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  1. ChickStitch

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    All 7 ladies are back to laying after a winter break. I took the plastic off the run last week end (Minne-snow-ta) and they are loving more mama chicken lady lap time!
  2. ChickStitch

    Observations on two roosters

    I am enjoying this thread :pop
  3. ChickStitch

    Sponsored Post Nestera Coop Giveaway! Total worth $1595

    If is this is the answer to red mites and ease of cleaning PLEASE sign me up! :):wee:wee
  4. ChickStitch

    Chicken Coop build - Minnesota Spring

    I’m in Northwestern MN and had Australorps, Barred Rocks and Orpingtons. They do great up here!
  5. ChickStitch

    Chicken pumpkin carving

    We did too! 7 AM on right and 7 PM on left side. 7 of my pullets/young hens had some fun with their first ever pumpkin 🎃 !!!!
  6. ChickStitch

    Best Chicken Photo Contest! PRIZE - Ends July 1st

    Here’s a cropped pic of Martha Washington. ☺️
  7. ChickStitch

    Best Chicken Photo Contest! PRIZE - Ends July 1st

    Oh sorry! Probably Martha. She is on the top perch and a Buff Orpington.
  8. ChickStitch

    Best Chicken Photo Contest! PRIZE - Ends July 1st

    Ooo forgot colors…black background with yellow letters?
  9. ChickStitch

    Best Chicken Photo Contest! PRIZE - Ends July 1st

    Perching practice at 3 weeks— presenting for your consideration Martha Washington & Aunt Bea. Two chicks just hanging out!
  10. ChickStitch

    New Chicken Mama MN

    Except for Mr Fox 🦊-YES! Yes they did. 😇
  11. ChickStitch

    New Chicken Mama MN

    With driving winds I’m guessing best ventilation is up high along the roof line? Maybe am worrying too much about windows when I should be looking up 🆙? LOL 😆 I love the cardboard box analogy…that’s about what my grandma had….!!!
  12. ChickStitch

    New Chicken Mama MN

    Oh she’s pretty!!! I wanted a speckled Sussex but it was one breed my hatchery had to “replace” on my order because of that darn bird flu 😷 … How do you like your Rhode Island Reds? Mine right now are loud and very bossy. One is intent on flying and trying to land on top of feeder and...
  13. ChickStitch

    New Chicken Mama MN

    Thank you! @duluthralphie we need to chat coops! I’ve moved somewhere up away from the cities and the weather is just like Duluth! (If that’s where you are?!) How do I keep the chooks from turning into chickcicles?! We can still adjust the coop build if needed. Feel like there’s so much...
  14. ChickStitch

    New Chicken Mama MN

    Right?! We made it to 100 today! My girls are sure glad to be inside in their brooder…I chose the breeds of chickens for the extreme cold 🥶 when I ordered hoping they’d be better off overall. What kind of breeds do you have @Happy hen lover?
  15. ChickStitch

    New Chicken Mama MN

    Hi Swampfox440 likewise :frow
  16. ChickStitch

    New Chicken Mama MN

    Thanks! I saved this in my Amazon want list-will have to check them out further? Looks like less of a fire risk, kind of like the brooder plates for the baby chicks but bigger?!
  17. ChickStitch

    New Chicken Mama MN

    Isadora I love your name!!!! :celebrate
  18. ChickStitch

    New Chicken Mama MN

    Wow pretty coop! I love that you have poop boards. I need to research those more. The people door is Dutch so the top half can be left open with hardware cloth covered if needed in summer. Opposite of that is a window (again hardware cloth) that will be covered or partially covered in winter as...
  19. ChickStitch

    New Chicken Mama MN

    Hi janiedoe ☺️ My louvered are enclosed with metal slates the only snakes getting through would be inchworm sized…not sure how to describe them. I have an older pic…we have the door and chicken door installed this week-end. I will have to update my pic here later. Coop is 4’ X 8’ and the...
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