can.
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    911-hen moved to box, diarrhea, panting

    It’s possible? We cleaned the whole coop (all shavings out) two days ago, and cleaned out all poop again today. We did rake up the run so it’s possible something popped up.
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    911-hen moved to box, diarrhea, panting

    Sorry, meant to reply directly. See my comment below.
  9. M

    911-hen moved to box, diarrhea, panting

    Green mountain organic coarse layer feed. 66 degrees in the coop. Not too hot today, didn’t hit 70. Free choice oyster shell and grit. She also laid today and hasn’t had any laying issues. Had heavy metal blood test about a week back and that was normal.
  10. M

    911-hen moved to box, diarrhea, panting

    Year old leghorn, happy as can be all day, normal behavior. flew down to the nest boxes at 10 pm. diarrhea, panting. Stumbling, wings out. We fear the worst and have her headed to the vet. Any idea of something super super acute (she was fine two hours ago, rest of the flock seems fine) that...
  11. M

    Please help my sanity. How much resting is normal for a broken broody bird?

    Just really wanted to thank everyone for taking the time to respond. We go out of our way to give these chickens the best life possible and we've had so much happen over our first year that it's getting hard to judge emergencies/vet visits from normal behavior.
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    Please help my sanity. How much resting is normal for a broken broody bird?

    Yes, eating, drinking, loves treats, running around being the weirdo that she is...
  13. M

    Please help my sanity. How much resting is normal for a broken broody bird?

    Yup, she had all of these symptoms--"ticking bomb" clucking, extremely pecky when we got her off nest, obsessed with getting back in. I said below that maybe this is the first time she has experienced these hormones--young bird--and we are figuring it out. She has not laid since that egg. When...
  14. M

    Please help my sanity. How much resting is normal for a broken broody bird?

    Understood, but believe me-she had all of those symptoms. She stopped once we removed her from the nest repeatedly for a day. She clucked and clucked and even howled when we closed off her nest box and blocked the nest boxes in the coop overnight. She is a young hen (just turned one) so this...
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    Please help my sanity. How much resting is normal for a broken broody bird?

    thank you, this is very helpful. she is doing all of those things, but I wonder if she's a bit confused.
  16. M

    Please help my sanity. How much resting is normal for a broken broody bird?

    Hi all, Feeling at the end of my rope with my first flock. It’s always something! Any advice appreciated. 1 yr old salmon fav hen, flock of 8 hens and one rooster. Plenty of space, organic green mountain coarse layer feed, free choice oyster shell and grit. She went broody for about a day...
  17. M

    Egg bound experts, I am very eager to learn!

    Thank you! super helpful. She is on some prescription calcium gluconate from the vet so hopefully that's helping. I didn't know it could be that long!
  18. M

    Egg bound experts, I am very eager to learn!

    Hi all, 11 month old buff orp, organic layer feed, free choice oyster shells, free choice grit. Flock of 9 hens, 1 cockerel, no prior issues except this egg situation. Very spoiled birds, lots of attention, enrichment, healthy snacks. This buff had an healthy egg removed last Monday by a vet--...
  19. M

    help: options for egg binding in buff orp

    Thank you, yes-- she is actually on prescription calcium gluconate form a vet. She also has FC oystershells and grit, and yes, layer feed.
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