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  1. E

    Cups or Nipples?

    Same here in Wisconsin.
  2. E

    EE Chick with Scissor Break: Cull?

    We had great success with hatching some EE chicks, but this one ended up with scissor beak. It's gotten worse over the last few days. It was my daughter's favorite of the bunch (which hatched on her 8th birthday), but I've been letting her know it's probably going to have to be put down...
  3. E

    Should I Assist?

    Thanks for pointing me in the right direction! We'll definitely try the little shoes. 😊 Here's a pic of the only other chick that hatched from this batch so far. (He/she was hatched out alone for over 2 days.)
  4. E

    Should I Assist?

    Not sure. He's moving, breathing, and chirping in the incubator, but his toes are really curled. (Is that normal?)
  5. E

    Should I Assist?

    Update: Assisted. This is what the shell looked like afterwards
  6. E

    Should I Assist?

    Humidity up to 82%, but it hasn't been below 73% since I pulled out the turner four days ago. (We're on day 22.)
  7. E

    Should I Assist?

    Help! I think my incubator stinks, because my other incubator produced the healthiest, strongest chicks I've ever seen, but this one is taking forever and the chicks are having a tough time pipping. Specifically, though, does this chick need help? He's been able to get this far and is still...
  8. E

    Rapid Breathing

    Hatched six chicks via incubator, and from comparison to other chicks we've purchased, they look great, except that the youngest one seems to be breathing about twice as rapidly as the others. Normal? Or concerning? Thanks!
  9. E

    Did I accidentally kill my chick? 😢

    I'm afraid it's dead. There's a decent-sized chunk off of the shell where I can see the break, and it's not moving at all anymore. 😕 Thanks for the encouragement, though!
  10. E

    Did I accidentally kill my chick? 😢

    I had 7 eggs in my incubator, and six of them hatched out, but with the remaining egg, shells, and rambunctious chicks, I was worried that the youngest hatched one would get trampled or suffocated because there wasn't much space left in the incubator. I reached under the lid for just a second...
  11. E

    Chicken Wire: Raccoon-safe?

    And yes, we do have a piano in the run. 😂
  12. E

    Chicken Wire: Raccoon-safe?

    We built a new run off our new coop, which was built within an existing steel shed. We haven't yet cut the door in the building to let the chickens out into the run because we want to make sure it's predator-proof first. We used heavy-duty playground fencing for the walls and buried some of it...
  13. E

    Topic of the Week - "Off-grid" Feeding - Homemade feeds, etc.

    Are fruits and vegetables considered treats?
  14. E

    Topic of the Week - "Off-grid" Feeding - Homemade feeds, etc.

    Thanks! I would love to give them table scraps to supplement their feed, so this is good news!
  15. E

    Topic of the Week - "Off-grid" Feeding - Homemade feeds, etc.

    Are there any foods I should absolutely NOT feed my chickens? For some reason, my mom said not to feed them tomatoes or potatoes. Can I feed them leftover soggy Cheerios and granola from my kids' breakfasts? 😂
  16. E

    The Easter Egger Thread

    Is it rare to get pink eggs from Easter Eggers? Also, do the colors of the feathers correspond at all to egg color? We picked quite an array of chick colors (black, grey, blue, cream, white, partridge, etc.), so if the egg colors correspond to those feather patterns, I would (in theory)...
  17. E

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    Submission 4: Oh Deer! (Fawn got stuck in our backyard fence, so my husband released it, and it made it happily back to momma.)
  18. E

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    Yep, a very happy raccoon tripped the bear trap and ate all the goodies. 😂
  19. E

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    Submission 3: Bugle Boy? 😂
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