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  1. LeastinID

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Howdy! How y'all been?! April has been a mix of good and bad for us. Good in that there have been warmer days. Bad in that the warmer days have been interspersed with cold and snowy days. Good in that our little flock has resumed egg production and 6 of 7 of them are happy and healthy. Bad in...
  2. LeastinID

    Hen is very lethargic

    Sunny is a 2 year-old EE. She seemed fine when I opened the doors this morning. I observed that she was just standing in one place for much of the morning and she's just been very lethargic and slow moving. She joined the other chickens pecking away at treat-time. No visible injuries. What...
  3. LeastinID

    Shell-less Eggs Are Suddenly Appearing

    All the girls have the same food source, and we always have crunched up eggshell available. Recommendations are more than welcome! Without knowing who's dropping shell-less eggs, any supplement would have to be in either their water or feed.
  4. LeastinID

    Shell-less Eggs Are Suddenly Appearing

    We have & chickens, 4 20-month old EE, 2 8-month old White Leghorn and 1 8-month-old RI Red. The 3 youngsters have been consistent in their egg-laying. The older hens have endured their 1st molt and are now getting back into production. All seemed to be going well until . . . The weather turned...
  5. LeastinID

    One of my hens needs more Vitamin E

    So you've got to use "@TudyBOT" at the beginning of your question, eh? Thanks for the assist!
  6. LeastinID

    One of my hens needs more Vitamin E

    One of my hens needs more vitamin E in her diet. Will it be harmful to the other chickens if I just add it to the flock's waterer?
  7. LeastinID

    Chicken walks backwards

    We're experiencing the same thing! Trying the same solutions. It's 10 days since your last post . . . how's your hen doing?
  8. LeastinID

    Hen shakes her head & walks backward

    All the other hens have the same diet, and do not exhibit any behaviors like Sunny's.Well . . . she's got no wattle! Maybe E and B in their water?
  9. LeastinID

    Hen shakes her head & walks backward

    Sunny is 1-1/2 years old. My wife has observed Sunny suddenly shake her head and then take a few backward steps. We've seen our other hens shake their heads - but not walk backward. Should this concern us?
  10. LeastinID

    Bake the egg shells?

    Instead of oyster shell, we've been providing our hens with egg shells. My spouse read that you should bake the egg shells before feeding them to discourage egg eating. Whatchoo think, Chickeneers?
  11. LeastinID

    WE don't WANT to feed the whole neighborhood!

    Does anyone know how to discourage other birds from raiding our chicken feeders? We're seeing our chicken food supply rapidly dwindle. The local quail flocks stop by to dust bathe and have a snack - we don't mind them so much 'cause they don't raid the feeders, but the sparrows are everywhere...
  12. LeastinID

    Should we be worried?

    Sunny was a favorite target of our (former) rooster. He was a lot bigger than her and quite vigorous. She was wearing a saddle, but it didn't provide much protection for her wings. Should we do something about the exposed areas?
  13. LeastinID

    Egg color is fading

    When our pullets first began laying, their eggs were a sort of Blue/Green/Teal color. Over the last few weeks, it seems that many of their eggs are much lighter - almost white. They're almost a year-old. Is that a reason to be alarmed?
  14. LeastinID

    Do they get tired of it?

    We have a small flock - 5 hens and 1 Roo. Our Roo starts crowing waaaaaaay before sunrise. I'm wondering how - or IF - this affect the sleeping (or TRYING to sleep) hens.
  15. LeastinID

    Egg Song question(s)

    Sometimes we hear the Egg Song, only to find no eggs. Sometimes we DON'T hear the song and DO find eggs. Sometimes the song is from the coop. Sometimes some other hens join in. Sometimes the hens and our roo join in. Today, I was filling their feed and was able to hear one hen going off - and...
  16. LeastinID

    How long do I use nutri-drench

    We're wrapping up a Corid regimen. Because Corid is s'pozed to deplete B vitamins (?) we're advised to start giving our chickens Nutri-drench. How long are we s'pozed do use Nutri-drench?
  17. LeastinID

    Roo standing with eyes closed - is this normal?

    Not too long . It's just odd to us, because that's not something we'd seen before. Other than the eye thing, he's acting very normal.
  18. LeastinID

    Roo standing with eyes closed - is this normal?

    He sleeps in the coop, along with our 4 pullets He eats what the others eat. Unsure HOW to check for mites or lice - if HE has them, shouldn't the girls have 'em as well?
  19. LeastinID

    Roo standing with eyes closed - is this normal?

    We have 4 pullets and one Roo. They're 5 months old. Smoky has been acting normally, he's eating and drinking. We haven't noticed any abnormal poops. He has certainly been acting like the hormonal teenager that he is.
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