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  • Users: AC56
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  1. AC56

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Hi BYC 🙂 We have grown from 16 hens, 2 roosters and 5 ducks to 26 hens, 2 roosters and 5 ducks, and expecting 3 hens and 3 more ducks. And our eggs basket now have vibrant colours including white, blue, turquoise and speckled. Still want to find olive and dark red layers. Naughty hens made a...
  2. AC56

    Boiled yolk like mass inside dead hen

    Hello, yes, that what it look like. Never heard about salpingitis, but looks exactly that. Symptoms fit as well. I only thought to take pictures when it was too late. Husband got rid of all "evidence"
  3. AC56

    Hello from Rowanbank 🙂

    Hi everyone 🙂 We are Ally and Ally (Aleona and Alastair) from Aberdeenshire. Bought a house out in sticks so we can have own allotment, orchard and chickens. Its been second year and we have 5 adorable ducks (Cherry Valleys and Campbells), two roosters Mr Motörhead and Mr Marigold, 12 mix breed...
  4. AC56

    Socialising with birdies and cats

    Socialising with birdies and cats
  5. AC56

    Boiled yolk like mass inside dead hen

    Hi all, I have noticed one of hens being unwell. Assumed egg bound. Made bath for her etc. But her belly was massive like a ball, she was panting and walking like duck. We gave another two days, but decided to put out of misery. Only two options in Internet are water belly or egg bound. None of...
  6. AC56

    Leg mites

    So when I can let rooster out of quarantine after mite treatment? I sprayed him with DW40 once and applied vaseline 3 times. Legs obviously still look bad as scales not renewed yet. Its been 2 weeks since we got him. When can I let him join the rest?
  7. AC56


  8. AC56

    Leg mites

    Hi, we stupidly rehomed a rooster yesterday, he was with our flock for about 30 min before we isolated him. He has severe scaly legs, which we never seen before. He wasn't in the coop but on same ground with hens. What are the risk of contamination during that time? What to do now? And how to...
  9. AC56

    Duck stopped using pool and became less sociable

    Ahhh one is definitely breathing heavily. Her tail bobs with each breath. I have a video but its not uploading. Sometimes she has mouth open, and today wasn't that hot. Doesn't go to the pool. Thankfully she is eating and drinking ok I think. Haven't seen any runny nose signs. I think that's the...
  10. AC56

    Duck stopped using pool and became less sociable

    Hi all. Few months ago we got 4 Khaki Campbells ducks and 12 chickens. They have separate coops, but sharing a run. Ducks have their swimming pool. Few days ago one of the ducks died (cannot stop crying, poor wee soul). We think she had egg track issue. I am now watching them constantly and...
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