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  1. Kstory305

    Roo or Pullet? Opinions, please! Silkie Cross.

    Thank you! I think I got lucky! 🥲 She did squat this am like her sisters! 🫶🏼🙌🏼
  2. Kstory305

    Roo or Pullet? Opinions, please! Silkie Cross.

    Thank you on both accounts!
  3. Kstory305

    Roo or Pullet? Opinions, please! Silkie Cross.

    Hi! I am really posting because I cannot believe that I was lucky enough to pick out 3 FEMALE eggs to incubate, successfully hatch and rear into 3 laying hens on my first attempt. 😳 It’s safe to say, 2 out of 3 are in fact ladies, laying healthy sized eggs! I’ve checked tape😜. My last chicken in...
  4. Kstory305

    What Gender are these Babes?

    Thank you, Jed! I appreciate the input!
  5. Kstory305

    What Gender are these Babes?

    I am so okay with this!! Thank you♥️
  6. Kstory305

    What Gender are these Babes?

    Hi fellow fowl lovers! I’m having a hard time trying to figure out what gender my first grandchickens are😫! They’re 8wks old today and acting like both boys and girls, lol! Little background: mom is a crested partridge silkie and daddy is a cubalaya maran mix. I personally think #1 and #2 are my...
  7. Kstory305

    Breed/Gender Mystery!

    I’ve yet to name this little cutie. ‘TT’ is a rescue from the streets of Key West, FL; so undoubtedly there’s a mix in here somewhere. TT is by far the smallest of any chicks I’ve had thus far, including several bantam breeds🤷🏼‍♀️! These photos are from today, I am thinking TT is about 3.5 weeks...
  8. Kstory305

    Rooster won’t let hens out of coop

    Thank you for your reply + advice. I am not seeing any TRUE aggression nor biting from my rooster towards the pullets; he just does not allow them to be out in the run- he chases them back inside the coop, immediately. I do have my pullets in a separate pen, built under my nesting boxes inside...
  9. Kstory305

    Rooster won’t let hens out of coop

    Hello all! Curious ref your recent predator attack question! I’m having the same issue with my 6mo old Roo not letting my 8wk pullets out in the run. He chases them right back in if they manage to get passed him guarding the ramp into the run from their coop; however, we have unfortunately had...
  10. Kstory305

    Need help identifying breed

    Hi all, Thanks in advance for reading this post! 3 weeks ago I found this little baby running around in my yard; I looked for hours for her mama or siblings, throughout the neighborhood… to no avail, she was all alone. No expert here, but I’m pretty sure she’s a she! Long and short, I’m new...
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