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  1. Goatm0m

    Integration, bullying Roo

    Thanks, Sourland. That was kind of my thought. He’s such a sweet boy.
  2. Goatm0m

    Integration, bullying Roo

    Merry Christmas! I have 3 five month old pullets I would like to integrate into my flock of four hens and one Roo (all approx 16 months old). The pullets have been visible to the others for about 3 months in their own little coop and run. They also Appear to be about the same size as the older...
  3. Goatm0m

    Roo death match interrupted- can they get along?

    Ok. I really have enjoyed and benefited from the information on this site and from other members until this point. I did Not ask for moral advice in dealing with my neighbor and what we do or say between us is our business. I asked for practical advice on what to do with this rooster to avoid...
  4. Goatm0m

    Roo death match interrupted- can they get along?

    Yes, I will, we talk regularly. We have a good relationship and I did not mean to suggest I was just stealing his bird. He has about 40 birds that are just out everywhere. It is partially a culture difference
  5. Goatm0m

    Roo death match interrupted- can they get along?

    The run is covered in hardware wire so they shouldn’t be able to get through. I didn’t even consider that they do talk to each other and the boys all come and admire them. My husband will be thrilled! He has asked me several times if Boogie could be our rooster😬. I hope it works! Thank you...
  6. Goatm0m

    Roo death match interrupted- can they get along?

    The neighbor is a good one otherwise and is not the issue. He will not notice if I just keep him, it’s just I don’t have a good place to put him. Any suggestions on making a separate area in a small run?
  7. Goatm0m

    Roo death match interrupted- can they get along?

    Hi all! I have 5 pullets approximately 7 months and 6.5 months old who are kept in a pen while coop is still being built. My neighbor’s large flock free ranges over to my yard daily and some have become very familiar. One especially sweet roo approximately 8 or 9 months old we call Boogie. He...
  8. Goatm0m

    Update on coop. It’s really coming along! Also, our oldest baby just laid her first eggs...

    Update on coop. It’s really coming along! Also, our oldest baby just laid her first eggs! !
  9. Goatm0m

    How cold is too cold for my chickens?

    After reading Mrs. K’s post I decided to just put up a tarp on their roosting side to reduce the wet that comes in and cross my fingers! I’ll still worry, but appreciate everyone’s reassurances!
  10. Goatm0m

    L to R: Maeve, Selena, Lily, Ola and Chickira in front. [ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH]

    L to R: Maeve, Selena, Lily, Ola and Chickira in front.
  11. Goatm0m

    Chickens and temperature control cold or hot

    Thank you so much Mrs. K! That does make me feel better about our nighttime temps in the single digits coming up this week. I’m a new chicken mom and very worried about my girls since their coop is not finished yet. They have very small combs and I love them even more now! They have several...
  12. Goatm0m

    How cold is too cold for my chickens?

    I understand chickens getting used to the cold up north, but I worry about my young hens here in Tennessee where it’s 55F during the day and then is supposed to drop to 9F Friday early morning. They are in an open run with some hiding spots but prefer to roost in a tire set vertically with...
  13. Goatm0m

    Coop build advice/suggestions?

    3KillerBs - That is very helpful! How do you attach the tarp? And did it stay attached?
  14. Goatm0m

    Coop build advice/suggestions?

    So, SE TN is not exactly south Florida. I don’t feel comfortable having an open coop and the way it is situated leaving the run sides open would create a great wind tunnel. It can still get in the teens and wind chills are a thing, it just doesn’t last very long. Rain can also blow in any...
  15. Goatm0m

    Coop build advice/suggestions?

    Hey! We are moving right along on the coop build. (That’s the Royal “we”) Just looking for any suggestions or red flags you might see. I have 2 pullets (hatched 8/14/22) in the tiny Amazon coop in the run but they need to be able to move out soon so I placed the slightly raised pallet to give...
  16. Goatm0m

    How Often Do Roosters Crow?

    All the damn time at my house 🙄🙄
  17. Goatm0m

    Integrating chicks? Am I doing this right?

    I was about to post similar questions about my 13 and 8 week olds I’m trying to integrate. Great questions and answers! Thanks!
  18. Goatm0m

    L to R: Maeve, Lily and Ola [ATTACH]

    L to R: Maeve, Lily and Ola
  19. Goatm0m

    Yes Crichton is the most handsome baby goat!

    Yes Crichton is the most handsome baby goat!
  20. Goatm0m

    Pullets? Or cockerels?

    Thanks! I thought so, too. They followed me into the run so they are in a tiny Amazon coop in there now to hopefully add to my small contained flock. 😬
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