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  1. M

    Chicken eggs are shrink wrapped but haven’t internally pipped help please

    Hi I have eight eggs that are supposed to of hatched by now. When candleing to check if they were still alive I thought I saw fluid around the air sack. So I proceeded to make a small hole in the air sack part of 3 eggs to see what was happening turns out they are shrink wrapped so I suspect the...
  2. M

    Speckled Sussex pullets or roos ?

    My SLW went broody so I brought 12 fertile eggs 6 buff Sussex and 6 speckled. She hatched 11/12. However one was a Plymouth Rock which is a Pullet 4 buffs are pullets the speckled have been a tricky one for me to sex at 8 weeks I thought I had all boys but now at 14 weeks I’m not seeing the...
  3. M

    Speckled Sussex pullets or roos ?

    Thankyou at 8 weeks I could have sworn they were all boys. But I now think maybe girls. I don’t know what I have done when posting photos will try again but pics I managed to get aren’t the best.
  4. M

    Speckled Sussex pullets or roos ?

    Hi my speckled Sussex are 14weeks and I’m still second guessing on how many pullets I have. Could someone more experienced with this breed please help I have numbered them in pics tia
  5. M

    Pullet or roo? Lavender araucana 2-3weeks old

    I have ended up with 2 pullets. 1 passed from wry neck. 4 are araucana 1 Pullet. 3 turned out to be lavender Sussex 1 Pullet.
  6. M

    Araucana lavender please tell me their is one pullet

    Not sure I thought they would have the little tuffs coming from their cheeks by now and the one with white legs has some yellow on its back. I got 10 chicks off this lady I knew 2 were a different breed and have turned out to be Roos one died from wry neck 3 are lavender in colour but fatter...
  7. M

    Araucana lavender please tell me their is one pullet

    Hi they are about 3 1/2 months
  8. M

    Araucana lavender please tell me their is one pullet

    I have 4 lavender araucana I think I have 1 Pullet 3 Roos can someone please confirm. Also do they look purebred? Tia
  9. M

    Pullet or roo? Lavender araucana 2-3weeks old

    Thankyou so no need to worry that they are getting combs already?
  10. M

    Pullet or roo? Lavender araucana 2-3weeks old

    Hi all I have 8 lavender araucana chicks 2-3weeks old it might be to early to tell but if someone could please tell me how many pullets and Roos I might have. 3 have developed combs already so assuming they are Roos? Tia
  11. M

    Too or pullets? Silver laced Wyandotte 12 weeks

    Thankyou what does EE? Stand for please I sure hope they are not a cross
  12. M

    Too or pullets? Silver laced Wyandotte 12 weeks

    Oh really I was thinking Roos i have been trying to research the difference between roo and pullets but they have been growing at the same rate which has made it hard to compare so I figured they wold be either 2 Roos or 2 pullets.
  13. M

    Too or pullets? Silver laced Wyandotte 12 weeks

    Hi all can someone please tell me if I have Roos or pullets please they are 12 week old Silver Laced Wyandotte. Tia
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