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  1. Firsttimehens1234

    Egg bound first time layer Black Copper Maran pls help

    You’re doing great already, I would give her calsium pills either crushed up into food or force feed her a half a pill a time to make sure she gets a boost of calcium(I usually give mine 400mg pills) It’s great that she’s alert, that’s a really My bcm also gets a more purple comb when she is...
  2. Firsttimehens1234

    Best way to give chicken medicine? Please help

    you can force feed her the medicine, I usually do it with pills or water when they are sick, if it is a liquid take it in a syringe and put it deep enough into her mouth so the liquid goes directly down her throat and then give her it. Do it fast as it’s not the most comfortable thing for the hen😊
  3. Firsttimehens1234

    Topic of the Week - Bumblefoot - Prevention and Treatment

    one of my hens had Bumblefoot on both feet, both quite bad and I soaked her feet in a bath every day for 3 months, and wrapped it in gauze and put some anibiotic cream on her feet. I eventually had to do surgery on both feet but it worked out great and she is thriving and her feet look just like...
  4. Firsttimehens1234

    Any ways I can help my hen lose weight?

    I had a big hen once that i helped loose weight because she kept having problems with being eggbound. I cut out all treats and only gave her chicken feed, I also gave her veggies and other food just not fatty foods. And when she molted she lost a lot of her weight and after that I made sure to...
  5. Firsttimehens1234

    My hen got this weird sore on her bum, what do I do to make it heal better?

    There are no mites or lice,in her it’s just a sore. But thank you for the tip I will definitely to that and hope that it heals up soon😊
  6. Firsttimehens1234

    My hen got this weird sore on her bum, what do I do to make it heal better?

    This is just over her vent, she can poop just fine,and it isn’t blocking anything. I don’t think she is pecking at it or any of the other hens are, as it is pretty hidden under all of her feathers.
  7. Firsttimehens1234

    My hen got this weird sore on her bum, what do I do to make it heal better?

    My hen is about 1 year, she is fairly new in the flock and has only been in it for a couple months, she has always been the rooster’s favorite to breed on. The rooster doesn’t do it as often anymore but she has got this ugly sore on her bum, it doesn’t seem to hurt her and I can touch it no...
  8. Firsttimehens1234

    How do I know when it’s time to put down my little boy?

    I agree, his beak was getting worse and worse every week no matter how much I filled it down it still grew sideways🙂
  9. Firsttimehens1234

    How do I know when it’s time to put down my little boy?

    yea, his life wasn’t worth living in the end and I knew he didn’t deserve to keep living with the state his beak was in,no matter how much I loved him, and his company on earth a better place was waiting on him holding the gates open for him😊
  10. Firsttimehens1234

    How do I know when it’s time to put down my little boy?

    Update: hello everyone on this thread, the sky gained a little star today. He had been struggling to eat for some time refusing to eat mush and only pellets so he got sick and wasn’t growing so I knew it was time. I made his last day count while he got to say goodbye to his siblings and he...
  11. Firsttimehens1234

    Scissor beak issues

    You could try and give her some mash made from her feed, in the long run bread and milk will not give her enough nutrients do grow or live a healthy life, I would also try and file down the beak once in a while, so it stays at a reasonable length. I have a scissor beak chicken my self that also...
  12. Firsttimehens1234

    Curled foot - Pls help!

    Can you post a picture of the foot? How old is the chicken? Does it still see other chickens or has it been totally isolated for the past week,if so it could become depressed and that could result in it getting more weak. Does it still eat and drink?
  13. Firsttimehens1234

    Should my chicken be standing like this

    How does her vent area feel? Can you feel and egg in her? If so she might be egg bound. That means that an egg is stuck wich basically stops her whole system, meaning that her crop won’t empty and that she won’t poop very much or eat very much😊 I would pick her up and feel her abdomen, then I...
  14. Firsttimehens1234

    How do I know when it’s time to put down my little boy?

    Thank you, genetics are crazy, his mom(the olive eggers) brother looks exactly like him so it’s kinda fun to be reminded that the roosters that got new homes still kinda are with me in some way. This is the Easter eggers brother, I think you can see that they look like each other in some way😊
  15. Firsttimehens1234

    How do I know when it’s time to put down my little boy?

    Yeah, it’s kinda a bad picture but once you see him he is kinda hard to unsee😊
  16. Firsttimehens1234

    How do I know when it’s time to put down my little boy?

    I’m sorry you had to go through that, tha must not have been very nice at all
  17. Firsttimehens1234

    How do I know when it’s time to put down my little boy?

    Yeah he is very cute I also love blue chickens, in my chick bacht this year out of one copper marans(the broody mom), one olive egger(I used 3 of her eggs) and one English araucana(the daddy rooster), I got 3 blue chickens so I was very lucky, if the little guy would also have some copper on his...
  18. Firsttimehens1234

    How do I know when it’s time to put down my little boy?

    Here is a picture of him, it’s not the best but you kinda get and idea on the size difference of him and his sisters. Excuse the very muddy run, it has been raining for the past 3 months here almost every day
  19. Firsttimehens1234

    How do I know when it’s time to put down my little boy?

    I do feel his crop every night just to make sure he is eating as he isn’t growing as much as his siblings😊
  20. Firsttimehens1234

    How do I know when it’s time to put down my little boy?

    Well kinda, he would much rather have pellets but he will eat them if there are no other food near, he is kinda strange and I have never met a chicken who would put normal food over eggs😊
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