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  1. Txpollock

    My hope is that I’m right!

    That was my thoughts….I was hoping against hope that the 2nd one was a pullet but I highly doubt it! 😫 I ordered blue and green fertile eggs and I although I’m not sure what the breeds are, any pullets should end up laying green or blue eggs. 🤞🏻
  2. Txpollock

    My hope is that I’m right!

    I hatched these chicks with an incubator. They are 5 weeks old on 10/6/23. I think (hope) I have a couple pullets. I’m pretty sure I have a couple cockerels. I have included 2 pics of each. Tried to get them as clear as I could…..silly chicks just wouldn’t pose for me!
  3. Txpollock

    Review by 'Txpollock' in article 'Chicken Math 101 – with Quiz!'

    This is GREAT!!! I told my husband that “I wanted 10 chickens….but if God wants me to have 20 chickens then 40 chickens it is!!” Now I have the math to prove it!
  4. Txpollock

    Comment by 'Txpollock' in article 'The Beginner's Guide to Incubation'

    I wish I would have read this before my chicks hatched. I thought I was helping by removing the chick to dry under a heat lamp keeping the temp in the brooder at 98 or 99. I only took one chick out and it’s fluffed but I’m not sure how to proceed with it. Should I leave it in the brooder or...
  5. Txpollock

    Review by 'Txpollock' in article 'How Much Room Do Chickens Need?'

    Eggcellent article! Very informative! You’ve given me affirmation on the size of my run. I started out free ranging my flock but lost every one of them to predators so now my new flock has a fully enclosed chicken run that is 2 part. The original run is 512 sq ft and the Extention is 191 sq...
  6. Txpollock

    2 more for breed ID

    I thought they looked like pullets but I’m really new at gender ID so I wanted to make sure. Seems I’m getting better😆!
  7. Txpollock

    2 more for breed ID

    That very well could be because he was bullied by a group of rooster before he was given to my grandson. He’s flourished since he’s the only rooster with 10 hens but was pretty beat up when he got him.
  8. Txpollock

    2 more for breed ID

    My grandson has these two new chicks. They’re about 8 weeks old. He’s like to know if they’re pullets or cockerels and what breed they might be. I says they’re both pullets….am I right? And could you give me an idea of what breeds they are? Also he was asking about the breed of the rooster...
  9. Txpollock

    Is this a cockerel? Friend purchased from tractor supply stated female. Hatch date 5/3.

    Thanks, that’s what I thought but wanted to double check
  10. Txpollock

    ~The Broody Thread~

    This was my broodie (Kicki) when her first clutch hatched. The first picture is at about a week. The second pictures is about 3 weeks
  11. Txpollock

    ~The Broody Thread~

    I have a broodie bantam Cochin. I finally bought her some fertile eggs…12 eggs, 6 hatched. We lost one (it found a hole and it escaped with one other chick….found one, didn’t find the other😢) The 5 remaining chicks were ALL ROOSTERS!!! I was pretty sad about that because I have had bad...
  12. Txpollock

    Ended The Ultimate Egg Dish Challenge

    Low carb bacon cheeseburger casserole
  13. Txpollock

    Comment by 'Txpollock' in article 'Using Sand In Your Chicken Coop'

    I use Stall Fresh (or Stall Dry)which is similar to Sweet PDZ except not as dusty. According to the packaging, it’s safe for chickens and I’ve had excellent results with keeping the smell and the flies to almost nothing in my coops. Flies are still in the run but they don’t go in the coop...
  14. Txpollock

    Ended Broodies & Their Babies Photo Contest

    Here is my ever broody Kicki with her hatchlings. She’s such a good mama! You can see 3 out of 6 of them. Can you see all 3?
  15. Txpollock

    Cockerels or pullets?

    Ok…I was just double (or triple) checking since someone told me there might be one. So just the darker red comb on an EE indicates a cockerel?
  16. Txpollock

    Cockerels or pullets?

    After I settled myself to the fact that all of these were cockerels, I had someone tell me that at least 1 looked like a pullet. I have 2 with very distinct cockerel signs but these 3 have me puzzled. Do y’all still think cockerel and Why? These 3 don’t really have waddles only combs so I’d...
  17. Txpollock

    Hoop Coop in TX, I think it might have been a bad idea

    Try to zip tie the tarp only part way down so they have shade but also a cross breeze. We use a tarp as a cover but not all the way to the ground. Also we only tarp 1/3 of the chicken run so they have shade if they need it
  18. Txpollock

    Cockerels or pullets?

    Ok….so I’m totally convinced now! All cockerels!! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️. Hatchery for me going forward! I wanted some colorful egg layers and I sure won’t be getting them this way! Lol
  19. Txpollock

    Cockerels or pullets?

    I’m almost totally convinced that y’all are right….can we take one more look at 7 weeks old?!? I’m hoping against hope! And if I truly do have all cockerels, I’ll probably go the hatchery route next time. I just wanted to experience fresh hatched chicks from my broody girl and really figured...
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