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  1. ExoticPetOwner

    Goose Eggs

    Geese usually take 28-35 days to hatch. It's normal for it to be a little less or longer than expected. If it's taking to long, the gosling will need help. However, don't worry about that as it doesn't happen much. If the incubator / mother goose is taking care of the baby correctly (temp +...
  2. ExoticPetOwner


    I think Rooster
  3. ExoticPetOwner

    Do mandarin ducks move around in the egg before hatching?

    Not all ducklings will move in the shell before they start pipping/hatching. It takes roughly 30 days for Mandarin ducklings to hatch, sometimes a little more. What is the temp and humidity? How many eggs are there, what incubator are you using? When did you put the eggs in lockdown? If you see...
  4. ExoticPetOwner

    What breed of gender?

    I think they're a pullets except the last one.
  5. ExoticPetOwner

    Duckling colours

    The duckling should be a mix of or one of those colors from the ducks listed if it came from them. The duckling looks like it might be a lighter brown color.
  6. ExoticPetOwner

    Ducks not walking

    What do the bottom of their feet look like? Do you have, or can you take a picture?
  7. ExoticPetOwner

    Duckling waterer

    They should be okay if it's raised, as long as it's not too high up for them to reach.
  8. ExoticPetOwner

    Pullet or Cockerel?

    I'm pretty sure you labeled them correctly.
  9. ExoticPetOwner

    Duckling waterer

    If you have an uneven surface, you can place a flat rock or something like that under it to keep it level, and prevent them from sitting in and wasting the water.
  10. ExoticPetOwner

    Is this a blood ring?

    The embryo looks like a little dot in the beginning, but it might appear to be a heart or a red blob. Here's a website that gives a good idea of what's going on - CLICK HERE! I've hatched a lot of ducklings before, and I've been able to see how they were developing by opening and examining the...
  11. ExoticPetOwner

    Duckling waterer

    A duckling waterer should help solve the problem. you can get them at your local TSC, online, or any livestock store near you. They look like this: CLICK HERE! I can help if you have any other questions! :) Hope this helps!
  12. ExoticPetOwner

    Is this a blood ring?

    It doesn't look like a blood ring. Usually blood rings are a large, pale red oval. The egg is usually a yellow-ish color, and the egg might start to smell like it's rotting. Do you see any movement? Sometimes when the embryo is first starting to develop, it'll "hide" and look like it's not...
  13. ExoticPetOwner

    Help! Tried to help duckling hatch.

    Ducklings always take longer to hatch. Leave the duckling alone. The duckling shouldn't be shrink-wrapped if the temperature and humidity are at their correct levels, and if the incubator has been closed, since lockdown. You can apply a small amount of coconut oil to the duckling's membrane. If...
  14. ExoticPetOwner

    How Do You Deep-Clean Your Incubator?

    I use diluted Distilled Vinegar + Dawn Dish soap and rinse out well afterwards. I guess you can use watered-down bleach, but you have to be careful with that. Don't turn on the incubator when you're cleaning it, keep it off.
  15. ExoticPetOwner

    Why my pekin do this?

    75-80* weather is still hot for a duck, so the Pekin is probably panting to cool off. Is there shade, cool water, and/or a cooled house for the duck to go? What enclosure is the duck in?
  16. ExoticPetOwner

    New Ducklings vs. 3 week old Ducklings (Aggression)

    The older ducks are attacking the little ones because they're unfamiliar with them, they're smaller, and that's generally what older and bigger ducks do. You shouldn't let the older ducks be with the younger ones until they're all the same size ( usually being an adult, feathered, and outside )...
  17. ExoticPetOwner


    Welcome to BYC!
  18. ExoticPetOwner

    Pekin duckling issue

    What juice are you giving the duckling? A duckling at six weeks still has down feathers, so they can still drown. How deep was the water and what was the temperature? Was he just floating, or was he swimming and looking for stuff on the bottom? Did he look fine afterwards other than "sleepy"?
  19. ExoticPetOwner

    Dead duck egg day 25?

    I hope the rest are healthy and make it!
  20. ExoticPetOwner

    Dead duck egg day 25?

    When you're candling the egg, do you see any movement? Is the mass inside of the egg a blurry, yellow, brownish color? Are there any "bruises"/dark areas on the outside of the egg? It's not certain to see if the egg is viable, but the coloration doesn't look right.
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