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  1. desertdarlene

    Those new brooders...

    I follow this guy on Youtube. I don't know if I agree with his sentiments. Those types of brooders are usually very safe and are fine if used correctly. One thing I've noticed in the video is that the heating element seems to be pretty high up for tiny chicks. In some types of plate heaters, you...
  2. desertdarlene

    Breed Guesses??

    I'm thinking Cayuga and buff or khaki. There was a buff mother duck at our lake who had a few ducklings that were that lighter yellow color and they turned out to be full buff or buff hybrids. Both could be mixes. The duck in my avatar was originally dark like that, but now she looks more like a...
  3. desertdarlene

    Anyone heard of Gold Shaw Farm?

    When he said he was getting a Maremma, I commented that he would definitely be happy with a dog of that breed. Toby couldn't have turned out better. Morgan Gold says he's getting a puppy this year. It will be interesting to see how that goes with Toby and Pablo barn cat. I like watching that...
  4. desertdarlene

    Anyone heard of Gold Shaw Farm?

    I watch him regularly. If you live in that area, you can purchase live geese from him as long as you pick them up (make sure you let him know you want live geese because he also sells geese as food). I think he said he might sell hatching eggs soon, too. So if you like what you see on his...
  5. desertdarlene

    Little Troublemaker is still around and being a little troublemaker. Actually, he's a sweetie...

    Little Troublemaker is still around and being a little troublemaker. Actually, he's a sweetie and semi-popular with females.
  6. desertdarlene

    Lonely duckling

    How'd this little guy do? I couldn't really tell, but it looked like he was a Muscovy duckling. I hope he's still with you.
  7. desertdarlene

    Weird wild duckling

    Could be. I think he's probably got a few around the lake. He's such a sweetie, so mild tempered.
  8. desertdarlene

    Weird wild duckling

    We have a new slow-growing (runt-ish) duckling that loves to dive like a loon! He's under the water for at least a minute. Trouble used to do that. He's even got Trouble's bill and his mother and Trouble know each other.
  9. desertdarlene

    Weird wild duckling

    I'm pretty sure that's him. I used some of the old photos for comparison, plus his behavior. He still has a hard time getting to 100% of his full colors. I saw him a few days ago, too, with a female that looks like one who I remember used to hang out with another male who is now deceased. She...
  10. desertdarlene

    Weird wild duckling

    I think I found Trouble today. He was in the same area he usually is and responded to his name. Also, the two little girls are getting their wing feathers. They're about the size of Trouble now, but smaller than most of the other adult females.
  11. desertdarlene

    Weird wild duckling

    These little girls are both around. One hurt her leg, but is better. They're little punks, actually, chasing around adult ducks. Still kinda small and not flying. They are 2 months old now.
  12. desertdarlene

    Weird wild duckling

    I saw these two babies last night and it looks like they went through a sudden growth spurt and are now almost close to normal size.
  13. desertdarlene

    Weird wild duckling

    These girls are still alive as far as I know, just in case there was any confusion. I'm thinking the small drakes probably were drowned by another male or possibly were sick and fell under water when they died.
  14. desertdarlene

    Weird wild duckling

    I think we have another situation like Trouble's. These 2 girls are reaching the 6 week mark, but are the size of 3 weeks old, though the feathering is normal. We have other ducks their age who are much bigger. Maybe Trouble is their father. I named them Laurel and Hardy. Hopefully the hungry...
  15. desertdarlene

    Three dead ducks, no blood, no bite marks

    While Africanized bees are more sensitive, they're not always as trigger-happy as some people think. People in Africa have been living and harvesting honey from African bees for centuries. They're a bit more unpredictable, though, and when they attack, they attack with a much larger force than...
  16. desertdarlene

    Three dead ducks, no blood, no bite marks

    Oh how sad, but now you know what happened. It's possible that your ducks wandered by the beehive and may have bumped it or began snapping at the bees or maybe there was some spilled honey around and they went after it. I would fence your ducks away from the hives. It sounds like they didn't...
  17. desertdarlene

    Three dead ducks, no blood, no bite marks

    Any chance they got stung by the bees? Do you see any bee stings under their feathers?
  18. desertdarlene

    Help Identifying Duck Breed

    The duck in the first picture is, indeed, a scaup.
  19. desertdarlene

    Weird wild duckling

    Troublemaker is still around and hanging out with the same male duck. There's a female in their little group, too, and he does the flirty dance with all the other males. Trouble is still small and sometimes scruffier than the other ducks when he molts, but very strong and healthy. He totally...
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