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  1. user651618

    Luikse Vechter vs. Índio Gigante

    They grow fast. That's hatch to 16 or 17 weeks.
  2. user651618

    Luikse Vechter vs. Índio Gigante

    I keep them with a mixed flock of standards. RIR's barred rocks and some Liege hens. So far no problems. The RIR's especially make up in mean whatever they lack in size. It's actually pretty funny to see a 4lb RIR hen chasing one of these 30" tall dinosaurs around. I think if you had an...
  3. user651618

    Luikse Vechter vs. Índio Gigante

    I hatched mine from EBay eggs and got a 100% hatch rate. Seller is awesome and I can go look up her information if you're interested. I'd say they either need to be free ranged or in a huge run just based on size alone. I completely free range mine and have had zero problems other than they...
  4. user651618

    Layer feed not for roosters!?! What should I feed?

    Look up "fish antibiotics" online. You can thank me later.
  5. user651618

    Luikse Vechter vs. Índio Gigante

    Forgot to add: Lieges eat me out of house and home, even free ranging. They are ravenous at all times. Don't look the other way if you're holding food. They're tall enough and bold enough to take a bite for themselves.
  6. user651618

    Luikse Vechter vs. Índio Gigante

    I really like my Lieges. Very odd birds. They're almost dog like in how they follow me around. They seem more intelligent and curious than most breeds. In my experience they are assertive, but aren't "game" like an American gamefowl. Indios look cool I guess but I have no experience with them.
  7. user651618

    Facepalm worthy chicken behaviors?

    My wife has a small mole on the back of her leg. The other day while she was leaned in her car getting something, a rather large liege fighter cockerel decided that the mole must be a yummy bug and tagged her on the back of the leg with its beak hard enough to break skin. This resulted in her...
  8. user651618

    Neighbor's Dog Killed Suzie, my old hen

    My jimmies would be rustled too. At least the neighbors are being cool about it and trying to confine their dogs. What really makes me mad are the folks out here in the boonies who think it's ok to let a dog run free. At that point it's just another predator in my eyes. I hate that because I'm a...
  9. user651618


    I don't really eat pizza much any more, but feta and pepperoni is the only correct answer.
  10. user651618


    Pineapple on pizza is an abomination.
  11. user651618

    Taking chickens on an airplane?

    Ancient thread resurrection, but it got me thinking. You can get away with nearly anything if you are confident and act like you own the place. I'd show up to check in wearing a quality 3 piece suit, probably a gray herringbone Hugo Boss. Fresh haircut and shave, dark shades on. With my favorite...
  12. user651618

    Neighbor called to say we have a bob cat!

    I noticed the same weird behaviors out of my birds this spring. Something just felt off. I sat out several evenings to watch and on the third night I saw the bobcat slink out of the wood line. He was immediately relocated to Valhalla.
  13. user651618

    How u feed your chickens?

    Mine get two red Solo cups of the cheapest feed I can buy in the morning, then they free range all day. Supplement with whatever scraps I have: old bread, fish carcasses, maybe a corn dog now and then, whatever. I have a multigenerational flock with good production so I can't complain. Oh and I...
  14. user651618

    Fish Thread

    I used to have a 100 gallon cichlid tank. I really miss it. The long term residents were Pancho Villa, a rio grande cichlid who lived to be ten and El Cuchillo, a blue crayfish who used to escape and roam the house frequently.
  15. user651618

    Portable AC in the coop?

    It's exceptionally hot. Most of my flock hangs out under my skiff in the carport when it's hot so I'm setting up a box fan for the next couple of days. The RIR's don't seem to care about the heat but the LF's aren't enjoying it.
  16. user651618

    Rooster attacked Grandson

    I'd cull that roo immediately. Side note, my 71 year old dad still has a gnarly scar on the back of his head from a leghorn rooster when he was six.
  17. user651618

    how to make chainlink less ug…?

    HOW DARE YOU?!!! CHAIN LINK IS BEAUTIFUL!! Sorry, I felt it was my duty.
  18. user651618

    When to get new chickens?

    TBH I drive slow too
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