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  1. Tevian

    Can I be positive these are both roos?

    For the longest time I thought I had one hen and one rooster out of this pair (full siblings), but suddenly Tiramisu (black and red) has sprouted saddle feathers? Mocha (grey and red) has always looked like a rooster but comparing them, looks much less male, and I’m so lost! Both are Orpington x...
  2. Tevian

    Injured Rooster: dislocated leg?

    That’s what I’m hoping too. He’s such a wonderful rooster, it’d be a real shame to lose him.
  3. Tevian

    Injured Rooster: dislocated leg?

    I’m unfortunately not home to assess him so sorry if the information isn’t very precise. My rooster was found today hanging upside down from the roost in my hen house where his leg had gotten caught. My mum, who found him, thinks his leg is dislocated. She had put him in a small cage so he...
  4. Tevian

    what would I get?

    I’m going to guess mostly barred/cuckoo chicks. I’m unsure what the colour genetics of the white bird are though. This website is useful somewhat if you play around with it!
  5. Tevian

    Breeding Records

    The spreadsheet like you did with your dogs sounds like a good idea. I keep my cattle bloodlines in a book, with a page for each heifer or cow. It’s a bit of a business to keep up with, but it works. And I keep stuff like bull sale pamphlets etc in a file. Air table is a mobile app I’ve seen...
  6. Tevian

    Broody Silkies advice

    Honestly the best method to stop a broody is to just… wait. Nothing I’ve ever done has stopped them earlier than they wanted. You could put her in a separate cage if she’s really bothering you, but otherwise just leave her. I think you probably could halve the eggs between them? especially if...
  7. Tevian

    Anyone else ever planted vegetables for your hens?!

    I am fully expecting these to be torn up by the time I got back up there this evening lol. At least they will have had fun. I think it’s technically Silverbeet yeah lol. Both plants are about 6 years old so they really needed to go. I think I have like 4 different varieties of various spinaches...
  8. Tevian

    Anyone else ever planted vegetables for your hens?!

    I saw this idea from a Better Homes and Gardens episode a while back: to plant veggies in your chook run for them to pick at, but didn’t have any plants to use that I thought would survive. Well, today I was pulling out some old spinach plants and thought; ‘why not?!’ They’re old, tough, and...
  9. Tevian

    Rooster acting up

    I personally would carry a plastic garden rake to put between you as a block to discourage him from this behaviour. But I’m not positive that will help as I’ve never had a rooster that would come at me regularly. I’ve got a few young boys atm but they’re not that old yet. Their father will...
  10. Tevian

    Help! What’s wrong with this hen?!

    Thanks everyone. The Brahma hen has unfortunately passed away. I will miss her, she was a wonderful quiet bird that loved to follow me around, growling and grumbling. I have no idea how I missed her failing health. All the others (bar one, who is completely feral) got a good dousing with a lice...
  11. Tevian

    Help! What’s wrong with this hen?!

    she has tiny brown bugs in her feathers, are they mites? What can I do to treat the nest boxes? I’m fairly sure I have treatment for the birds so I will do them asap. I can’t wait to have a roofed run, she probably got them from the wild birds that come in
  12. Tevian

    Help! What’s wrong with this hen?!

    Found my Brahma hen face down in the nest box this morning. She’s been broody and has been lively and happy until this morning. She’s pale, won’t stand, and won’t drink. I’ve separated her with some food and water so the others can’t harass her. Young hen, about 1 year old. Photos from when I...
  13. Tevian

    Lonely Guinea

    They may bully him, but if he’s used to roosting in a coop you could try that yes. I’ve had Guinneas become part of hen flocks before
  14. Tevian

    What animals get along with chickens?

    There’s enrichment things you could do to keep her entertained. A mirror, like mentioned above, or food puzzles, like hanging food on strings for her to peck. Even letting her free roam occasionally (especially if you’re out with her gardening or something). Being busy helps them feel less lonely
  15. Tevian

    How Many 🐕Dogs🐩 Do You Have?

    Somehow I ended up with five lmao. These three are the nerds (will work for anything) L-R: border collie x Koolie, Kelpie x border collie x Cattle dog (we call her our faux dingo), and the Jack Russell who thinks she’s a cattle dog. Then there’s the old ladies Jack Russell x Fox Terrier...
  16. Tevian

    What animals get along with chickens?

    It sort of depends on what you classify as ‘getting out of chicken keeping’. Are you getting out of keeping birds altogether? Are you okay with trading the chicken keeping time for the time to keep a different small animal? If you’re open to having more/different birds, obviously another...
  17. Tevian

    Flock is free range - shelter ideas?

    Plastic dog kennels are easy to move and should be easy enough to get. I’ve used plastic drums cut in half with a little arch shaped door in the side to house birds before too. You could also maybe hang a tarp up in an area they frequent? Like over their water/any food dishes you leave out...
  18. Tevian

    what’s wrong with my goat’s hoof?

    Yeah I’m also guessing she just pulled/twisted it funny. Maybe seperate her so she doesn’t have to run around after everyone for a few days so she can heal.
  19. Tevian

    what’s wrong with my goat’s hoof?

    Feet look okay to me, are any of the joints swollen? How bad is the limp? (slight? Very pronounced? Won’t use the foot at all?)
  20. Tevian

    IYE, what breed(s) do you find to be the most personable and interactive?

    IME ISA browns have been my most friendly birds. I brought two adult hens home that had never been handled super thoroughly and they started to follow me around just like the others I’d had since pullets. I don’t really pick my hens up but they are the main culprits if I’m going to fall over a...
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