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  1. M

    Swollen eyelids

    Excuse her powdered look! Earlier in the day we had cleaned nest boxes and put in DE as well as adding more dirt and DE to their bathing tub. She always has to check out anything new i do.. so she powdered herself i guess?? Haha
  2. M

    Please help me decide if I should let my hen hatch chicks.

    I have always been told my rooster is very fertile because he has blood red streaks from his toes up his entire legs! Haha what i was told is those red streaks up the legs of roosters is the sign of fertility. Since i learned this i always look at the legs of any rooster i see. And for the...
  3. M

    Valbazen storage

    Thank you. Really tried to find it... even had the magnifying glass out to help my old eyes with small print. Appreciate your help!
  4. M

    Swollen eyelids

    No ma'am. Nothing. They look clean. The top lid pooches out pretty good. And she seems normal otherwise. Will try to get a pic... have to go down to coop. WOW.. just had a thought! She looks like someone when they first wake up after sleeping hard.. eyes poofy! Hahaha
  5. M

    Valbazen storage

    Refrigerate? Room temp? How to safely store left over valbazen to use i the future. Thank you!
  6. M

    Swollen eyelids

    Hen with swollen eyelids, top more than bottom on both eyes. No other symptoms. NO. ->> drainage Discharge from nostrils Diarrhea None on others in flock Eating normal and free ranging daily with flock. Acting normal! Been this way almost 3 weeks. Not worse, not better. They are not swollen...
  7. M

    Chicken not eating well

    Dosage plz. Thank you very much!
  8. M

    Ivermectin pro and con

    Thank you so very much! I have always gotten great advice and info on this site... hence why i asked before doing this time! The ivermectin was a good speel.. for all in one!! But sounded too easy for everyone not doing it?? Thank you again. Time for our deep clean 6 mos treatments for...
  9. M

    Ivermectin pro and con

    Some just rave about ivermectin saying one thing takes care of everything, worms, scaly leg mites, and mites. Whole others have strong opinions that ivermectin should not be used on chickens. How do you decide? One article i read for using ivermectin was a DVM. So, i need some opinions from...
  10. M

    Someone help! I don’t know what I’m doing!

    Too late now.. but for later.. there is a starter kit about $25 [[about 3 to 4 yrs ago when we purchased]] can get several places online or at tractor supply stores that has everything you need for chicks... water/feeder/warming light fixture and red bulb. And a couple packets of electrolytes to...
  11. M

    Feeding and Watering Struggles

    We use 3 gallon waterers sitting on 2 cinderblocks and never have had one turned over. We get over 100 some days in summer and 90s reularly. On hot days we give them clean cool water in the morning. Then around 11 to noon we put a 2 liter bottle that is frozen water and put it inside waterer to...
  12. M

    Feed my chickens incorrectly since 6 weeks old.

    The easiest is to use an all flock feed. It is enough protein for growers. It works for birth to old age. We add a crushed oyster shell in the pen. The hens will eat it as they need. The young ones ignore it and the roosters ignore it because they do not need it.. we use the purina all flock...
  13. M

    is my roo too mean?

    Howdy! Still wanting to get cams to watch my chix ... so was reading up on these you sent. I was trying to see if i could understand enough about ot to be able to use it. Our youngest..son.. is very smart on this stuff but his job takes him all over the world.. he told me he would get home...
  14. M

    is my roo too mean?

    Howdy! Read your response about cams. Have thought about those before ... what are the best ones to get? How far can you see beyond the pen? I am not very savvy with the electronics of today.. hahaha being older than dirt i just wasnt sure how easy it is to set up. Thank you. Have a...
  15. M

    How can i get hens to accept new rooster?

    Thank you so much!! I feel so much better about the situation with 2 of the most informed persons on here agreeing to do the same thing!
  16. M

    How can i get hens to accept new rooster?

    Thank you so much! We had the thought to leave it alone for awile longer but were unsure it was ok since the girls were not happy! With your suggestion i feel it will be fine to let it alone for some time!
  17. M

    Rooster has rejected hen. How to get him to accept her

    Maybe he wasnt fond of her ""bed head"" look since all the other girls look like they keep their locs neat? after being with her alone he realized you cant judge a book... uh a chick by her cover ... and loved her for her real self not the feather deep stuff!?!?
  18. M

    How can i get hens to accept new rooster?

    we purchased 14 day old pullets and 1 day old cockerel in feb 2022. This rooster grew up with our girls and all was fine. This march some of the hens went broody and raised chix. the first 8 born there was 5 boys!! When momma hen was ready to go back to the big pen her little chix followed her...
  19. M

    When will rooster (the dad) realize there are cockerels in the pen.

    Our hatchlings are 3 months old. At what age will they be when the rooster (dad) notice them as cockerels and will fight with them? They will need to be separated so as not to be hurt or worse.. not sure what age to be watching for? Thank you.. If i have posted in wrong forum i apologize...
  20. M

    Spur covers

    No. Just 1. He is almost 14 mos old. Weighs 13 lbs. And is 19 inches tall. This pic was taken 4 mos ago. But you can see he is a big boy!
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