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  1. TropicalChickies

    Hen suddenly very sick. Chalky white/yellow discharge, bad smelling vent. Other details provided, please help

    Yes a gave her 3 doses of Clotrimazole yesterday of 1ml each, early morning, midday, and at bedtime. I think the ACV in water (much more diluted now!) and probiotics are starting to help too.
  2. TropicalChickies

    Hen suddenly very sick. Chalky white/yellow discharge, bad smelling vent. Other details provided, please help

    Good morning folks, Rusty is still with us and appears to be improving little by little. Whatever bacteria and bad yeast invaded her system really walloped her a good one. Based on some peck marks healing up around her eyes and comb and her avoidance behavior when certain members of the flock...
  3. TropicalChickies

    Hen suddenly very sick. Chalky white/yellow discharge, bad smelling vent. Other details provided, please help

    Killing off the yeast with antifungals helps. But I think the Ph and balance of good yeasts/bacterias to the bad ones is really the key to getting a digestive system functioning well on its own (chicken or human). Too high of a Ph is basic or alkaline and a chicken's system is naturally on the...
  4. TropicalChickies

    Hen suddenly very sick. Chalky white/yellow discharge, bad smelling vent. Other details provided, please help

    I had no idea! This is my first time dealing with an air/gas filled crop. Yes, I was surprised by the scary episode yesterday because she does seem better overall. It seems like she was burping out so much gas, she couldn't get air to go in. And when I flipped her upside down, it shifted...
  5. TropicalChickies

    Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

    All of my broodies took their chicks up to roost at around 8 weeks without any interference from me. But sometimes they will still cover the chicks with a wing while roosting and the chicks all try to get the spot right next to mom. Lately there's only been two or three chicks in a brood so it's...
  6. TropicalChickies

    Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

    Nice to see the coop with a few more chickens. The youngsters looks so grown up.
  7. TropicalChickies

    Hen suddenly very sick. Chalky white/yellow discharge, bad smelling vent. Other details provided, please help

    Yes, thank you. It's clarifying and useful. It helps me to turn her the right way when I'm giving her medication so she can see what's going on and not resist so much. Btw, Rusty (my red hen) is sick. Dusty is the black frizzle who healed up from the back injury/flesh wound nicely and now has...
  8. TropicalChickies

    Hen suddenly very sick. Chalky white/yellow discharge, bad smelling vent. Other details provided, please help

    Thank you everyone. @TwoCrows, your reply made me realize something: Rusty won't vomit up a big liquidy mass because it's not there! Her crop is full of air, not liquid and food! Last week, when the infection was high, I think there was liquid in the crop top. But now it looks like liquids are...
  9. TropicalChickies

    Hen suddenly very sick. Chalky white/yellow discharge, bad smelling vent. Other details provided, please help

    Thank you. We're all in the same boat when it comes to trying to save their lives -- doing whatever we can. I'll try the Clotrimazole. At this point, I don't think it can hurt.
  10. TropicalChickies

    Hen suddenly very sick. Chalky white/yellow discharge, bad smelling vent. Other details provided, please help

    Rusty is fighting as hard as she can, but I think I need to start helping her with the yeast in her crop. Her crop is smaller, but it has not emptied in 10 days (that I know of). She smells like a big sourdough bread bakery. There's yeasty smelling air coming out of her beak, she burps like a...
  11. TropicalChickies

    Hen suddenly very sick. Chalky white/yellow discharge, bad smelling vent. Other details provided, please help

    It is the right eye she closes! And after she eats and drinks, she opens it more! That's very very interesting. Also, she has lost weight of course. She's thin, but not critically so. I've had broodies who got this thin before they started eating for themselves again. And I can tell she's...
  12. TropicalChickies

    Hen suddenly very sick. Chalky white/yellow discharge, bad smelling vent. Other details provided, please help

    How common is it for a hen sick like this to keep one eye closed? Is it a pain reaction? One eye is clear and pretty bright, but she keeps the other one mostly closed. I've flushed it with saline and applied gentamicin drops.
  13. TropicalChickies

    Hen suddenly very sick. Chalky white/yellow discharge, bad smelling vent. Other details provided, please help

    It looks like we are moving in the right direction. Rusty's crop was much smaller this morning. She's only eaten a small amount, but still, if the crop were filling with liquid from somewhere below in her body, it wouldn't go down anyway. So I think the meds are reducing the infection and...
  14. TropicalChickies

    Hen suddenly very sick. Chalky white/yellow discharge, bad smelling vent. Other details provided, please help

    Ok, done. She has perked up a bit. Stopped the gurgly breathing. Looks like she took a step back from deaths door anyway. Maybe two! She ate a bit of damp mash mixed with a little olive oil. I've been syringing her pure water with a squeeze of lemon and bit of ginger -- seems to help "de-gas"...
  15. TropicalChickies

    Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

    Mix 1/2 teaspoon of Blackstrap (dark) molasses with 1/4 cup warm water and a dash of ginger. Carefully syringe it to her. Gently massage the crop and then abdomen. This was very helpful for Butchie when she got backed up and helped her to have many more energized days (before her final...
  16. TropicalChickies

    Hen suddenly very sick. Chalky white/yellow discharge, bad smelling vent. Other details provided, please help

    Hi thank you. One more question, please: So I can give her the amoxy and the ceph at the same time as a combination therapy? Or do I have to space them out? Rusty's still with us. Feeling rough, getting gurgly breathing, but here. I just gave her the Epsom salt flush. Waiting for her to...
  17. TropicalChickies

    Hen suddenly very sick. Chalky white/yellow discharge, bad smelling vent. Other details provided, please help

    I was able to get amoxicillin. Is the dosage of 250mg given once a day or every 12 hours?
  18. TropicalChickies

    Hen suddenly very sick. Chalky white/yellow discharge, bad smelling vent. Other details provided, please help

    A friend of mine in the US who keeps birds put me on touch with an avian vet. She also recommended either amoxicillin or injectable penicillin or oxytetracycline with neomycin. (I told the vet I can buy some antibiotics without prescription, but I'm not sure which ones). She also said given...
  19. TropicalChickies

    Hen suddenly very sick. Chalky white/yellow discharge, bad smelling vent. Other details provided, please help

    Thank you. I gave her the flush this morning and it made her eliminate a big stinky watery bubbly mess. Better in than out. Then I gave her water with electrolytes and probiotic. I will continue flushing her for the next two days.
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