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  1. Canadian Wind

    Open Contest Official BYC Caption Contest 05-31-24 Pic by NorthwoodsChick

    YOU come out of a gooey egg and see what YOUR hair looks like!
  2. Canadian Wind

    Falling Down Heights, my daily life

    She 'endured' the snuggles, lol! But she enjoys scritches on her head and neck.
  3. Canadian Wind

    Falling Down Heights, my daily life

    Fawn or buff, yeah. I think dad was the khaki campbell mix, who carried chocolate and was also blue, so that would make sense.
  4. Canadian Wind

    Falling Down Heights, my daily life

    Snuggling a Miracle Duckling. Trouper is so pretty. She stands *almost* like a runner, no idea where she got that from. Almost is good, because I don't particularly like runners, lol!
  5. Canadian Wind

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Grats Two-Crows! They look amazing!!!
  6. Canadian Wind

    Falling Down Heights, my daily life

    My internet connection has been crap. I think it's my modem. In other news, tentative sale on three ducks and four scovies.
  7. Canadian Wind

    The Quack Shack

    AWWWWW! Thank you!!! :hugs
  8. Canadian Wind

    Falling Down Heights, my daily life

    Had another argument with my daughter. I don't want to live here anymore... But I have nowhere to go, especially with how expensive everything is and how little I get every month. Just put up some ads to sell most of the ducks.
  9. Canadian Wind

    The Quack Shack

    Amazing how fast they grow, huh? The new one that hatched yesterday is half the size (or more!) of the ones that hatched a week ago!
  10. Canadian Wind

    The Moonshiner's Chick Chat

    Can't have a basement either, unless I want to blow it out of the solid rock. And, that would be silly for a trailer. So all my babies are inside with me, and the place is filled to capacity (and beyond) right now. But it's still getting cold at night. Had to put my heater on a few times still.
  11. Canadian Wind

    The Moonshiner's Chick Chat

    Last of this year's should hatch mid-June. After that, only eggs that broodies left behind will be placed in the incubators to hatch. Good season, barring that 60 hours power outage. I think I got close to 90% hatch rate (wasn't keeping tabs). Now I *really* need to make some outdoor brooders!!!
  12. Canadian Wind

    Falling Down Heights, my daily life

    And now, two more in lockdown. I moved all the incubating eggs to the MeeF, and am using the Maticoopx just for hatching.
  13. Canadian Wind

    The Quack Shack

    Just had a random 'abandoned' egg hatch. Got home from the feed store and was greeted by a wet fuzzy still partially in his shell. Took some eggs that had been kinda sat then ignored and put them in the incubator. This is going to be a very staggered hatch.
  14. Canadian Wind

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

  15. Canadian Wind

    Falling Down Heights, my daily life

    Oh, and the egg hatched!
  16. Canadian Wind

    Falling Down Heights, my daily life

    Colt the Gosling is quite the character. The dog is afraid of him! Colt actually tries to bite poor Taiyo's nose! Right now, Colt is bathing in the dog's water bowl.
  17. Canadian Wind

    Falling Down Heights, my daily life

    Thanks Fluffy, but I was an idiot. She was in the coop this morning.
  18. Canadian Wind

    Falling Down Heights, my daily life

    Noticed yesterday my oldest duck Coco was not there. And in retrospect, I realized I hadn't seen her in a few days. I feel kinda terrible about this. She was an escape artist, always finding *some way* of getting out. I suspect this happened and she went to the water/swamp in the woods and...
  19. Canadian Wind

    Falling Down Heights, my daily life

    Shadowing egg externally pipped yesterday. Couple more of the orphan eggs are getting close! I have to admit, I looking forward to the end of the hatchings.
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