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  1. C

    Quail Identification

    New to quail and was given about a dozen mixed breed fertile eggs, anyone able to help identify what variation they are? All cotournix. 7 weeks old, new quail hutch is finishing up drying and they'll be outside this week. Only unsure on the tuxedos and dark ones, white's are pearl fee.
  2. C

    Thoughts on this egg?

    For sure, tossing wasn't even a thought lol. Development is still going great, day 14 now. Egg is fairly dark now, certainly has less light "empty" area than the rest of the other eggs, oddly enough air pocket is a bit smaller than the rest as well. Seems to be enough room for development and...
  3. C

    Thoughts on this egg?

    So my neighbor ended up with a Roo and is now getting the complaints to get rid of it (no roos allowed here). We all love it so decided to hatch some eggs from his line before he has to go. She gave me a few eggs and so far 100% fertility rate. On day 12 now, but I candled at day 10 and one egg...
  4. C

    Quail Pip Wrong End

    First ones out! Thanks everyone, now they should all start to roll lol
  5. C

    Quail Pip Wrong End

    Well over 24 hours since the external pip, I have 11 of 12 externally pipped now, day 16. 3 total pipped on the wrong end. The two from yesterday chipped more shell away but membrane has been exposed for a while. Cranked the humidity up to 65% and broke seal for a second to put some coconut oil...
  6. C

    Quail Pip Wrong End

    Thank you for the info. I've helped a number of chicks hatch, espcially in my early days before I got a good incubator and thermometer lol. My gut will be to let them do their thing and let nature take it's course.
  7. C

    Quail Pip Wrong End

    Thank you, I actually noticed a 2nd egg in the same situation. Not sure what happened here, shipped eggs, allowed to rest pointy end down 24 hrs as normal, may be the seller stored them incorrectly on jostling from the mail. Had 16 eggs and 12 left, hoping for a good hatch rate. Really wanting...
  8. C

    Review: Battery powered chicken door! (A+)

    Yes, I have one as well - can be set to Light Sensor, Timer, or Do Not Close
  9. C

    Quail Pip Wrong End

    Good Morning Everyone, First time attempting hatching quail, currently in lockdown at day 15. Went to do a temp/hydrometer check and noticed what appeared to be a pip but at the wrong end of the egg. Grabbed a few pictures, and I know nothing was cracked going into lockdown. Not hearing any...
  10. C

    Guesses on who laid this egg?

    They have all been pretty red for a few weeks now, I assumed they were all pretty much ready but the shortened daylight hours were preventing laying.
  11. C

    Guesses on who laid this egg?

    Appears one of my flock started laying yesterday. Egg up top is my Copper Marans egg for comparison, middle is the mystery and bottom is an Ayam Cemani. Was out most of the day and came back to three eggs, though I didn't do a late check last night. Current flock: 1 Black Copper Marans - 1...
  12. C

    Ayam Cemani Laying Question

    Thank You! She's actually been laying almost every day since, having only taken two days off in there lol. Didn't really get her for eggs was moreso just curious since I hadn't seen any information on it lol, thanks again!
  13. C

    T2 Olive Egger

    New to olive eggers and I know she's a bit young still but wondering if anyone with more experience in them has any input/ideas. 6 Week T2 Olive Egger T1 Olive Egger Hen x Marans Rooster
  14. C

    Pullet or Cockerel

    Agree with @DobieLover.
  15. C

    Chicken Math: Ameraucana Hatching Eggs Ordered!

    Congrats! Our birds are in synch! My first Opal Legbar pipped externally tonight as well lol.
  16. C

    Coop Build

    From Voorheese probaly 40 - 45 minutes. It's hit or miss in the winter but normally pretty cheap prices, no one is bidding straw up to $15 a bale lol. Normally in summer they update their facebook solely to let you know what's expected for hay and straw. I actually just switched to the pellet...
  17. C

    Coop Build

    I'm actually building an addition to my run no, adding an extra 50 sq ft. I have a huge extra roll of painting plastic (bought two when I painted the house, only used one) so that'a a great idea, maybe I will cover for December - February. My feeder and waterer are both in the coop currently but...
  18. C

    Show me your mixes!

    Here's a few of mine currently still chicks, technically olive eggers but still a mix lol. First two pics are a T2 Olive Egger - came from T1 Olive Egger × BCM 2nd two pics is another T2 Olive Egger 3rd set of pics are from a T1 Olive Egger (BCM Mom x Opal Legbar dad)
  19. C

    First Egg

    So another egg was laid today, can certainly confirm it's from the Ayam. Beautiful cream color and smaller egg. Thank you all for the input!
  20. C

    Ayam Cemani Laying Question

    Ok, first time owning an AC and she laid her first egg today! I understand they go through laying phases - lay for a while, stop for a while, start again, etc. - found a lot of information on this. The one thing I can't find is how frequently they lay while in a laying phase. When in this phase...
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