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  1. ohnoicantfly

    Is this the chick's umbilical cord? Please help!

    He's now fully feathered and doing just fine :)
  2. ohnoicantfly

    Aggressive chick?

    I have three 1.5 week old chicks that I've been raising. They are all co-exist well with each other, but whenever anyone puts their hand in the brooder, one of the chicks will jump and flap at their hand and sometimes peck if you try to pick him up. Is this chick a rooster? Or is this chick just...
  3. ohnoicantfly

    Why is my rooster bullying this new hen?

    I can set up a little fenced off area in the coop where she would have access to a small run (my chickens are free rangers). I did that during integration for some chicks last summer.
  4. ohnoicantfly

    Why is my rooster bullying this new hen?

    No, I did not. It didn't really occur to me, but even if it had, I wouldn't have had time to set any sort of partition in the coop, as she was given to me too soon. The rooster is one year old. I've had him since he was three weeks old.
  5. ohnoicantfly

    Why is my rooster bullying this new hen?

    I added a new hen to my flock yesterday. I know you're not supposed to add only one, but it was add one, or lose the chicken. Most of the hens are okay with her being around, from what I've seen. Some chase her, but I believe that will subside in a week or two. My rooster is the problem. He...
  6. ohnoicantfly

    Chicks Not Eating

    They've begun taking little sips here and there :)
  7. ohnoicantfly

    Is this the chick's umbilical cord? Please help!

    Hi, everyone. This chick hatched without absorbing it's yolk sac yesterday. His intestines got pulled out too, but I gently pushed them back in with a q-tip. He was fine, but then this yellow string popped out with blood on the end. What is it? Are his intestines coming out again? The hole had...
  8. ohnoicantfly

    Red Sac Hanging From Chicks Tummy

    The chick is doing even better now. It's eating the egg yolk I've offered it and some of its feed that I made into a mash with a little water. It naps with the other chicks. No more loud cheeping so I think the pain is beginning to go away. It does seem noticeably smaller than the others. That...
  9. ohnoicantfly

    Chicks Not Eating

    They've begun eating more. I just need them to drink water. I had some trouble with a chick that didn't absorb its yolk sac before hatching (it should be dead, but it's not and it's getting better) and I've been leaving boiled egg yolk for them to eat, and I put water in it to make it easier for...
  10. ohnoicantfly

    Red Sac Hanging From Chicks Tummy

    The chick seems to be okay. Still resting a lot, and it doesn't like to be picked up, but that's understandable. It ate a little bit of boiled egg yolk I gave them all, mixed with a little water.
  11. ohnoicantfly

    Chicks Not Eating

    A few of my chicks hatched this morning and they haven't really eaten anything yet. So far, I've offered them their food and some boiled egg yolk (mashed, with a bit of water added) but they've only sort of nibbled here and there. Is this normal? Are they full from consuming the yolk sac? If so...
  12. ohnoicantfly

    Red Sac Hanging From Chicks Tummy

    The chick is still alive!! And doing a bit better, I think. It's just in a lot of pain and cheeping very loudly, and there's pus coming from the hole. The hole has closed up. How can I clean the hole? And should I wait for the yolk sac to dry, or try to remove it? The chick has been doing...
  13. ohnoicantfly

    What do I do? Hatching chicks.

    I decided to just take the chicks out. They're doing okay in the brooder now.
  14. ohnoicantfly

    Red Sac Hanging From Chicks Tummy

    I gently pushed it's intestines back in through the hole with a Q-tip and the chick is still loud as ever. What should I do next?
  15. ohnoicantfly

    Red Sac Hanging From Chicks Tummy

    The chick's intestines are hanging out, but it is still very loud and surprisingly energetic. Maybe not as much as the other chicks, but it still is.
  16. ohnoicantfly

    Red Sac Hanging From Chicks Tummy

    Thank you for responding. It's been a few hours and it seems to be doing okay. How do i clean the yolk sac?
  17. ohnoicantfly

    Red Sac Hanging From Chicks Tummy

    The yolk sac burst. I don't think it's going to make it.
  18. ohnoicantfly

    Red Sac Hanging From Chicks Tummy

    He/she keeps trying to get out of the cup, and doesn't seem overly interested in absorbing the yolk sac. But it looks like it might make it. What is the yolk sac supposed to look like? The chick is almost dry at this point. Do you think it will make it if it has made it this long?
  19. ohnoicantfly

    Red Sac Hanging From Chicks Tummy

    Thanks for responding. I'm really worried about it. He/she seems weaker now :(
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