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  • Users: Wubba
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  1. W

    Chicken Math Dream (literally)...

    I dreamt that I was approaching the coop and the chickens seemed more agitated than usual. I opened the drop- for on the nest box to look for eggs...I realized I was there super early and probably wouldn't find eggs yet... as I tried to look into the egg box, it became very dark and I couldn't...
  2. W

    Looking to get my own chickens for the first time!

    Welcome! You're in good hands here... and you're going to have a blast! Chickens are awesome! I'm not far from you...NW Indiana, Porter County, within 10 miles of Lake Michigan. I just started this year with Buff Orpington, Australorp, and Ameraucana, and a Wyandotte rooster. There are lots...
  3. W

    FIRST EGG!!!

    Sweetpea, my buff orpington and originally the runt. Go figure, she hit a growth spurt and is now my largest pullet. She's been nesting and preparing for weeks... perfect little egg, almost a dusty pink color, so pretty! 😍
  4. W

    Any ways to get a rooster to stop crowing?

    No-crow collars are supposed to be "snug" but not "tight". (You can still slide a finger underneath it.) If you put it on a young rooster, they have to be checked for fit he grows, it can become too tight and strangle them. (All animals grow in "spurts", so this could happen...
  5. W

    Is this frost bite

    I'm in Northwest Indiana (Chicago area) and I can say, that is not cold enough for frostbite. Frostbite happens when the skin essentially freezes, or frozen crystals form in the skin cells. This could be a sign of some kind of infection, or respiratory or circulatory distress. You...
  6. W

    NEWBIE CHICKEN MOM--Moving chickens to the completed new coop!

    They have been free-ranging during the day.
  7. W

    NEWBIE CHICKEN MOM--Moving chickens to the completed new coop!

    I was able to move the chickens to their new coop last night (Tuesday) at dusk. They were not as excited as we were. FYI, they are currently 19 weeks old. Since the run on the old TSC coop was TINY (see pic), I let them free-range during the day. The new coop has a much larger attached run. I've...
  8. W

    Starting my permanent coop!

    Well, my project is wrapping up; I'm just adding the finishing touches now. My plans worked out beautifully. I was able to move the chickens in last night. Next, I will be doing a few things to prepare for winter. A few notes: The elevated hen house is 6x6. The whole thing is 10x12. My nest box...
  9. W

    Australorps v.s. Buff Orlingtons

    Buffs and Australorps, I have 2 of each. I did not get any RIR (not known to be particularly friendly). They are now only 10 weeks old. So far, our friendliest girl is one of the Australorps and the other is close behind. She lets us pet her and pick her up and she doesn't try to escape. Our...
  10. W

    Chicken math coop and run question

    I went back and forth for a while as well. My location, the ground is slightly sloped... back of the coop is downhill. If I were to allow the water to run off the front, it would likely move downhill, into the run. (I already have the garden there, that's enough moisture to contend with.)...
  11. W

    Chicken math coop and run question

    OMG... you are in nearly the IDENTICAL situation as me right now AND your coop plans are nearly identical to what I have in mind. I currently have 7 birds. I had planned on getting 6, but chicken math happened before I even checked out on my first order... they offered a "free unsexed mystery...
  12. W

    Starting my permanent coop!

    I started the foundation last fall, prior to getting the chicks. I was designing based on a plan that I liked. I laid it out and leveled it (4x6 house, 6x12 total with attached run). I did back and looked at my handy work. Man, that's small!? I got my chicks in the spring, have them in the...
  13. W

    First sign of trouble!

    I don't think it's fowl pox... no other signs or symptoms at all. I dosed her eye again this morning and will repeat before they go down for the night. The redness and swelling have gone down substantially... treatment appears to be working. I will continue to monitor progress. Thank you! 😊
  14. W

    First sign of trouble!

    Marek's and coccidiosis. I examined her...beak, ears... she looks fine otherwise. Tiny piece on the edge of her eyelid, like piece of her eyelid skin? Appears that injury is possible? I also just saw her scratching at it... itching? It could be a bite of some kind and scratching injured? I'll...
  15. W

    First sign of trouble!

    So, everything has been going great...I just noticed one of my chicks (7 weeks) has a swollen eyelid... the distant pic was yesterday, the close-up are today... looks like it's slightly worse? it's still soft... what should I do? (Chicks are vaccinated.)
  16. W

    Update: 7 weeks old

    The chicks have been living in the coop which is placed in my garden for nearly two weeks. The first few nights, I had to put them in the coop. Then, I left them confined to the small coop/run a little longer for a day or two. After that, they started going into the coop at sunset all by...
  17. W

    Officially moved to the coop

    The chicks are now 6 weeks old. They moved to the coop Sunday night, because the weather finally cooperated and minimum temps are set to stay above 60 into the foreseeable future. Yay! I put the (unplugged) brooder heater in the coop. The first night, I had to usher them into the hen house--...
  18. W

    Golden Laced Wyandotte, almost 5 weeks old...Roo?

    UPDATE: Chicks are now 5 weeks and 5 days old. They are still in the brooder, due to the unusually chilly temps we've been experiencing this week. I'm weaning them of the heater, so they can move to their coop permanently as soon as the weather cooperates. Anyway, I went to turn on the light...
  19. W

    Golden Laced Wyandotte, almost 5 weeks old...Roo?

    I'm thinking it's totally a boy... I'm a newbie--my first flock. Am I correct?
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