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  1. twobuckchuckfarm

    2 yo Hens Stopped Laying in May, Still No Eggs

    No snake or rat issues here. I have not completed the vent or pelvis check yet. I plan to today! Is this the same examination procedure as the link provided above?
  2. twobuckchuckfarm

    2 yo Hens Stopped Laying in May, Still No Eggs

    Thank you for sharing this article! Glad to hear its a non invasive procedure :yesss:
  3. twobuckchuckfarm

    2 yo Hens Stopped Laying in May, Still No Eggs

    Thanks for the insight! Ill be sure to check. I've never done this before. How far will I need to insert my finger(s) into their vent?
  4. twobuckchuckfarm

    Chick pecked to skull

    I'm sorry for your loss and distress. Thank you for sharing your experience so we can all learn from it as well.
  5. twobuckchuckfarm

    2 yo Hens Stopped Laying in May, Still No Eggs

    We've had zero preditor issues in the nearly three years we've had chickens (kock on wood). We are incredibly active around the yard and with our chickens, so I assume we would have found some evidence at some point if that were the case (like you mentioned). If anyone else has had their...
  6. twobuckchuckfarm

    Chick pecked to skull

    Do you recall how long the entire process took between identifying the damage and her healing completely? I've never heard of a hen scalping themselves! My goodness, I can't even picture how that could be self inflicted? How did the damage compare to the images and description that Ospiee has...
  7. twobuckchuckfarm

    Chick pecked to skull

    While these animals are capable of miraculous recovery, its important to consider their quality of life during and after the process. There will be plenty of pain and risk of infection along the way. Some of the underlying damages (brain for instance) that will compromise her quality of life may...
  8. twobuckchuckfarm

    2 yo Hens Stopped Laying in May, Still No Eggs

    Cyrus, our bantam rooster has always been gentle with the girls. He has never been overly aggressive with them or shown signs of sickness. The pullets were raised by us since hatching and never showd signs of sickness. Neither were quanrentined before introduction (unless you include the 12...
  9. twobuckchuckfarm

    Chick pecked to skull

    Ugh thats absolutely heartbreaking. My heart goes out to both of you. It would be nice if the people stating that these injuries heal "fairly quickly" could add some context so you know if this chick is healing above or below average standards.
  10. twobuckchuckfarm

    2 yo Hens Stopped Laying in May, Still No Eggs

    That is a great question! Ive updated my original post to include that these girls are confined to a run and coop with nesting boxes. Despit having basically no where to hide them, i have looked in every corner/crevice feasible and still no eggs. Could the stress of the new pullets or rooster...
  11. twobuckchuckfarm

    2 yo Hens Stopped Laying in May, Still No Eggs

    Right now I have 13 hens. 7 that hatched in spring of 2022, and 6 that hatched in spring of 2023. 4 of my original 7 hatchlings from 2023 stopped laying this past May after introducing the 6 new pullets and a 1yo Bantam Rooster (who is very nice to our girls) around the beginning of May. They...
  12. twobuckchuckfarm

    Pale Face and Droopy Eyes Spreading in Flock

    Two weeks ago we saw our first abnormal symptoms surface in the flock. First it was two incodences of very soft shelled eggs (from the same hen, blue copper maran pictured attached). Then Chipper (our brown Barnevelder hen) had one eye that looked a bit droopy, but showed no signs of weeping or...
  13. twobuckchuckfarm

    Frostbite on Waddles & Comb - What Went Wrong?

    Just wanted to post an update for future case comparison. Stella has made nearly a full recovery from her frostbite incurred during the brutal cold snap this past winter. Some of her combs points have softened, but she keep both of her waddles! It is amazing how well her little body healed...
  14. twobuckchuckfarm

    Frostbite on Waddles & Comb - What Went Wrong?

    I think you have a really great point about the mash! I didn't consider that but certainly will moving forward! Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience with me :thumbsup
  15. twobuckchuckfarm

    Sapphire Jewel Photos

    Doh!!!! Well I guess we know what we're doing on March 6th at noon 😉 Thanks so much for all your help!
  16. twobuckchuckfarm

    Sapphire Jewel Photos

    Persistence is my middle name! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing your insight! Good luck to you! :jumpy
  17. twobuckchuckfarm

    Sapphire Jewel Photos

    WOW! Thank you for this little "gem" of insight! I mean jewel! :bow Do they list them under a special section of the website?
  18. twobuckchuckfarm

    Sapphire Jewel Photos

    I was wondering the same thing!!! Thats basically all Meyers has left for their "colorful egg layer" spring hatches.
  19. twobuckchuckfarm

    Frostbite on Waddles & Comb - What Went Wrong?

    Im glad your experience had a happy ending! Here's hoping Stella heals quickly. So far, she has no blood or swelling!
  20. twobuckchuckfarm

    Frostbite on Waddles & Comb - What Went Wrong?

    Thank you so much for all your insight! The horizontal nipples have been their primary water source for around 8 weeks. I did have issues with them freezing durring this cold snap. Perhaps she became dehydrated when the deicer couldn't keep up? Despite providing containers of snow and hot soaked...
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